Dermatology Flashcards
What is the most aggressive form of malignant melanoma?
Nodular melanoma
Most common type of melanoma?
superficial spreading
Who is most likely to get eczema herpeticum?
Children with a history of eczema
What causes eczema herpeticum?
HSV 1 or 2
Treatment for eczema herpeticum?
IV acyclovir
A young child with a history of atopic eczema develops a sudden eruption of painful, oedematous vesicles and pustules. They have are systemically unwell and have a fever
eczema herpeticum
First line treatment of mild acne rosacea?
Topical metronidazole
Treatment of severe acne rosacea?
What does Bullous pemphigoid
look like?
Big blisters on the flexors
treatment of Bullous pemphigoid?
oral corticosteroids
Risk factors for fungal nail?
Increasing age, diabetes
First line treatment of fungal nail
oral terbinafine
Rapidly growing, vascular single raised spherical spot following trauma?
pyogenic granuloma
What precedes guttate psoriasis?
Strep infections 2-4 weeks before
Tear drop papules on the trunk and limbs are characteristic of?
Guttate psoriasis
What does lichen planus mean?
Flat tree moss
What area other than skin is affected in lichen planus?
Mucous membranes
Drugs causing lichenoid drug eruptions?
Gold, quinine and thiazides
Treatment of lichen planus?
Topical steroids
Treatment of oral lichen planus?
Benzydamine mouthwash
Common skin sites of lichen planus?
Wrist and inner elbow
What would be seen on biopsy in lichen planus?
saw tooth dermo-epidermal junction
Who is most likely to get pemphigus vulgaris?
Ashkenazi Jews
painful, flaccid, easily ruptured vesicles and bullae on the skin, preceded by mouth lesions?
Pemphigus vulgaris
What is seen on biopsy in pemphigus vulgaris?
acantholysis - loss of intercedllular connections
What conditions are related to pyoderma gangrenosum?
Inflamamtory bowel disease
connective tissue disorders
rheumatoid arthritis
A small red papule that later becomes a deep, red necrotic ulcer with a violet border?
Pyoderma gangrenosum
What organism causes seborrhoeic dermatitis?
Malassezia furfur (fungus)
first line treatment of seborrhoeic dermatitis?
Drugs that can worsen psoriasis?
NSAIDs, beta blockers, lithium, ace inhibitors
Skin rash wchich occurs in coeliac disease?
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Where does dermatitis herpatiformis affect?
elbows, knees, buttocks
Adverse affects of isotretinoin?
dry skin
intracranial hypertension
What drug can you not co-prescribe with isotretinoin?
Treatment of severe acne?
What are orange-peel like shin lesions called?
Pretibial myxoedema
What condition is pretibial myxoedema associated with?
Grave’s disease
Skin condition associated with T cell lymphoma?
Mycosis fungoides
Dermatitis, diarrhoea and dementia indicate?
What drug may cause pellagra?
What causes pellagra?
Nicotinic acid deficiency
Pityriasis rosea initially causes…
Herald patch
In which condition would you see a herald patch?
Pityriasis rosea
Conditions associated with acanthosis nigricans?
Type 2 diabetes
How would you estimate the % extent of a burn?
Wallace’s rule of 9s
When should superficial dermal burns be referred to secondary care?
> 3% TSA in adults, >2% TSA in children
If they involve: face, hands, feet, perineum, geintals, flexures
When are IV fluids necassary in burns?
> 10% TSA in children
>15% TSA in adults
What formula is used to calculate the amount of IV fluid needed in burns?
Parkland formula
% area burned x Weight (kg) x 4 = volume of fluid
Surgical management of circumferential burn to the torso or limb?
Most common site of a sebaceous cyst?
What would you see at the centre of a sebaceous cyst?
Where are dermoid cysts most commonly located?
Midline of necj
External angle of eye
Behind the ear
First line treatment of hyperhidrosis?
Aluminium chloride
Facial rash seen in sarcoidosis?
Lupus pernio
localised, well demarcated patches of hair loss?
Alopecia areata
1st line treatment athlete’s foot?
topical imidazole
Guttate psoriasis may follow…
Strep infection/tonsilitis
What is a risk factor for squamous cell carcinoma?
Immunosuppression e.g. organ transplant
treatment of squamous cell carcinoma?
surgical excision with 4mm margins
Management of morphoeic basal cell carcinoma?
Mohs micrographic surgery
Facial tumour that goes away after 3 months?
Describe the course of a keratocanthoma
- Dome shaped lump that rapidly grows to become a crater filled with keratin 2. spontaneously resolves in 3 months
- Leaves a scar
Causes of pyogenic granuloma?
Flat pink/brown rash in the groin or axilla?
Erythrasma treatment?
topical miconazole or oral erythromycin
Investigation of choice for allergic contact dermatitis?
Patch testing
What is spared in the facial rash in SLE?
Nasolabial folds
Most common cause of an itchy rash affecting the face and scalp?
Seborrhoeic dermatitis
What conditions are associated with seborrhoeic dermatitis?
What conditions are associated with vitiligo?
Addison’s disease, Type 1 diabetes i.e. autoimmune conditions
4 main diagnostic criteria of Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia?
- recurrent nosebleeds
- telangiectasias (around the mouth)
- AV malformations
- FHx
Stress ulcer in a burn’s patient?
Curling’s ulcer
Where on the body does the rash in Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy occur?
abdominal striae
Where on the body does the rash in pemphigoid gestationis occur?
When is pemphigoid gestationis likely to occur?
2-3rd trimester, SECOND pregnancy
What differentiates pemphigoid gestationis from polymorphoc eruption of pregnnacy?
pemphigoid gestationis has blistering rash
A changing mole is most likely caused by…
superficial spreading melanoma
What complication can lichen sclerosus have in males?
4 Ps of lichen planus?
What is erythroderma?
When >95% of a patient’s body is covered by any kind of rash
unilateral painful blistering rash is most likely to be…
What is the shingles vaccine and how is it given?
Live-attenuated, sub cutaneously
Treatment of shingles
oral acyclovir
treatment of eczema herpeticum?
IV acyvlovir
First line treatment of acne [vulgaris]?
benzoly peroxide
2nd line treatment of ance vulgaris?
topical tetracycline _ benzoyl peroxide
What cancer is associated with acanthosis nigricans?
Gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma
Diabetes, waxy yellow shin lesions?
Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum
When can you return to work/school with impetigo?
48 hours after commencing treatment
premalignant skin lesion that develops as a consequence of chronic sun exposure
actinic keratoses
Management of actinic keratoses?
fluorouracil cream
Features of erythema multiforme?
target lesions
upper limbs more commonly affected
most common cause of erythema multiforme?
herpes simplex virus
What is pellagra?
First line treatment of chronic plaque psoriasis
daily topical corticosteroid
vitamin D analogue (calciprotol) for 4 weeks as initial treatment
2nd line treeatment of psoriasis
increase vitamin D analogue to twice daily
Treatment for pitiriasis rosea?
None it is self limiting
1st line management of scabies
2nd line management of scabies
Treatment of impetigo
topical fusidic acid
most common site of arterial ulceration
above lateral malleolus
most common site of venous ulceration
above medial malleolus
investigation for leg ulcers
ankle-brachial pressure index
painful ear nodule?
chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis
patches of flakey skin with discolouration?
pityriasis vesicolor
treatment of venous ulcers?
compression bandaging
Melanoma affecting the nail beds?
Acral lentiginous melanoma
what bacteria causes facial acne?
Propionibacterium acnes
Skin blistering in an old person (bullae) with no mucous membrane involvement?
Bullous pemphigoid
Skin blistering in an old person WITH mucosal involvement?
pemphigus vulgaris
Rash caused by having something hot on your skin for too long
erythema ab igne
antibody in coeliac
anti TTG