Muscle insertions Flashcards
Angle of mouth
Inferior border of thyroid cartilage and its inferior horn
Depressor anguli oris
Angle of mouth into orbicularis and skin
Depressor labii inferioris
Skin to lower lip, mingling with orbicularis oris, medial fibers joining those of opposite side
Depressor septi nasi
Septum and posterior part of ala aof nose
Intermediate tendon attached to body of hyoid
Dilator pupillae
Blends with sphincter pupillae fibers
Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis
Skin of frontal region, epicranial aponeurosis
Inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue
Tip of tongue blending with styloglossus
Inferior rectus
Inferior aspect of eyeball, posterior to corneoscleral junction
Lateral pterygoid
Pterygoid fovea, capsule of temporomandibular joint, articular disc
Lateral rectus
Lateral aspect of eyeball, posterior to croneoscleral junciton
Levator anguli oris
Angle of mouth; fibers intermingle with orbicularis oris, depressor anguli oris, zygomaticus
Lateral labii superioris alaeque nasi Angular head
Into greater alar cartilage, skin of nose, lateral upper lip
Lateral labii superioris alaeque nasi Infra-orbital head
into muscular substance of upper lip between angular head and caninus
Lateral labii superioris alaeque nasi zygomatic head
into skin of nasolabial groove and upper lip
Levator labii superioris
Skin of ppuer lip
Levator palpebrae superioris
Superior tarsal plate
Longus capitis
Inferior surface of basilar part of occipital bone
Longus colli Vertical portion
into C2-C4 vertebrae
Longus colli inferior oblique portion
on anterior tubercles of transverse processes of C5-C6 vertebrae
Longus colli superior oblique portion
Tubercle of anterior arch of atlas
Ramus of mandible, coronoid process
Medial pterygoid
Medial surface of ramus and angle of mandible inferior to mandibular foramen
Medial rectus
Medial aspect of eyeball posterior to corneoscleral junction
Skin of chin
Middle pharyngeal constrictor
Median raphe of pharynx
Median raphe and body of hyoid bone
Aponeurosis on nasal cartilages
Occipital belly (occipitalis) of epicranius
Skin of occipital region, epicranial aponeurosis
Omohyoid inferior belly
to intermediate tendon
Omohyoid superior belly
to body of hyoid bone
Orbicularis oculi
Skin around orbit, palpebral ligament, upper and lower eyelids
Orbicularis oris
Skin around lips
Mandible, oral muscles
Skin between and above eyebrow
Rectus captitis anterior
Base of occipital bone in front of foramen magnum
Rectus capitis lateralis
Inferior surface of jugular process of occipital bone
Skin at angle of mouth
Scalene anterior
Scalene tubercle on 1st rib
Scalene medius
upper surface on 1st rib (behind subclavian groove)
Scalene posterior
Outer surface of 2nd rib (behind attachment of serratus anterior)
Lateral surface of mastoid process; lateral half of superior nuchal line of occipital bone
Medial part of lower border of body of hyoid bone
Oblique line on lamina of thyroid cartilage
Inferior surface of muddle third of clavicle
Superior oblique
Passes through trochlea, attaches to superior sclera between superior and lateral recti
Superior rectus
Superior aspect of eyeball, posterior to the coneoscleral junction
Coronoid process and ramus of mandible
Transverse (tongue)
dorsum and sides of tongue
Zygomaticus major
Angle of mouth
Zygomaticus minor
Angle of mouth
Erector spinae Iliocostalis
Angles of lower ribs, cervical transverse processes
Erector spinae logissimus
between tubercles and angles of ribs, transverse processes of thoracic and cervical vertebrae, mastoid process
Erector spinae spinalis
spinous processes of upper thoracic and midcervical vertebrae
Interspinales (cervical, thoracic, lumbar)
Adjacent spinous process
Extend between adjacent transverse processes os vertebrae
Latissiumus dorsi
Humerus (intertubercular sulcus)
Levator Scapulae
Medial border of scapula from superior angle to spine
Spinous processes of vertebrae above, spanning two to four segments
Obliquus capitis inferior
Transverse process of atlas
Obluquus capitis superior
Occipital bone
Rectus capitis posterior major
Inferior nuchal line
Rectus capitis posterior minor
Median inferior nuchal line
Rhomboid major
Medial border of scapula below base of spine of scapula
Rhomboid minor
Medial border of scapula at spine of scapula
Lamina and transverse process of spine above, spanning one or two segments
Transverse processes of C4-T12
Serratus posterior inferior
Inferior aspect of ribs 9-12
Serratus posterior superior
Superior aspect of ribs 2-4
Splenius capitis
Meastoid process of temporal bone, lateral thrid of superior muchal line
Splenius cervices
Tansverse processes (C1-C3)
Lateral third of clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula
converge into central tendon
External intercostal
Upper border of rib below rib of origin
Innermost intercostal
Upper border of rib below rib of origin