Mood Disorders- Depresison Flashcards
What are mood disorders?
A spectrum of diseases where mood is altered. This can range from manai ato depressuon. It is the commonenst group f metnal disorders.
What are the two classes of mood disorders?
Primary- originate on their own
Secondary- Arise due to another condition e.g. cancer, dementia, drug misuse or medical treatment.
How are mood disorders related to anxiety?
Often associated with symptoms of anxiety and anxiety disorders. With those patients who have both a mood disorder and an anxiety disorder the mood disorder is treated first
What is dysthymia?
A sub-threshold disease with depressive symptoms. Typically consists if a dysthymic mood mixed with depressive episodes
Depression? Isn’t that just a fancy word for feeling bummed out?
Depression is an emotion Which can range from an Important severe, life threatening Grim disease Having massive impacts on The individuals life
Yes it can lead to suicide
Or the more common symptoms include
Unhappiness of the most severe form
It may also be not as severe Gandering from Nonchalant attitudes to an Oversion to social situations. Depression is a Recurrent illness And can be very Non- pleasurable for Those who suffer with it
Sometimes it is a systematic disease presenting with
Lethargy and pain. Depression is not just
Unhappiness but is
Typically considered as a form of sadness
What is depression?
Emotion with a wide range of normal experiences, can range from severe and life threatening to fatigue and pain. Typically considered as a form of sadness and not just an absence of happiness. It is a disease that regularly re-occurs
What are the psychological symptoms of depression
Change in mood, depression, anxiety, perplexity (bewildered/overwhelmed) anhedonia (loss of joy from things that would once given one joy)
Change in thought content- guilt, hopelessness, worthlessness, hypochondriasis, agoraphobia, obsessions and compulsions, panic attacks, ideas of reference (thinking people are laughing at you when they aren’t) delusions and hallucinations
What are the physical signs of depression?
Change in bodily functions Energy (fatigue changes in sleep and appetite Decreased libido Pain Constipation Change in psycho motor functions (agitation, retardation) Stupor- patient stops moving acting dead but is not dead
What are the social symptoms of depression
Loss of interests/irritability
Withdrawal, loss of confidence, indecisive
Loss of concentration, registration and memory
How do you classify depression according to the ICD-10 classification
Lasts for around 2 weeks
No hypomanic or manic episodes in lifetime
Not attributable to psychoactive substance use or organic mental disorder
How do you define somatic syndrome according to the ICD-10 classifiction
Marked loss of interest or pleasure in activities that are normally pleasurable
Lack of emotional reactions to events or activities that normally produce an emotional response
Waking 2 hrs before normal time
Depression worse in morning
Evidence of psyhomotor agitation or retardation
Marked loss of appetite
Weight loss (5%) or body weight in a month
Marked loss of libido
How do you classify mild depression according to the ICD-10 classification
At least two of
Depressed mood that is abnormal fro most of the day almost everyday for the past two weeks. Largely uninfluenced by circumstances
Loss of interest or pleasure
Decreased energy or increased fatiguability plus additional four from the ICD depression symptoms list
How do you classify moderate depression according to the ICD-10 classification
At least two of
Depressed mood that is abnormal for most of the day almost everyday for the past two week s largely uninfluenced by circumstances
Loss of interest or pleasure
decreased energy or fatigability
Additional six symptoms from ICD depression symptoms list
How to you classify severe depression according to the ICD-10 classification
All of
Depressed mood that is abnormal for most of the day almost everyday for the past two week s largely uninfluenced by circumstances
Loss of interest or pleasure
decreased energy or fatigability
Additional six symptoms from ICD depression symptoms list
What symptoms are on the ICD-10 symptoms list?
Loss of confidence or self esteem Unreasonable feelings of guilt or self reproach Recurrent thoughts of suicidal behaviour Decreased concentration Agitation or retardation Sleep disturbance of any sort Change in appetite
Describe post natal depression
Increased risk of psychiatric admissions in the 30 days following childbirth
75% experience baby blues within 2 weeks
10% of woman develop a major depressive disorder within 3-6- months
Puerpal psychosis- more rare
Despite there being a massive hormone change, there is no evidence hormones have an impact
What are some differential diagnosis to depression?
Normal reaction to life event SAD Dysthymia Cyclothymia Bipolar disorder Stroke/tumour/dementia Hypothyroidism, Addison's, Hyperparathyroidism Flu, mono, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS Drugs
What are the pharmacological treatments of depression?
SSRI’s- fluoxetine, citralizine
Tricyclic antidepressants
Monamine oxidase inhibitors
Other antidepressants
What are the psychological treatments of depression?
IPT (interpersonal therapy
Individual dynamic psychotherapy
Family therapy
What are the physical treatments of depression?
DBS (deep bran stimulation)
VNS (vagus nerve stimulation)
What are some measuring tools for depression?
SCID (structured clinical interview for DSM disorders)
SCAN (schedules for clincial assessment in neuropsychiatry)
HDRS (Hamilton depression rating scale
HADS (hospital anxiety and depression scale
PHQ-9 (patient health questionnaire 9)
Describe the epidemiology of depression?
avergae age of onset is around 27
typically occurs between the ages of 18-44
more likely if female
stable marriage less likely to be depressed
More likely if lower educational attainment
Increased risk in 1st degree relatives
typically occurs after exit events
What are the outcomes for depression?
Typical episode lasts4-6 months 54% fail to recover after 26 weeks 12% fail to recover at all 80%+ experience further episodes 15% die by suicide