Mod 1 - Unit 3 - Lesson 4 Useful phrases Flashcards
Mejar Thomas berasal dari mana?
Major Thomas where is your hometown?
Di mana kampung Mejar Thomas?
Where is your hometown Major Thomas?
Saya berasal dari Melbourne, Australia.
I am from Melbourne, Australia.
Mejar Smith fasih berbahasa Melayu.
Major Smith is fluent in Malay.
Mejar Smith belajar Behasa Melayu di mana?
Where did Major Smith learn Malay?
Saya belajar Bahasa Melayu di DFSL, Australia.
I learnt Malay at DFSL, Australia.
Apa maksud DFSL?
What does DFSL mean?
DFSL ialah akronim untuk Defence Force School of Languages.
DFSL is the acronym for Defence Force School of Languages.
Saya faham sekarang.
I understand now.
Mejar Smith boleh berbahasa Tamil?
Major Smith, can you speak Tamil?
Saya tidak pandai berbahasa Tamil.
I am not good/fluent in Tamil.
Kopi dan teh sudah sedia.
Coffee and tea are ready.
Silakan minum.
Enjoy your drink.