Moral Panics LT6* Flashcards
Moral panic
refers to media’s reaction to a particular social group or particular actives that are a threaten societal values
who polarised moral panics?
Stan Cohen
what did Cohen demonstrate?
how the media blew out of proportion what we’re essentially small scuffles and vandalism using headlines like ‘Day of terror’
Why do certain types of reporting result in moral panics?
Cohen and Young (1981): Moral panic originate from nature of UK news and journalists see ‘problem groups’ as newsworthy
Who did Cohen look into?
Mods and Rockers
Hall (1978)
concluded from his research into black muggers in the 1970s that the moral panic in this case served an ideological function to divide and rule w/c by turning white and black people against each other.
What did Halls moral panic do?
diverted attention away from the mismanagement of capitalism
why do journalists report moral panics?
assume that their audiences share their moral concerns
criticism of Devil folk
Jewkes (2015): moral panic theory is too vague.
Not all folk devil are vulnerable.
Who looked into the relevance of moral panics in new media?
McRobbie and Thornton
McRobbie and Thornton
suggested that the media generated moral panics are becoming less common. Because new media technology and constant 24/7 roll out has changed the reporting and reaction of the events that would have caused a moral panic
pluralist view of media
consumers are able to not only select the news they want to see, they also have a wide array of choice in presenting
How has social media changed the news?
are able to comment upon the news and the way that it is portrayed
interactive journalism
creates clarity and openness as there can be a public dialogue between the public and media
citizen journalism
news reported and distributed by citizens, rather than professional journalists.