MS 2015 Flashcards
Describe each each type of joint
a. Primary cartilaginous
b. Secondary cartilaginous
c. Synovial
d. Fibrous
e. Condyloid
A. Primary cartilaginous joints are made of hyaline cartilage.
B is a secondary cartilaginous joint made of fibrocartilage and hyaline cartilage. Other secondary cartilaginous joints include the pubic symphysis and intervertebral discs.
C is a synovial joint, which contain synovial fluid within articular capsules (capsules on articulating surfaces) – these joints allow more movement.
e) Condyloid joints (e.g. the radiocarpal joint at the wrist) are a type of synovial joint.
What joints connect ribs to the sternum?
Coastal cartilage/hyaline cartilage
What is a fibrous joint?
-between long bones, allow little movement
The distal tibio-fibular joint is a type of fibrous joint known as syndesmoses, which allow little movement and exist between long bones. Other types of fibrous joints include sutures (found in the skull) and gomphoses (between the root of a tooth and a socket in the maxilla/mandible).
- Where else in the body can you find hyaline cartilage?
a. Epiglottis
b. Bronchioles
c. External ear (auricle)
d. Bronchi
e. Meniscus of the knee joint
Answer: D. The trachea and bronchi are lined by hyaline cartilage. The epiglottis and external ear are made of elastic cartilage. Bronchioles are not lined by cartilage. Menisci are made of fibrocartilage.
What stains dark purple with PAS?
- What is afterload?
a. Pressure against which the heart must contract to eject blood during systole
Describe the anatomy of sigmoid colon
- Appendices epiploicae,
- taenia coli
- haustrations shown demonstrate that this is part of the colon.
- contains mesentery (ascending and descending do not)
What are the 4 layers of the GI tract? what is in each layer?
The mucosa consists of epithelium, lamina propria and muscularis mucosa.
The submucosa contains larger blood vessels, nerves, lymphatics, mucus secreting glands etc.
Muscularis propria – there is an inner circular and outer longitudinal muscle layer.
The serosa is also known as the adventitia and usually covers external surfaces.
- Which laryngeal muscle is responsible for normal breathing?
a. Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
b. Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle
c. Interarytenoid muscle
d. Thyroarytenoid muscle
e. Cricothyroid muscle
a. Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
It is the only abductor of the vocal cords.
- What is the innervation of the cricothyroid muscle?
With the exception of cricothyroid, which is supplied by the external branch of the Superior Laryngeal Nerve, all intrinsic muscles of the larynx are supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
- What is the rate-limiting enzyme in glycolysis?
Answer: B. Enzyme B is phosphofructokinase, the rate-limiting enzyme. A is hexose kinase, C is glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, D is enolase and E is pyruvate kinase.
Which stage of glycolysis involves hydrolysis of ATP
The early stages of glycolysis require “investment” ATP. ADP is converted to ATP in Y and Z.
(1st and 3rd reaction)
What is the net gain of glycolysis
2NADH and 2ATP
What is resp epi?
a. Ciliated pseudo stratified columnar epithelium
Which lobe is a peanut most likely to be aspirated into?
Right lower lobe. As the right bronchus is slightly wider and more vertical aspirated objects tend toward the right lung. Assuming the man is standing up the peanut will most likely enter the lower lobe due to gravity.
What type of tremor is seen in parkinson’s?
He has a shuffling gait and stooped posture, and a pill rolling tremor.
buttoning up shirt
What is lentiform nucleus?
Lentiform nucleus = putamen and globus pallidus.
- What structure mainly forms the roof of the fourth ventricle?
medial = megendie
lateral = luschka
What occurs in proliferative stage?
. In theproliferative phase, the uterine lining and uterine glands become thicker as epithelial and stromal cells undergo mitosis. The endometrial lining builds up to approximately 3.5-5.0mm in height. This phase is under oestrogen control. Oestrogen causes upregulation of oestrogen receptors (thus enhancing its own effect) and progesterone receptors, to prime the endometrium and enable it to respond to progesterone in the luteal phase.
What occurs in secretory phase?
In thesecretory phase, after ovulation has occurred, the glands become convoluted and dilated with secretions. The spiral arteries that supply the glands become more prominent, and increasingly corkscrew in appearance. This phase is stimulated primarily by progesterone secreted by the corpus luteum.
Which of the following structures runs through the inguinal canal in women?
a. Broad ligament
b. Vaginal artery
c. Ovarian ligament
d. Ilioinguinal nerve
e. Round ligament
Answer: E – The round ligament, which passes through the inguinal canal to the labia majora where its fibres attach to the mons pubis. The ilioinguinal nerve passes through the superficial inguinal ring but not the deep inguinal ring, so doesn’t go through the whole inguinal canal.
Question Answer
Which blood cell type is elevated in a parasitic infection?
What cells are found in acute inflammation, which in chronic inflammation?
A large ratio of macrophages can indicate chronic inflammation,
where as a large ratio of neutrophils indicates acute inflammation
What cell is especially important in the adaptive immune system?
What does it form?
B lymph = memory
=plasma cells
Bone marrow
T lymph = killer (thymus)
- Which parasympathetic nerve is responsible for micturition?
Which sym?
Which is under somatic control?
– Pelvic splanchnic nerve, which causes contraction of the detrusor muscle and relaxation of the internal sphincter.
- The hypogastric nerve is responsible for the sympathetic innervation which relaxes the detrusor muscle and causes contraction of the internal sphincter therefore allowing storage of urine.
- The pudendal nerve is related to control of the external urethral sphincters and is under somatic control. The genitofemoral nerve and ilioinguinal nerve innervate the areas around the genitals and groin.