More digestive system questions' Flashcards
The digestive system has____major functions?
Digestion can be categorized as either____or____.
mechanical or chemical
Most nutrients are absorbed in the ____?
small intestine
Accessory organs provide__, __, and __?
bile, hormones, and enzymes.
___is absorved from ___ in the ___?
water, chyme, colon
What produces bile which helps the body break down fats?
What is the largest internal organ of the body?
What produces enzymes, hormones, and an alkaline fluid?
What is the small organ with no known function that sometimes gets infected?
the appendix
Where is water absorbed?
the large intestine
Where is mechanical digestin completed?
the small interstine
Where are nutrients absorbed?
the small intestine
Where does peristalsis happen?
large and small intestines
Where is undigestivle material collected?
the large intestine
Where are bile and pancreatic juices added?
the small intestine