MSK overview Flashcards
name for clavicle and scapula together
pectoral girdle
what does the clavicle articulate with?
acromion, sternum
name for lump on clavicle
conoid tubercle
lateral pokey bits on scapula
acromion (posterior)
corocoid process (anterior)
area of scapula articulating with head of humerus
glenoid fossa
flat area of scapula (anterior)
subscapular fossa
parts of scapula around the edge
superior border, superior angle, medial border, inferior angle, lateral border
posterior flat areas on scapula
supraspinous and infraspinous fossa
space between greater and lesser tubercle on humerus
intertubercular sulcus
anterior holes on distal end of humerus
radial fossa, coronoid fossa
posterior hole on distal end of humerus
olecranon fossa
pokey bits on sides of distal end of humerus
lateral epicondyle, medial epicondyle
articular surfaces on distal end of humerus
trochlea, capitulum
articular surfaces on proximal end of ulna
trochlear notch, olecranon, radial notch
pokey bit on distal end of ulnar
ulnar styloid process
bump on proximal end of radius
radial tuberosity
pokey bit on distal end of radius
radial styloid process
carpal bone that i never remember
all carpal bones
hamate, capitate, trapezoid, trapezium, triquetrum, pisiform, lunate, scaphoid
joints of upper limb
carpometacarpal joint
interphalangeal joint
what movement of the arm is assessed when your elbow is at 90 degrees flexed
medial/lateral rotation
compartments of arm and forearm?
posterior and anterior
what seperates muscular compartments
intermuscular septa, interosseous membrane (between bone)
3 parts of the pelvis? describe location
illium - superior
ishium - inferior and posterior
pubis - inferior and anterior
processes on anterior edge of ilium
anterior superior iliac spine, anterior inferior iliac spine
cartilaginous joint at medial anterior area of pelvis
pubic symphysis
surface in pelvis articulating with femur head
big hole on bottom of pelvis
obturator foramen
anterior ridge between trochanters on femur
intertrochanteric line
posterior ridge between trochanters on femur
intertrochanteric crest
articular surfaces on distal end of femur
patellar surface, medial condyle, lateral condyle
gap between condyles on femur
intercondylar fossa
what are the blobby bits at the end of tibia and fibula
lateral malleolus (fibula)
medial malleolus (tibia)
3 grouped tarsals
medial/intermediate/lateral cuneiforms
tarsals that aren’t the three grouped ones
navicular, cuboid, talus, calcaneous
short wide tarsal nearer to ankle than cuneiforms
tarsal lateral to cuneiforms
heel bone
tarsal that articulates with tibia (and fibula)
names for foot movements
dorsiflexion - up
plantarflexion - down
muscle compartments of thigh and leg
thigh- anterior, posterior, medial
leg - anterior, posterior, lateral
function of compartments in thigh
anterior - flexes hip, extends knee
posterior - extends hip, flexes knee
medial - adducts hip
function of compartments in leg
anterior - dorsiflexes foot
posterior - plantarflexes foot
lateral - everts foot