Module 11: OCD-Related Disorders Flashcards
What are the different OCD-Related Disorders?
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Hoarding
- Trichotillomania
- Excoriation
intrusive and mostly nonsensical thoughts, images, or urges that the individual tries to resist or eliminate
thoughts or actions used to suppress the obsessions and provide relief
Sensory Phenomena
physical experiences that precede compulsions
What is common in individuals with OCD?
common to avoid people, places, and things that trigger OC
involvement of family and friends in compulsive rituals
What are the risks that can heighten the chance of OCD in individuals?
- perinatal events,
- premature birth,
- tobacco use during pregnancy,
- sexual and physical abuse, or
- other environmental factors like infectious agents
What is common to occur in patients with OCD?
Tic Disorders is common to co-occur in patients with OCD
What do obsessions involve or not involve usually?
obsessions usually do not involve real life concerns and can include one, irrational, or magical content
What obsessions are limited to BDD and trichotillomania?
In BDD and Tricho, the compulsive behavior is limited to hair pulling or distortions in absence of obsessions
What is the difference between OCD and BDD & Tricho?
In OCD, obsessions and compulsions are not limited to concerns about weight and food
What are compulsions and tics usually preceded by?
Compulsions are usually preceded by obsessions, tics are often preceded by premonitory sensory urges
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
+ preoccupation with some imagined defect
+ imagined ugliness
+ have ideas or delusions of reference
+ excessive appearance-related preoccupations and repetitive behaviors that are time-consuming
Body Dysmorphic Disorder with muscle dysmorphia
preoccupied with the idea that his or her body build is too small
What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder associated with?
+ associated with high levels of anxiety, social avoidance, depressed mood, negative affectivity, rejection sensitivity, and perfectionism
+ as well as low extroversion and low self-esteem
+ associated with abnormalities in emotion regulation, attention, and executive function
What is BDD comorbid with?
can be co-morbid with eating disorders, MDD, Social Anxiety, and substance-related disorders
difficulty discarding or parting with possessions
Prader-Willi Syndrome
characterized by severe hypotonia, poor appetite, and feeding difficulties in early infancy, followed in early childhood by excessive eating and gradual development of morbid obesity
Hoarding With Excessive Acquisition
if difficulty discarding possessions is accompanied by excessive acquisitions of items that are not needed or for which there is not available space
What are other common features of Hoarding?
indecisiveness, perfectionism, avoidance, procrastination, difficulty planning, and organizing tasks
What is another type of Hoarding?
Animal Hoarding
What is the biological background of Hoarding?
not direct consequence of neurodevelopmental disorder, nor delusion, nor psychomotor retardation, fatigue, or loss of energy
When should Trichotillomania not be diagnosed?
should not be diagnosed when hair removal is performed solely for cosmetic reasons
What may Trichotillomania be triggered by?
may be triggered by feelings of anxiety of boredom, may be preceded by an increasing sense of tension or may lead to gratification, pleasure, or sense of relief when the hair is pulled out
When does hair pulling not usually occur in (trichotillomania)?
hair pulling does not usually occur in the presence of other individuals, except immediate family members
In what kind of individuals is the disorder more common?
disorder is more common in individual with OCD and their first-degree relatives
When does trichotillomania become OCD?
diagnosis will be OCD, if there is obsession of symmetry
What is the diagnosis if someone with ASD has hair-pulling behaviors?
someone with ASD could have hair-pulling
behaviors when frustrated or angry, so if it’s impairing then it can be diagnosed as stereotypic movement disorder
What happens if an individual with trichotillomania has a delusion/hallucination?
note the delusion or hallucination, if then, psychotic disorder
What may be comorbid with trichotillomania?
accompanied by MDD and Excoriation disorder
What may skin-picking be a response to?
delusion or tactile hallucination
When can excoriation be diagnosed?
In absence of deception, excoriation disorder can be diagnosed if there are repeated attempts to decrease or stop skin picking