Moral: Kant's Categorical Imperative Flashcards
What is an imperative?
An imperative is a command.
What is a hypothetical imperative?
A hypothetical imperative is a command that presupposes some further goal or desire, specifying a means to an end.
Example: ‘If you want to see the show, you ought to get to the theatre at least 15 mins early.’
What is a categorical imperative?
A categorical imperative is a command that is not hypothetical and represents moral duties that we ought to follow, regardless of our desires.
How are moral duties characterized in Kant’s philosophy?
Moral duties are categorical and not a means to some further end; they are based on the good will which is good ‘without qualification.’
What is the Categorical Imperative?
The Categorical Imperative states: ‘Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.’
What are the two tests for applying the Categorical Imperative?
Test 1: Can the maxim be universalized without a contradiction in conception?
Test 2: Can the maxim be universalized without a contradiction in the will?
What does a contradiction in conception mean?
A contradiction in conception occurs when universalizing a maxim leads to a logical self-contradiction, making it impossible to follow.
Provide an example of a contradiction in conception.
-Universalizing the maxim ‘it’s ok to steal if I want something’ leads to a contradiction because if everyone stole, the concept of ownership would break down.
- Thus, stealing would be impossible.
What does a contradiction in the will mean?
A contradiction in the will occurs when a maxim can be logically universalized, but one cannot rationally will it because it deprives the means to other ends.
Provide an example of a contradiction in the will.
-Universalizing the maxim ‘never help others’ would mean that one could not will to receive help from others, contradicting the act of willing.
- This is not something a rational will would choose.
What are perfect and imperfect duties?
-Perfect duties allow no exceptions and must be followed to avoid contradictions in conception.
-Imperfect duties are morally valuable but come second to perfect duties.
What is the relationship between morality and reason in Kant’s philosophy?
Morality is grounded in reason, which determines our moral duties and applies to all rational beings.
What is the second formulation of the Categorical Imperative?
The second formulation is known as The Formula of Humanity: ‘Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end.’
What gives humans dignity and value according to Kant?
The rational will gives humans dignity and value, as it allows for self-direction and moral choice, independent of instrumental value.
What happens when we fail to treat someone as an end in themselves?
- We undermine that person’s ability to make a rational choice.
- They are not free to pursue their own chosen ends.
- We fail to help them pursue their own chosen ends.
Can you explain how to make decisions using the categorical impertive? ( flow chart)