Mumps Flashcards
What are symptoms on mumps?
sore throat
headache (meningitis)
swelling of one/ both parotid glands - hamster face
Abdominal pain - pancreatitis
What is incubation period of mumps?
14 - 25 days
What is infectious period of mumps?
Infectivity period is unclear, but hsi is acceptable
3 days before parotitis symptom onset to
5 days after
What are complications of mumps?
Epididymo-orchitis - can cause infertility
Hearing loss
Encephalitis - rare
Pregnancy - risk of miscarriage?
Non-immune people exposed to mumps
What PEP is given?
No PEP given
MMR vaccine does not prevent or alter the clinical severity of infection, as the antibody response is too slow
If not infected, then give MMR vaccine, as it will cause no harm
Patient with mumps admitted to hospital
What are your management steps?
Send oral fluid swab for mumps RNA PCR/ IgM
Isolate - side room with droplet/ contact precautions
Inform IP&C - keep contact list
Inform Occupational health - may have staff who are non-immune
Inform PHE - notifiable disease
Oral fluid swab for Mumps testing
How long will it remain positive
Positive from day of onset, up to 7 days
Can remain weak positive up to 5 weeks
When would you do mumps serology?
If they present after the first week, may consider IgM/ IgG
As after 7 days, negative oral fluid swab may not be enough to fully exclude infection
Don’t do serology early, as may not yet have detectable antibodies
Non-immune person requires vaccine
What is vaccine schedule?
Day 0 and 1 month if adult - adults usually wait 4 weeks in between live vaccines
Day 0 and 3 months if <10 years old
What is the efficacy of MMR vaccine against mumps?
1x dose = 80% protective
2x dose = 90% protective
What is in differential diagnosis of parotitis?
Adenovirus - common mimic
Respiratory virus - Influenza/ covid/ RSV
AI - Sjogrens syndrome
Salivary stone
Child with mumps admitted to side room
How long must they remain there?
5 days from onset of symptoms
Infectious period from 3 days before to 5 days after
contact and droplet precautions
What strain of virus is used in MMR vaccine?
What is the old strain, and why is it not used anymore?
Jeryll-Lynn strain
Urabe strain used in 50s-70s - in rare cases causes asepctic meningitis
What family does mumps belong to?
Staff member exposed to child with confirmed mumps
What action would you take?
Confirmed case
What was the exposure/ were they wearing PPE?
- 2x MMR vaccines documented
- IgG documented to Measles/Rubella, which would imply previous MMR vaccine
Do not expose to mumps case unless immunity status known
What is the R0 of mumps?
R0 is 10-12