Epistemology: 15.Virtue Epistemology as a Response to Gettier Flashcards
What is Goldman’s developed reliabilism definition of knowledge?
Goldman’s developed reliabilism states that a person, S, knows that p IFF:
1. S believes that P,
2. P is true,
3. S’s belief that P was produced by a reliable process,
4. S was able to discriminate between relevant possibilities in the scenario.
What is Virtue Epistemology according (outline)?
Virtue Epistemology defines knowledge as:
1. p is true;
2. You believe that p;
3. Your true belief is a result of exercising your intellectual virtues.
What is a virtue?
A virtue is a state of a person that is good by way of helping the person achieve some purpose or goal.
What are the two types of virtue epistemology? What do they bot agree on?
The two types are Virtue Responsibilism and Virtue Reliabilism, both agreeing on the same definition of knowledge.
What does Virtue Responsibilism argue? who argues it?
- intellectual virtues are ones that we are responsible for honing.
What does Virtue Reliabilism argue? Who argues it?
- reliable processes are sufficient, but only if they are practiced enough to be useful.
What are Zagzebski’s two components to virtues?
- A virtue motivates us to pursue what is good- e.g. discovery of truth
- A virtue involves a component that enables us to be successful.- the ability to reliably form true beliefs
What is an act of intellectual virtue?
An act of virtue succeeds and does so because it is done as the virtuous person would do
How does Zagzebski define knowledge?
-According to Zagzebski, knowledge is belief arising from acts of intellectual virtue.
- i, truth shouldn’t be a separate condition, but already covered by the definition of ‘act of intellectual virtue
Does Virtue Responsibilism deal with Gettier Cases: Dr Jones,Fake Barn County
Yes, it addresses cases like Dr. Jones and Fake Barn County, where true beliefs are not a direct result of exercising intellectual virtues. hence the both don;t have knowledge
Outline Virtue Responsibilism
Virtue Responsibilism states that S knows that P IFF:
1. P is true;
2. S believes that P;
3. P is produced by exercising intellectual virtues.
=>According to Zagzebski, intellectual virtues are ones that we are responsible for because they motivate and produce successful true beliefs.
Does Virtue Responsibilism deal with Dr Jones ?
-She does not know.
-While Jones exercised her intellectual virtues, has a true belief, her true belief isn’t a direct result of her virtues.
- It happened because of chance based on a reliable process.
- She wasn’t motivated to exercise open mindedness or intellectual curiosity and ensure that her diagnoses is in fact accurate.
Does Virtue Responsibilism deal with Fake Barn County?
-Henry’s true belief isn’t formed due to his exercised his virtues, he is just looking and making judgements, he hasn’t formed his belief because of an active desire to know and therefore taken responsibility for that knowledge.
-He wasn’t motivated to learn the truth and then carry out what was necessary.
According to Zagzebski, truth shouldn’t be a separate condition, but already covered by the definition of ‘act of intellectual virtue’. therfore outline her definition.
.i.e. S knows that P iff:
1. S believes that P
2. P is produced as an act of intellectual virtue
Accoring to a virtue responsibilist Intellectual virtues are good intellectual traits that facilitate the discovery of (list mutiple factors)……
-the discovery of truth
- fair-mindedness
- open-mindedness
-intellectual tenacity
Define Intellectual virtue
An intellectual skill or ability or trait that contributes to getting to the truth. Using them to acquire true belief is a “cognitive achievement”- it is worthy of credit.