Mnemonics and Main Memory Items | Airlaw Part 2 Flashcards The stripes of the threshold marking shall commence _ m from the threshold. The stripes of the threshold marking shall commence 6 m from the threshold.
Landing Distance Available to Pairs of touchdown zone markings:
Less than 900m - 1 900m up to but not including 1200m - 2 1200m up to but not including 1500m - 3 1500m up to but not including 2400m - 4 2400m or more - 5/6
The width of a runway can be determined by the number of threshold stripes as follows:
A simple formula?
_ stripes - _ stripes - _ stripes - _ stripes - _ stripes -
3.75x stripe = width
4 stripes - 18m 6 stripes - 23m 8 stripes - 30m 12 stripes - 45m 16 stripes - 60m A simple approach lighting system shall consist of a row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway extending, whenever possible, over a distance of not less than 420 m from the threshold with a row of lights forming a crossbar 18 m or 30 m in length at a distance of 300 m from the threshold.
- 3.4.7 The lights of a simple approach lighting system shall be fixed lights and the colour of the lights shall be such as to ensure that the system is readily distinguishable from other aeronautical ground lights, and from extraneous lighting if present. Each centre line light shall consist of either:
a) a _____ source; or
b) a _______ at least _ m in length.
Note 3.— At locations where identification of the simple approach lighting system is difficult at night due to surrounding lights, sequence _______ lights installed in the outer portion of the system may resolve this problem.
. A simple approach lighting system shall consist of a row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway extending, whenever possible, over a distance of not less than 420 m from the threshold with a row of lights forming a crossbar 18 m or 30 m in length at a distance of 300 m from the threshold.
- 3.4.7 The lights of a simple approach lighting system shall be fixed lights and the colour of the lights shall be such as to ensure that the system is readily distinguishable from other aeronautical ground lights, and from extraneous lighting if present. Each centre line light shall consist of either:
a) a single source; or
b) a barrette at least 3 m in length.
Note 3.— At locations where identification of the simple approach lighting system is difficult at night due to surrounding lights, sequence flashing lights installed in the outer portion of the system may resolve this problem.
Precision Approach Category 1 Lightning System: A precision approach category I lighting system shall consist of a row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway extending, wherever possible, over a distance of 900 m from the runway threshold with a row of lights forming a crossbar 30 m in length at a distance of 300 m from the runway threshold.
The lights forming the centre line shall be placed at longitudinal intervals of 30 m with the innermost light(light closest to the threshold) located 30 m from the threshold.
The centre line and crossbar lights of a precision approach category I lighting system shall be fixed lights showing variable white. Each centre line light position shall consist of either:
a) a single light source in the innermost 300 m of the centre line, two light sources in the central 300 m of the centre line and three light sources in the outer 300 m of the centre line to provide distance information; or
b) a barrette.
Where the serviceability level of the approach lights specified as a maintenance objective in 10.5.10 can be demonstrated, each centre line light position may consist of either:
a) a single light source; or
b) a barrette.
Each flashing light as described in shall be flashed twice a second in sequence, beginning with the outermost light and progressing toward the threshold to the innermost light of the system. The design of the electrical circuit shall be such that these lights can be operated independently of the other lights of the approach lighting system.
Precision Approach Category 1 Lightning System: A precision approach category I lighting system shall consist of a row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway extending, wherever possible, over a distance of ____ m from the runway threshold with a row of lights forming a crossbar __ m in length at a distance of ___ m from the runway threshold.
The lights forming the centre line shall be placed at longitudinal intervals of __ m with the innermost light(light closest to the threshold) located __ m from the threshold.
The centre line and crossbar lights of a precision approach category I lighting system shall be fixed lights showing variable ____. Each centre line light position shall consist of either:
a) a single light source in the innermost 300 m of the centre line, two light sources in the central 300 m of the centre line and three light sources in the outer 300 m of the centre line to provide distance information; or
b) a barrette.
Where the serviceability level of the approach lights specified as a maintenance objective in 10.5.10 can be demonstrated, each centre line light position may consist of either:
a) a single light source; or
b) a barrette.
Each flashing light as described in shall be flashed ____ a second in sequence, beginning with the outermost light and progressing toward the ________ to the innermost light of the system. The design of the electrical circuit shall be such that these lights can be operated independently of the other lights of the approach lighting system.
If the centre line consists of lights as described in a) or a), additional crossbars of lights to the crossbar provided at 300 m from the threshold shall be provided at ___ m, ____ m, ____ m and ____ m from the threshold. The lights forming each crossbar shall be as nearly as practicable in a horizontal straight line at right angles to, and bisected by, the line of the centre line lights. The lights shall be spaced so as to produce a linear effect, except that gaps may be left on each side of the centre line. These gaps shall be kept to a minimum to meet local requirements and each shall not exceed 6 m.
The difference between T-VASI and AT-VASI, PAPI and A-PAPI?
AT-VASI only provide lights at one side of the runway
A-PAPI only provide two lights not 4
Precision approach category II and III lighting system:
- 3.4.22 The approach lighting system shall consist of a row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway, extending, wherever possible, over a distance of ___ m from the runway threshold. In addition, the system shall have two ___ rows of lights, extending ___ m from the threshold, and two crossbars, one at ___ m and one at ___ m from the threshold, all as shown in Figure 5-14. Where the serviceability level of the approach lights specified as maintenance objectives in 10.5.7 can be demonstrated, the system may have two side rows of lights, extending 240 m from the threshold, and two crossbars, one at 150 m and one at 300 m from the threshold, all as shown in Figure 5-15.
- 3.4.25 The crossbar provided at 150 m from the threshold shall fill in the gaps between the centre line and side row lights.
- 3.4.26 The crossbar provided at 300 m from the threshold shall extend on both sides of the centre line lights to a distance of __ m from the centre line.
- 3.4.27 If the centre line beyond a distance of 300 m from the threshold consists of lights as described in b) or b), additional crossbars of lights shall be provided at 450 m, 600 m and 750 m from the threshold.
The side row shall consist of barrettes showing __. The length of a side row barrette and the spacing of its lights shall be equal to those of the touchdown zone light barrettes. The lights forming the crossbars shall be fixed lights showing variable ____. The lights shall be uniformly spaced at intervals of not more than 2.7 m.
Precision approach category II and III lighting system:
- 3.4.22 The approach lighting system shall consist of a row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway, extending, wherever possible, over a distance of 900 m from the runway threshold. In addition, the system shall have two side rows of lights, extending 270 m from the threshold, and two crossbars, one at 150 m and one at 300 m from the threshold, all as shown in Figure 5-14. Where the serviceability level of the approach lights specified as maintenance objectives in 10.5.7 can be demonstrated, the system may have two side rows of lights, extending 240 m from the threshold, and two crossbars, one at 150 m and one at 300 m from the threshold, all as shown in Figure 5-15.
- 3.4.25 The crossbar provided at 150 m from the threshold shall fill in the gaps between the centre line and side row lights.
- 3.4.26 The crossbar provided at 300 m from the threshold shall extend on both sides of the centre line lights to a distance of 15 m from the centre line.
- 3.4.27 If the centre line beyond a distance of 300 m from the threshold consists of lights as described in b) or b), additional crossbars of lights shall be provided at 450 m, 600 m and 750 m from the threshold.
The side row shall consist of barrettes showing red. The length of a side row barrette and the spacing of its lights shall be equal to those of the touchdown zone light barrettes. The lights forming the crossbars shall be fixed lights showing variable white. The lights shall be uniformly spaced at intervals of not more than 2.7 m.
One or more of the higher lights are showing on the VASI system, does this mean the aircraft is above or below the glide path?
Above the glide path
T-VASI and the AT-VASI consist of how many lights?
AT-VASI - A bar with 4 lights and 3 lights extending outwards along the runway and 3 lights downwards along the runway - Total of 10 lights.
The T-VASI is the AT-VASI plus another set on the opposite side of the runway = 20 lights
If the aircraft is excessively below the glide path, what will be the VASI indications?
Lower 3 lights on and red
Which approach light system is also referred to as the “Calvert” system?
The number of crossbars -
To summarise (light colour):
Taxiway edge lights are -
Taxiway exit lights are -
Taxiway centre-line lights are -
Taxiway edge lights are - Blue
Taxiway exit lights are - Green and yellow
Taxiway centre-line lights are - Green
Runway holding position:
at an intersection of a taxiway and a non-instrument, non-precision approach or take-off runway, the runway- holding position marking shall be as shown in Figure 5-6, pattern A.
Explain pattern A:
Where a single runway-holding position is provided at an intersection of a taxiway and a precision approach category I, II or III runway, the runway-holding position marking shall be as shown in Figure 5-6, pattern A. Where two or three runway-holding positions are provided at such an intersection, the runway-holding position marking closer (closest) to the runway shall be as shown in Figure 5-6, pattern A and the markings farther from the runway shall be as shown in Figure 5-6, pattern B.
Explain pattern B:
Double dash lines and double solid lines
Two solid lines with perpendicular lines across.
For taxiway signage mnemonic -
Yellow on black, is where you at.
Airfield beacons (aeronautical beacons) usually show:
a two letter identification code in red
a two letter identification code in green
white flashing strobe light
a two letter identification code in white
white flashing strobe light
Low intensity obstacle lights on mobile objects shall be:
Flashing red or preferably yellow
Low intensity obstruction lights on vehicles and moving objects are:
Flashing yellow
High intensity obstacle lights should be:
Flashing white
High intensity obstacle lights should be used to indicate the presence of an object if its length above the level of the surrounding ground exceeds ___ and an aeronautical study indicates such lights to be essential for the recognition of the object by ___ The lights shall be ___
150m, day, flashing white lights