Muscles of Respiration Flashcards
How are muscles of respiration divided?
Both inhalation/exhalation are supported by MAJOR muscles and ACCESSORY muscles
Major and Accessory Muscles
Major muscles are the primary muscles involved in inhalation/exhalation. Primary muscles will always have the major responsibility for an action
Accessory Muscles serve to aid/support the major muscles during inhalation/exhalation
Muscles will be discussed in terms of (4 things)
- ORIGIN: The proximal end or the end of the muscle that does not move. Provides stability
- COURSE: The direction the muscle travels toward its place of insertion
- INSERTION: The distal end of the muscle or the end of the muscle that moves/gives movement to a structure
- FUNCTION: Tells what the muscle does when it is active. A muscle is only active when it contracts.
What is the primary purpose of both major and accessory muscles during inhalation?
To EXPAND the rib cage or thoracic cavity, and therefore, the lungs
What are the Major and Accessory Muscles used during Inhalation?
- Diaphragm
- External Intercostals
- Costal Elevators
- Serratus Posterior Superior
- Pectoralis Major
- Pectoralis Minor
- Subclavius
- Serratus Anterior
- Sternocleidomastoid
- Scalenes
Diaphragm -major muscle used in inhalation
- Primary inspiratory muscle of inhalation
Shaped like a parachute
- Only active during inhalation. Contacts during inhalation. Diaphragm moves down.
- Does NOT contract during exhalation. Diaphragm relaxes and moves up
External Intercostals - Major muscle used in inhalation
Course between the ribs
Pull up and out during inhalation to allow for expansion of the ribs
Relax during exhalation
Accessory Muscle Groups(inhalation): Posterior Thoracic Muscles of Inspiration
Costal Elevators (Levatores Costarum)
Serratus Posterior Superior
Accessory Muscle Groups (inhalation): Muscles of the Upper arm and shoulder
Pectoral Major/Minor
Serratus Anterior
Accessory Muscle Groups (inhalation): Muscles of the neck
Exhalation - Major + Accessory
*When muscles of exhalation contract, air will flow out of the lungs
1. Rectus Abdominus
2. External Obliques
3. Internal Obliques
4. Transverse Abdominus
- Subcostals
- Internal Intercostals
- Transverse Thoracic
- Serratus Posterior Inferior
- Quadratus Lumborum
Muscles of Exhalation: Abdominal Muscles
Rectus Abdominus
External/Internal Obliques
Transverse Abdominus
Muscles of Exhalation: Posterior Thoracic Muscles
Serratus Posterior Inferior
Muscles of Exhalation: Anterolateral Thoracic Muscles
Internal Intercostals
Muscles of Exhalation: Anterior Thoracic Muscle
Transverse Thoracic
Major Muscles of Exhalation Facts
All are attached to the abdominal aponeurosis (connective tissue that supports muscles to bone connection)
All are responsible for trunk stability + movement, as well as controlled exhalation
they will flex the vertebral column and support and enclose the abdominal contents
During RESPIRATION, the MAJOR muscles of exhalation will…
- Compress the abdominal contents and draw the ribs down
- Decrease the size of the thoracic cavity and increase intrathoracic pressure, forcing air out oof the lungs
Ex 1 Oblique muscles are better at DEPRESSING the ribs
Ex 2 Transverse abdominus and rectus abdominus are better at COMPRESSING the abdomen