Ch 15 pt 3) Special Senses Flashcards
Two Major Divisons of Internal Ear
- Known as labyrinths because of complicated shape
- Bony Labyrinth) System of channels and cavities that worm through the bone
- made of Vestibule, Semicircular canals, and cochlea
- Filled with Perilymph fluid.
- Membranous Labrynth) series of membranous sacs and ducts in the bony labryinth
- filled with potassium-rich endlymph
- Central Cavity of the bony labyrith
- Contains two membranous sacs
- Saccule) Continuous with cochlear duct
- Utricle) Continuous with semicircular canals
- Sacs contain equilibrium receptor regions (maculae) that respond to gravity/change in head position.
Semicircular Canals
- Three Canals oriented in three planes of space
- Anterior, Posterior and Lateral
- Anterior and Posterior are at right angles to eachther, lateral canal is horizontal
- Membranous semicular ducts line each canal and communicate with the utricle
- Ampulla) enlarged area of each duct that houses an equilibrium receptor called the crista ampullaris (Crest of ampulla)
- Crista ampullaris responds to angular movments of the head.
- Two ampulla per semicircular canal
The Cochlea
- Small, spiral, conical bony chamber
- extends from vestibule
- coils about 2.5 times around bony pilar
- Cochlear duct) houses spiral organ and ends at cochlear apex
- Three chambers of the Cochlea
- Scala Vestibuli) located on oval window, contains perilymph
- Scala Media (cochlear duct) contains endolymph
- Scala Tympani) terminates at round window; contains perilymph
- Continous with vestibuli at helicotrema
- Vestibular membrane) “roof” of the coclear duct that seperated scala media from scala vestubuli.
- Stria Vascularis) External wall of cochlear duct composed of musocsa that secreted endolumph
- “floor” of coclear duct
- Bony spiral Lamina) Bony shell
- Basilar membrane) supports spiral organ
- Spiral Organ) contains coclear hairs
- one row of inner hairs
- three rows of outer hair cells
- Hair cells are located between tectorial and basilar membranes
- Cochlear branch of vestibulocochlear nerve (VII) runs from spiral organ to brain
Sound Detection (Properties of Sound)
- Hearing is the reception of a sound wave that stimulates mechanosensative coclear hairs
- send impules to the brain for interpretation
- Sound) a pressure disturbance produced by a vibrating objects. moves molecules of air in waves. Sound declines with time and distance.
- Frequence) mumber of waves in a given time
- Wavelength) distance between two wavecreasts (shorter wavelength= higher frequency)
- Pitch) perception of frequenies (higher frequency=higher pitch)
- Quality) Characteristics of counds (provided richness and complexity of sounds)
- Humans can hear ar frequencys of 20-20,000 Hertz (waves per second) but hear best at 1500-4000 Hz
- Amplitude) Height of creasts
- Precived as loundness (more amplitide= Louder)
- Measured in decibals
- We can hear up to 120dB before hearing damage occurs
Transmission of Sound waves to internal ear
- Tympanic Membrane) soundwaves enter external acoutic meatus and vibrate tympanic membrane
- more intense sound = more vibrations
- Asditory Ossicles) Transfer vibration of eardrum to oval window
- the vibration is amplified about 20x during this process
- Scala Vestibuli) stapes rocks back and forth on oval window causing mition in the perilymoh. Waves end at round window which cause it to buldge outward
- Two paths after
- Helicotema path) waves with frequencies below the thershold of hearing travel through helicotrema and scala tympani to round window. Do not activate the spiral organ
- Basilar Membrane Path) sounds are in hearing frequency and pass through the cochlear duct and vibrate the basilar membrane at a specific location according to frequency.
Resonance of the Basilar Membrane
- Resonance) movment of diffrent areas of the basilar membrane in response to a particular frequency.
- Basilar membrane changes
- Fibers near oval window are short and stiff; resonate with higher frequncies
- Fibers near cochleat apex are longer and floppier; resonate with lower-frequency waves.
Excitation of Inner Hair Cells
- Movment of the basilar membrane stimulates hairs of inner hair cels
- Cochlear hair cells have mircovilli that contain sterocilia (hairs) that only bend at the base
- Longest hair cells are connected to shortest hair cells via tip-links
- when a tip link is pulled on it opens every ion channel it is attached too.
- When Sterocilla bend toward the TALLEST one
- K+ and Ca2+ flow into the cell causing the release of nuerotranmiter
- This creates an AP which sends signal from sound down cochlear nerve
- When Sterocilla bend toward the SHORTEST one
- Ion channels close leading to repolarization of hair cells.
Role of Outer Hair Cells
- Nerve endings of outer hair cells are effrent nurons which convay info from the brain to ear
- Outer hair cells can contract and stretch which changes the stiffness of the outer basilar membrane.
- Increases bility to “fine tune” hearing by amplifying motion of basilar membrane
- Protects inner hair cells by decreasing motion of the basilar membrane.
Auiditory Pathway and Processing
- Nueral impulses from cochlear bipolar cells travel on vestibulocochlear nerve to auditory cortex
- Some fibers cross over and some do not; both auditory cortexes recive info from both ears.
- Auditory Processing
- Perception of pitch) impuleses from diffrent positions along basilar membrane are interoreted as specific pitches
- Loudness) frequency of waves/AP’s is interpreted as loundess
- Localization of Sound) Depends on intensity of sound from both ears
- if timing is increased on one side brain interoreted sound as if coming from that side.
Mantenance of Equalibrium
- Equilibrium is response to various movments of our head that rely on input from inner ear, eyes, and streatch receptors.
- Vestibular Apparatus) Equilibrium receptors in semicircular canals and vestibule.
- Vestibular Receptors moniter Static equilibrum
- Semicular Canal receptors moniter dynamic equalibrium
the Macula
- Maculae) Sensory recptor organs that moniter static eqilibrim
- one located in each saccule wall and one in each utrile wall
- Moniter position of head in space
- Help in control of posture
- Respond to linear acceleration but not rotational forces.
- Anatomy of a Maculae)
- Flat epithelium patch containin hair and supporting cells.
- hair cells have special “true steroculium” called kinocilium.
- Sterocillia are embedded in otolith membrane, a jelly like structure studded with otoliths.
- Increase membranes weight/ inertia.
- Utricle Meculea are horizontal with vertical hairs
- respond to forward/ backward movent of the head
- Saccule Maculea are vertical with horizontal haird
- respond to up/down movments (Ex elevator)
- Hair fibers synapse with vestubular nerve.
- Flat epithelium patch containin hair and supporting cells.
Activation of Receptors of a Macula
- Macula hair cells continuosly release nuerotranmsitter.
- acceleration/deceleration causes change in the ammount of nuerotansnmiter released.
- Leads in a change of frequency of AP’s sent to brain.
- The density of the otolith membrane causes it to lag behind the movment if hair cells when the head changes position
- This causes the hairs to bend and ion chanels open
- Bending of hairs IN direction of Kinocilia
- depolarizes hair cells
- More nuerotranmitters relased = more AP’s to brain.
- Bending of hairs AWAY from kinocilia
- Hyperpolarizes recptors
- Less nuerotranmiter released = less AP’s to brain
- Changing of AP’s to brain informs the body of changing head position.
The Cristae Ampullares
- Crista Ampullaris (crista) are the reptors for rotational acceleration.
- Anatomy of a Crista
- Hair and supporting cells extend into gel like mass called Ampullary Cupula
- Dendrites of vestibular nerve fibers encircle base of hair cells.
Activating Receptors of Crista Ampullaris
- Respond to roational movments
- Endolymph of semicurcular ducts move oppisite to the body rotation casuing hair to bend.
- Bending haird in cistae causes depolariztion
- Send more impules to the brain
- hairs bent in the opposite direction hyperpolarize
- send fewer impiles to the brain,
- Because axeses of hair cells in semicircular ducts are opposite; depolarization in one means hyperpolarization is occuring in the other.
Vestibular Nystagmus
- Semicircular canal impules are linked to reflex movment of the eyes
- Nystagmus) strange eye movments during and after roatation
- often accompanied by vertigo.
- As you rotate, eyed slowly drift in other direction in an attempt to fixate on an object. When object cannot be located eyes rapidly jump to a new fixation point.
- When roation ends eyes jerk to normal position.
Equilibrium Pathway in the Brain
- Equlibrium info goes to reflex centers in brain stem
- allows fast reflexive movements so we don’t fall down
- Three imputs for equilibribium sensation
- Vestibular receptors (in ear)
- Visual receptors (in eye)
- Somatic Receptors (in limbs)
- Integration centers for equilibrium
- Cerebellum and Vestibular Nuclei
- Effectors
- Oculomotor control (nerves III, IV, VI)
- Spinal motor control) nerve XI and vestibulospinal tracts.
Motion Sickness
- Sensory Imputs are mismatched
- Visual imput differs from equilibrum impit
- Conduction Deafness) Blocked sound concution to fluids of inner ears
- can inclued impacted earwax, ruptured eardru, or middle ear infmmation
- Sensorineural deffness) damage to nueral structres from the cochlear hair cells to the auidory lobe.
- Choclear implants can convert sound energy into eletrical signals that are effective to replace damage.
- Inserted into temporal bone
• Ringing, buzzing, or clicking sound in ears in absence
of auditory stimuli
• Due to cochlear nerve degeneration, inflammation of
middle or internal ears, side effects of aspirin
Meiniere’s Syndrome
- Labyrinth disorder that affects cochlea and semicircular canals
- Causes vertigo, nausea, and vomiting
- Treatment: anti–motion sickness drugs in mild cases
- A last resort is removal of the entire malfunctioning labyrinth
Develepomental Aspects of Special Senses
- Taste and Smell) functional at birth, deteriorates as we get older
- Vision) not fully functioning at birth
- Color vision develops at age 3, eye is full grown at 8-9
- at age 40 eye begins to deteriorate
- Hearing and Balance) Ear develops in week 3 embryo
- By month 4 infants can turn heads to voices
- Few ear problems until 60s when detoriation of spiral organs becomes noticable.