Module 8 - Cardiac Cycle Flashcards
Functions of Cardiac Cycle
- Transport O2 & nutrients to all cells of body
- Transport CO2 & waste from cells
- Regulate body temperature & pH
- Transport & distribute hormones & other substances
Right Atrium & Ventricle Function
- Pumps blood to lungs
Left Atrium & Ventricle Function
- Pumps blood to entire body
Left Ventricle
- Contracts more forcefully to propel blood through entre circulatory system
- Thicker wall
- Requires more muscle
Right Ventricle
- Thinner walls
- Only pumps blood to lungs
- Less forceful contraction
Heart Valves Purpose
- Ensure 1 way flow of blood through heart (atrium to ventricle)
- Prevent blood from backing up (returning to atrium during ventricle contraction)
Right Atrioventricular (AV) Valve
- Tricuspid valve
Left Atrioventricular (AV) Valve
- Bicuspid valve
- Mitral valve
Aorta Function
- Distributes blood from ventricle throughout body
Pulmonary Artery Function
- Transports blood from right ventricle to lungs
Pulmonary Vein Function
- Delivers blood back to heart after passing through lungs
Inferior Vena Cava Function
- Delivers blood to heart from torso & lower limbs
Superior Vena Cava Function
- Delivers blood from head & upper limbs to heart
Bundle of His Function
- conduct action potentials from AV node to base(apex) of heart
Contractile Cells of Heart Components
- Same proteins as actin/myosin
- Arranged in bundles of myofibrils surrounded by SR
- One nucleus
- Many mitochondria
- Short, branched cells
- Joined by intercalated discs
Intercalated Disc Components
- Tight junctions, bind cells
- Gap junctions, movement of ions & current
Gap Junction Function
- Allow myocardial cells to conduct action potentials from cell to cell
- Without nerves
Nodal Cells
- Contract weakly
- Few contractile elements (myofibrils)
- Spontaneously generate action potentials without nervous input
- Self-excitable
- Generate & transmit impulses through heart
Self-Excitability Pathway
- Impulses originate in SA node (sinoatrial node)
- Atria
- AV node
- Bundle of his
- Purkinje fibers
- Ventricular node
Sinoatrial Node (SA node) Permeability
- Greater Na+ & Ca+ permeability
- K+ permeability decreases overtime
- Na+ permeability slightly higher than other cells
Sinoatrial Node (SA node) Characteristics
- Fastest self-excitability
- Slowest conduction speed
- Located in upper posterior wall of right atrium
- First to spontaneously depolarize
- No stable resting potential
- Create pacemaker potential
Threshold of SA Node
- -40mV
Resting Potential of SA Node
- -60mV
Steps of SA Node Action Potential
- Membrane depolarizes to threshold
- Special Ca++ channels open
- Ca++ flows into cell
- Ca++ channels close at same time K+ channels open
- K+ flows out to repolarize cell
- Cell returns to resting potential
- Pacemaker potential begins depolarizing cell
Myocardial Steps of Action Potential
- Action potential from SA node spreads through atrial muscle via gap junctions
- Causing atrial contraction
- Action potential travels to ventricles through AV node
- Action potential travels through each branch of bundle of his to apex
- Propagates through purkinje fibers
- Rapidly distributes to ventricular muscle causing contraction
Action Potential Conduction Throughout Heart
- Speeds up through atrial muscle to ensure simultaneous contraction
- AV node slows, holds up action potential (ensure atria finishes contraction)
- Fast through bundle of his
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Represents electrical activity in areas of heart
P Wave of ECG
- Depolarization of atrial muscle
- Leading to contraction
QRS Complex of ECG
- Depolarization of ventricular muscles
- Leading to contraction
- Longest waveform
T Wave of ECG
- Repolarization of ventricular muscles
Systole Phase
- Period of time heart muscle is contracting
Diastole Phase
- Period of time heart muscles relax
- Chamber fills with blood
Cardiac Cycle Characteristics
- Combines heart events
- Pressure & volume changes
- ECG & valvular activity
- Pressure changes for blood flow
- Pressure gradient from high to low
Atrial Systole Phase
- Depolarization of atria (P wave)
- Atrial pressure > ventricular pressure
- AV valve already open
- Blood flows into ventricles continuously
- Ventricular volume increases
- 20-30% of blood filling (end diastolic volume)
- Atria contraction
Isovolumetric Ventricular Contraction Phase
- Depolarization of ventricles (QRS complex)
- Ventricles contract
- Increase in ventricular pressure
- Ventricular pressure > atrial pressure
- AV valve closes
- No volume changes
- Aortic pressure > ventricular pressure (aortic valve closes)
Ventricular Systole Phase
- Repolarization of ventricles (T wave)
- Ventricular pressure > aortic pressure
- Aortic valve opens
- Blood leaves ventricles and flows into aorta
- Ejection of blood from heart
- Ventricular volume decreases
- Some blood returns (end systolic volume)
Isovolumetric Relaxation Phase
- Ventricles relax causing pressure drop
- Ventricular pressure < aortic pressure
- Aortic valve closes
- Ventricular pressure > atrial pressure
- AV valve remains closed
- No change in volume
Late Ventricular Diastole Phase
- Ventricles continue relaxing
- Ventricular pressure < atrial pressure
- AV valve opens
- Blood flows into ventricles from atria
- 80% of ventricular filling
- Volume increases
- P wave begins
Order of ECG Events
- atrial systole
- iosvolumetric ventricular contraction
- ventricular systole
- isovolumetric relaxation
- late ventricular diastole
Ventricular Filling
- 70-80% of blood enters relaxed ventricles during late ventricular diastole
- 20-30% of blood enters during atria systole
Ejection Period
- Ventricular pressure > aortic pressure
- Ventricles empty blood into aorta
LUB 1st Sound
- AV valve closes
- During isovolumic ventricular contraction
DUB 2nd Sound
- Aortic & pulmonary semilunar valve close
- During isovolumic relaxation
Cardiac Output (CO)
- Amount of blood in each ventricle pumps per minute
- L/min
Heart Rate (HR)
- Number of heart beats per minute
Stroke Volume (SV)
- Amount of blood pumped by each ventricle during 1 contraction
- Amount of blood ejected
- mL/beat
End Diastolic Volume (EDV)
- Amount of blood in ventricle at end of diastole
- mL
End Systolic Volume (ESV)
- Amount of blood in ventricles at end of systole
- mL
Cardiac Output Equation
CO = HR x SV
Stroke Volume Equation
Resting Values
- HR 70bpm
- SV 70mL/beat
- CO 5L/min
- EDV 120mL
- ESV 50 mL
Increasing Cardiac Output
- Increasing SV
- Increasing HR
- Increasing SV & HR
Altering Stroke Volume (SV)
- Input from ANS
- EDV & preload
EDV & Preload Alteration
- Load on heart prior to contraction
- Blood in ventricle stretches heart muscles
- More blood in ventricles = higher EDV
- More Ca++ into cell
- More blood ejected & more forceful contraction
- Lower ESV & higher SV
ESV Alteration
- Constriction on veins via ANS
- Increases venous return
- Repeated contraction & relaxation (exercise)
- Pumps blood back to heart
- Increases EDV, SV & CO
ANS Controls
- HR
- Force of contraction
PSNS Controls
- Mostly SA & AV nodes
- Atrial & ventricular muscles to lesser extent
- Decreases HR through SA & AV Node
- Decrease force of contraction to lesser extent
SNS Controls
- SA & AV nodes
- Strongest on ventricular muscle
- Increase HR & force of contraction
PSNS Activation
- Always activated at rest
- Vagus nerve transmits signals to heart (vagal tone)
- Shifts off if HR > 100bpm
PSNS Ach Release
- Nerves to heart activate release of Ach onto SA & AV nodes
- Ach causes K+ channels to open
- K+ leave cell creating hyperpolarization
- Pacemaker potential decreases
- Membrane takes longer to meet threshold & HR slows
SNS Ne Release
- Nerves to heart activate release of norepinephrine onto SA & AV Nodes
- Causing Na+ & Ca++ channels to open
- More positive ions enter SA nodal cell
- Rapid depolarization & increase in pacemaker potential
- Membrane reaches threshold faster & HR increases
Frank Stirling Law
- Increase of EDV causes increase in SV (vice versa)
- Increase of blood volume causing increased stretch of muscles increasing force to pump blood out