Module S7 Flashcards
Observing and obeying signalling indications. Train warning systems. Reporting signalling failures and irregularities
General duties
If the train is signalled towards a wrong route. What are your actions?
Stop the train asap
Tell the signaller
General duties
If the signal is not showing or not showing correctly. What are your actions?
Treat a stop signal as being at danger
A distant signal at being at caution
A position light, subsidiary signal as being at normal
You should do this when:
No signal where there should be one
The colour of the aspect is not clear
There is no light at all
A white light instead of a red, yellow or green
One light showing at a position light where there should be 2.
General duties
If a train has stopped or nearly stopped at a signal at danger and the signal changes to a proceed. How should you treat the next signal to be?
Bd prepared to stop at the next signal
Movements made on the authority of a position light, subsidiary of shunting signal.
Unless authorised or instructed can you proceed with a passenger train on the authority of a position light? What is the exception?
No except if you are entering a permissive platform line.
Movements made on the authority of a position light, subsidiary of shunting signal
Route indication not shown
If a position light is cleared but the normal route indicator is not shown how must you proceed?
Make sure the movement is made at caution. Be prepared to stop before you reach any obstruction
Movements made on the authority of a position light, subsidiary of shunting signal
Returning to the approach side of a signal
If you have made a shunting movement on the authority of a position light signal, you must not proceed on your journey until?
The movement has returned to the approach side of a signal
The signal display the appropriate proceed aspect of indication for the movement.
When a train or shunting movement is required to reverse
Train standing beyond the signal
If any part of your train is standing beyond the signal controlling the movement, you must not start the movement until when?
Until the signal is cleared.
If you can’t see the signal ask the guard or shunter to tell you when the signal has cleared.
When a train or shunting movement is required to reverse
When the signal cannot be cleared for the reverse movement you must?
Find out whether a movement can be made which will allow the whole train to be positioned on the approach side of the signal or ic necessary ask the signaller for permission to do this
Automatic Warning System (AWS)
Cancelling the AWS
On cancelling an AWS warning you must?
Obey the signal aspect or
Control the speed of the train to no more than the warning board, emergency indicator or other indicator.
Automatic Warning System (AWS)
Cancelling the AWS
What happens if you dont cancel a AWS warning?
Brake will automatically apply
Make sure train comes to a stand
Tell signaller
TPWS- train protection and warning system
TPWS operation other than approaching buffer stops
If an automatic brake application is initiated as a result of the operation of TPWS yoj must?
Acknowledge the TPWS brake demand Make sure the train comes to a stand Tell signaller Carry out instructions given Dont make any further movement until instructed.
TPWS- train protection and warning system
TPWS operation when approaching buffer stops
If an automatic brake application is initiated as a result of the operation of TPWS you must?
Acknowledge the TPWS brake demand
Aftef the train has come to a stand, move forward to the normal stopping point if it is safe to do so
Tell signaller
Carry out instructions given
Temporary isolation of TPWS train equipment
When can you isolate TPWS equipment?
Only when authorised in the rules
Of when you are specifically authorised due to a TPWS fault
Reporting signalling failures and irregularities
Signalling equipment
You must tell the signaller immediately when you become aware of a signalling failure such as?
Failure of a working signal
An irregularity in the working signal
An irregular aspect sequence
No signal shown
The aspect of the colour light is not obvious
A white light instead of a red, yellow or green
A signal which is difficult to see
Reporting signalling failures and irregularities
Signalling equipment
You must tell the signaller at the first opportunity when you become aware of a signalling failure such as?
A position light
A subsidiary signal
A shunting signal