Module 22: Psychiatry Flashcards
antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders are categorized into which cluster of personality disorders?
multiple personality disorder, psychogenic disorders, amnesia, and fugue are examples of
dissociative disorders
interacting with a therapist as if the therapist were a significant figure from the past
memory loss is called
freudian theory states that the ____ is the central coordination branch of the personality that evaluates and assesses reality
a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by inhibited social interaction and communication and by restricted, repetitive behavior is
the ___ is the internalization I the personality of the societal and parental rules
a coping mechanism that protects an individual against anxiety and stress is called
defense mechanism
apathy may be defined as
an absence of emotions
a state of dissociative reaction characterized by amnesia and physical flight from an intolerable situation is termed
lifelong personality patterns that are inflexible and impair social function would be called a ____ disorder
which personality disorder is characterized by a lack of loyalty to a concern for other and an inability to tolerate frustration?
what personality disorder is characterized by instability in interpersonal relationships and sense of self?
what personality disorder is characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance with fantasies of success and power?
children with _____ often have normal language skills and normal intelligence but difficulties with social interaction and abstract concepts
asperger syndrome
what personality disorder is characterized by suspicious and mistrustful attitudes toward others?
deliberately “forgetting” unacceptable thoughts, feelings and impulses is called
this kind of psychology provides testing and counselling services to patients with mental and emotional disorders
with schizoid personality disorder, the patient is
emotionally cold and aloof
benzodiazepines, abbreviated _____, are anti _____ agents to lessen tension and agitation
BZDs, anxiety
obsessive preoccupation
____ phrenic is the withdrawal from reality into an inner world of disorganized thinking and conflict
_____sis is a mental disorder characterized by impaired reality testing and inability to communicate and relate to others
_____ phobia is the irrational fear of high places
an acute psychotic reaction to the withdrawal of alcoholic beverages following chronic abuse is termed
delirium tremens
antipsychotics, or neuro ______, modify psychotic symptoms and behaviours such as delusions and hallucinations
this type of therapy focuses specifically on thoughts and how patients can change their behaviour and feelings by changing their thoughts
cognitive-behavioural therapy
disorders in which a person’s mental conflicts are expressed as physical symptoms are called ______ disorders
somatic symptom
this type of schizophrenia characterized by stupor in which the person is mute and does not move or react to the outside environment is
a personality test in which pictures are used as stimuli to make up a story is the
thematic apperception test
post-traumatic stress disorder is classified as a
anxiety disorder
the ______ test is used to screen children for developmental delays
when anxiety becomes a bodily symptom that has no organic base, the condition is called
conversion disorder
the psychiatric term for a false of unreal sensory perception is