Muscle Origin Insertion and Action Flashcards
Frontal Belly (Of Epicranius)
- O) Epicranial Aponeurosis (Tedon on top of head)
- I) Skin of Eyebrow/ Bridge of the nose
- A) Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forhead
Occipital Belly (of Epicranius)
- O) Occipital and Temproal Bones
- I) Epicranial Aponeurosis (tendon on head)
- A) Pull scalp posteriorly
Corrugator Supercilli (Face)
- O) Frontal Bone (above nasal bones)
- I) Skin of eyebrow
- A) Draws eyebrows together.
Obicularis Oculi (Face)
- O) Frontal and Maxillary bones and ligaments around orbit.
- I) Tissue of Eyelid
- Action) Closes Eyelids (holds them
Zygimaticus Major and Minor
- O) Zygomatic Bone
- I) Corner of the Mouth
- A) Raises lateral corners of mouth (Smiling)
Risorius (A) (Face)
A) Draws corner of lip laterally, Tenses lips (Grimicing)
Levator labii superioris (A) (Face)
- A) Opens Lips/ Raises Upper Lip
Depressor Labii Inferioris (A) (Face)
- A) Depresses lower Lip
Orbicularis Oris (A)
- A) Closes lips, (whistling and kissing)
Metalis (A)
- A) Wrinkels Chin/ Protrudes lower Lip
- O) Molar Region of Maxilla and Mandible
- I) Orbicularis Oris
- A) Compresses Cheek (whistling, Sucking)
- holds foods between teeth
- draws corner of mouth laterally.
- O) Fascia of Chest (Over pectoral muscle and deltiod)(external muscle)
- I) Mandbile and corner of the mouth
- A) Tenses skin of neck/ Depresses mandible and lip
- O) Zygomatic Bone
- I) Ramus of the Mandible
- Z) Elevates Mandible (Closes Jaw)
- Primary Mover
- O) Temporal Bone
- I) Coronid Process of the mandible
- A) Elevates and Retracts Mandible
- O) Ptergoid Process of Sephnoid Bone
- I) Mandible)
- A) Side-to-side Chewing
Genioglossus (A)
- Protracts tounge
Hypoglossus (A)
- depresses tounge
- retracts and elevates tounge
Stylohyohoid (A)
- elevate and retracts hyoid
- Elongates floor of mouth during swallowing.
Mylohyoid (A)
- Elevates hyoid bone and floor of mouth
- Enabels tounge to exert upward/backward pressure that forces food into the pharynx
Geniohyoid (A)
- Pulls hyoid bone superiorly and anteriorly
- Shortens floor of mouth and widens pharynx to receive food.
Depressor labii inferioris (A)
- Depresses lower lip inferiorly
- Origin) Manibrum of Sternum and Medial Clavicle
- Insertion) Mastoid process
- Action) Flexes and Laterally rotates head
- Origin) Transverse Process (cervical vertebrae)
- Insertion) Ribs 1-2
- Action) Elevates first two ribs
- O) Ligamentum Nuchae and Spinous process’ C7-T6
- I) Mastoid Process (temporal bone) and occipital bone; transverse process of C2-C4
Erector Spineae Group (A)
- Prime Mover of Back Extension
- Extens and laterally flex verterbacial collum
Quadratus Lumborum
- O) Illiac Crest
- I) Tranvrese process of lumbar vertebrae.
- A) Laterally flex vertebrecal collum
External Intercostals
- O) Inferior Border of superior rib
- I) Superior border of inferior rib
- A) Elevates rib cage (Ihilation)
Internal intrercostals
- O) Superior Border of Inferior Rib
- I) Inferior border of Superior Rib
- A) Depresses Rib Cage (for Expiration)
- O) Inferior, Internal Surface of rib cage (last 6 ribs)
- I) Central Tendon (of Diaphragm)
- A) Prime mover of respriation
- Contract to inhale
- Relax to exhale
Rectus Abdominus
- O) Pubic Crest/ Synapysis
- I) Xyphliod process and cartlidge of ribs 5-7
- A) Flex Spine. Increase abdominal pressure
External Oblique
- O) Ribs 5-12
- I) Linea alba (midline) and illiac crest
- A) Rotates Trunk, Lateral Flexion
- Both together will synergize with rectus abdominus (flex spine and increase abdominal pressure)
Internal Oblique
- O) Lumbar Fascia (back), Illiac Crest (posterior)
- I) Libea alba (midline) and pubic creast, ribs 9-12, and costal margin
- Rotates Trunk, Lateral Flextion
- Both together will synergize with rectus abdominus (flex spine and increase abdominal pressure)
Transverse Abdominis
- O) Lumbar Fascia, Illiac Crest, Costal cartlidges 6-12
- I) Line abla and pubic crest
- A) Compresses abdomen
Pectoralis Minor
- O) Ribs 3-5
- I) Coracoid process of scapula
- A) Draws scapula forward and downward. Elevated ribs
Serratus Anterior
- O) Ribs 1-8
- I) Vertical boarder of scapula
- A) Rotates Scapula so it moves more ventrally.
- Boxers muscle) pushes arm forward.
Levator Scapulea
- O) Transverse Processes of C1-C4
- I) Medial border of Scapula
- A) Elevates Scapula.