MSK/Rheum/Ortho Flashcards
Which joints in the hand are most likely to be affected in osteoarthritis?
Proximal and Distal interphalangeals
DIPs and PIPs
Which joints in the hand are most likely to be affected in rheumatoid arthritis?
Metocarpal phalangeal joints and Proximal interphalangeals
MCPs and PIPs and wrist
Where are heberden and bouchard’s nodes
Heberden = PIP Bouchard = DIP
Describe the daily pattern of stiffness/pain in osteoarthritis?
less than an hour of pain in the morning, made worse on exercise
What are the radiological/X ray features in osteoarthritis?
Loss of joint space
Subchondral sclerosis
Subchondral Cysts
Pattern of stiffness/pain in rheumatoid arthritis?
> 1 hour early morning stiffness, relieved on movement, symmetrical
Name the 3 deformities seen in rheumatoid arthritis?
Z-thumb/boutonniere deformity
Ulnar deviation
Swan neck deformity
Which antibody is most specific to rheumatoid arthritis?
Anti CCP
How is disease monitored in rheumatoid arthritis?
CRP and DAS28 score
What monitoring is required with methotrexate?
FBC & LFTs Risk of myelosuppression and liver cirrhosis
1st line prevention of osteoporotic fractures in post menopausal women?
Alendronate (bisphosphonates)
Blood results in osteoporosis?
All normal
Blood results in primary hyperparathyroidism?
Increased calcium, ALP and PTH
Decreased phosphate
Blood results in CKD?
Low calcium
High phosphate, ALP and PTH
What crystals are responsible for pseudogout?
Calcium pyrophosphate
Antibodies present in SLE?
Anti phospholipid
Anti nuclear antibodies
Anti double stranded DNA
Inflammatory marker findings in SLE?
Raised ESR, normal CRP
How to prevent SLE flares?
Avoid sunlight
How to test for Sjrogen’s?
Schrimer’s test (tear production <5mm)
What is CREST syndrome?
Complete manifestation of systemic sclerosis
Calcinosis Raynaud's Esophageal dysfunction Sclerodactyly Telangiectasia
Diagnostic antibodies in Systemic sclerosis?
Anti topoisomerase antibodies (ATA)
WHat is polymyositis?
Inflammation of skeletal muscle
What muscles are affected in polymyositis?
Shoulder and neck
Diagnosis of polymyositis?
CPK - Creatinine phosphokinase positive
What diseases are associated with HLA B27
Ankylosing spondylitis
Psoriatic arthritis
Reactive arthritis
Clinical features of ankylosing spondylitis? (SPINE ACHE)
Saussage digit Psoriasis Inflammatory back pain NSAID response Enthesitis (heel) Arthritis Crohns/Colitis association/raised CRP HLA B27 Eye (uveitis)
What are the first joints affected in ankylosing spondylitis?
Sacroiliac joints
What is the triad of reactive arthritis?
Arthritis + conjunctivitis + urethritis
Most common causes of reactive arthritis?
Salmonella, shigella and chlamydia
What would you see on X ray of the finger in psoriatic arthritis?
Pencil in cup deformity
How do bisphosphonates work?
Inhibit osteoclasts
Side effects of bisphosphonates
Osteonecrosis of the jaw
atypical stress fractures
What do pseudogout crystals look like?
weakly positive birefringent rhomboid shaped
Blood results in osteomalacia?
low calcium, low phosphate
Name 2 drugs contraindicated in prescribing methotrexate?
Co trimoxazole
High dose aspirin
Describe gout crystals?
Negative birefringence, needle shaped
Which antibody is present in nearly 100% of those with Sjrogen’s?
Rhematoid factor
Paget’s disease treatment?
What may predispose pseudogout?
First line treatment of raynaud’s?
CCB e.g. nifedipine
What virus is associated with polyarteritis nodosa?
Hepatitis B
Causes of drug induced lupus?
Isoniazid, procainamide, hydralazine
What drug interacts with azathioprine?
What drug is used as gout prophylaxis?
Acute gout treatment?
How does colchicine work?
Inhibits mitosis, limits neutrophil mobility
Guve examples of type 1 hypersensitivity
Atopy and anaphylaxis
give an example of type 2 hypersensitivity?
Goodpasture’s syndrome
Give an example of type 3 hypersensitivity
Type 4 hypersensitivity example
Triad of symptoms in Bechet’s syndrome?
oral ulcers, genital ulcers and anterior uveitis
What infection is associated with polyarteritis nodose?
Hepatitis B
What antibody is associated with Wegener’s granulomatosis?
What antibody is associated with Churg-Strauss syndrome
Where is the pain felt in polymyalgia rheumatica?
Neck, shoulders and hips i.e. [roximal muslces
What activities would a patient with polymyalgia rheumatica struggle with?
Combing hair, climbing stairs, getting out of chairs
What medication is associated with an increased risk of gout?
Thiazides and chemotherapy
What are gout crystals composed of?
Monosodium urate
What are pseudogout crystals made of?
Calcium pyrophosphate
treatment of psuedogout?
Intraarticular corticosteroids
Blood results in paget’s disease of bone?
Isolated raised alkaline phosphatase (ALP) reflecting osteoblast activity
Treatment of paget’s disease?
X ray features of osteomyelitis
Mixed lucency
New bone formation
Cortical erosion
Most common causative organism of septic arthritis in native joints?
Proximal muscle weakness + skin lesions =?
Blood test results seen in antiphospholipid syndrome?
raised APTT and thrombocytopenia
Side effect of colchicine
Antibodies positive in SLE?
anti DNA RF and ANA
First line treatment of ankylosing spondylitis?
NSAIDs and exercise
Anti JO1 antibodies are more specific to…
Anti Ro/Anti La are specific to…
How to distinguish gout and psuedogout on x ray?
Chondrocalcinosis is present in pseudogout (calcium deposits in the joint space)
What score confirms a diagnosis of osteoporosis?
t-score -2.5
1st line bisphosphonate drug used in osteoporosis?
1st line treatment of acute reactive arthritis?
Treatment of Raynaud’s?
CCB - Nifedipine
Where does the sclerosis stop in limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis?
at the elbows.
Sclerosis affects face and distal limbs
What antibody is present in drug induced lupus?
Anti histone
Name a drug that interacts with azathioprine?
What should be tested before azathioprine is commenced?
TPMT - thiopurine methyltransferase
What score is used to assess hypermobility?
Beighton score
Antibody in antiphospholipid syndrome?
Anti-Cardiolipin antibody
low calcium, low phosphate, raised ALP?
What underlying thing would you be worried about in a patient with dermatomyositis?
Which muscle is responsible for the first 20 degrees of shoulder abduction?
4 features of antiphospholipid syndrome?
CLOT: Coagulation defect (raised APTT) Livido reticularis Obstetric complications Thrombocytopenia
Which antibody is associated with diffuse systemic sclerosis?
Cardiac complication of EDS?
Aortic regurgitation
What would cause pain in lateral epicondylitis?
extending wrist against resistance with the elbow extended