Module 11: Cardiovascular System Flashcards
the 3 major types of blood vessels in the body are the
arteries , veins and capillaries
rhythmic contraction phase of the cardiac cycle
the electrical impulse that triggers the contraction of the heart muscle originates in the _____ node
a blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the lung to the left atrium is called the
pulmonary vein
blood vessels that permit oxygen and nutrients to exchange with carbon dioxide and waster materials are called
the thick middle layer of the heart wall composed of the muscle is the
the calico that lies between the right atrium and the right ventricle is the _____ valve
the two upper chambers of the heart are the _____ and the two lower chambers are the _____
atria, ventricles
the _____ brings. oxygen-poor blood into the heart from the upper parts of the body
superior vena cava
the saclike membrane surrounding the heart is the
the force of the blood being ejected from the heart causes a regular expansion and contraction of the arterial walls is called
as blood enters the right atrium, from the venue cave, it flows next through the ____,____, and ____
tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonary valve
the area of specialized cardiac tissue that receives the cardiac impulse from the sinoatrial node is the
atrioventricular node
the largest artery in the body is the
the medical term for small artery is a
decreased blood flow
atrial flutter
cardiac dysrhythmia characterized by rapid, regular contractions
widening of a weakened portion go an arterial wall
rheumatic heart disease
heart disease caused by rheumatic fever
peripheral arterial disease
blockage of arteries carrying blood to the legs, arms, kidneys and other organs
myocardial infraction
interrupted blood flow that kills myocardial tissue
mitral valvue prolapse
condition in which the valve between the left atrium and ventricle becomes enlarged and protrudes into the left atrium during systole
congestive heart failure
a disease condition in which the heart is unable to pump the necessary amount of blood to meet the body’s metabolic requirements
atrial septal defect
a small hole in the wall between the atria
peripheral vascular disease
the abnormality that refers to the intermittent ischemic attacks that affect arterioles of the skin is
patent ductus arteriosus
a congenital heart disease in which the blood flows from the aorta into the pulmonary artery though a small opening
ventricular fibrillation
a serious cardiac arrhythmia that can result in sudden cardiac arrest
coarctation of the aorta
a congenital defect characterized by a narrowing of the aorta
diastolic congestive heart failure
fluid backs up in the lungs and other parts of the body
thrombotic occlusion
blocking of a coronary artery by a clot
bacterial endocarditis produces lesions resembling cauliflower called ______ that break off into the bloodstream as ______
vegetations, emboli
deep vein thrombosis
when a blood clot forms in a large vein, usually in a lower limb
extremely rapid and irregular contractions of the hear muscle
uncomfortable sensations in the chest related to cardiac arrhythmia’s that make you aware of your heartbeat
the nuclear scanning technique can detect schema and myocardial function
_____ is used to treat arrhythmias
_____ graphs is the use of high-frequency sound waves to show the structure and movement of the heart muscle
electron beam computed tomography
this diagnostic imaging procedure can identify calcium deposits in and around coronary arteries
radiographic imaging of the large blood vessels after the injection of radiopaque dye
the surgical joining of vessel grafts to existing coronary arteries to maintain blood supply to the myocardium
a tube that is mesh like or slotted and used to prevent vessel obstruction
technetium-99m sestamibi scan
a nuclear imaging test done to assess the function of the heart and cardiac output
biventricular pacemaker
enables ventricles to beat together in synchrony so that more blood is pumped out of the heart
treatment for acute angina attacks
duplex ultrasound
a combination of doppler and conventional ultrasound
device implanted in the chest that can sense and correct arrhythmias
catheter ablation
catheter delivery of a high-frequency current to damage a small part of the heart muscle to reverse an abnormal heart rhythm
the application of electrical discharges across the chest to stop ventricular fibrillation
the technique of using heart-lung machine to divert blood from the heart and lungs during heart surgery
magnetic resonance angiography
is a type of MRI that produces very detailed images of blood vessels
systemic circulation
the circuit that the blood follows from the heart to the body’s tissues and back
cardiac biomarker
used to find evidence of a heart attack
heart valves are necessarily designed to
keep blood flowing in one direction
in systemic circulation, blood flows to the ____ after it leaves the left side of the heart
advanced atherosclerosis could likely lead to
myocardial infarction
small, pinpoint hemorrhages
damaged or incompetent venous valves that fault to precent backward flow of blood can lead to the development of
varicose veins
inter ventricular septum
wall between the ventricles of the heart
intermittent claudication
cramp like pain in the calf muscles caused by exercise and relieved by rest
prolonged heart sound caused by incomplete closure of heart valves