Interventions Flashcards
seeking additional help, shifting workload
Outsourcing strategies
Aids and equipment to ease stress, pauses and changes in posture, warm up period
Preventative strategies
In response to injury or perceived risk of injury
reactive strategies
Infections acquired during admission in a HC setting, where there is no evidence that the infections were present or incubating at time of admission
Healthcare-Associated infections
1 mode of infection transmission
hand hygiene
categories of precaution
Used for patients with respiratory infection such as TB, chicken pox, measles, and SARS
Used for infections influenza, mumps, meningococcal disease or whooping cough that generate large particles when the patient coughs, sneezes, speaks or is suctioned
Used for antibiotic resistance bacteria such as VRE and MRSA, infectious diarrhea, RSV, lice and other conditions
ROM limitation that we can’t fix, only accommodate it to increase functional movements
ROM limitation that may respond to stretching positioning/splinting BUT those gains are only sustained through functional use
position of comfort is the position of …
Tool used by nursing for skin risk assessment; 6 areas-sensory perception, moisture, activity, mobility, nutrition, friction and shear
Braden risk assessment scale
AKA positioning
Hip ext, and add
BKA positioning
Hip ext, and knee ext
a device that is intended for medical purposes and limits the patients movements to the extent necessary for treatment; includes anything that the patient can’t move on their own
Requires a physicians order, renewed at least every 24 hrs
DBP contraindications for ICU intervention
resting DBP >110 mmHg
> 145 mEq/L sodium
> 5 mEq/L potassium
S&S of DVT
Edema, warmth, pain
S&S or PE
SOB, increase anxiety, chest pain, tachycardia, cough, tachycardic and syanotic
total parenteral nutrition
Transfer training progression
upright tolerance, sitting stab, standing stab, gait training, selection of transfer tech, transfer goals, transfer prep, documentation of performance
patient doe not require any physical assistance or superviasion to perform activity safely and with in reasonable time