Mnemonics and Main Memory Items | Aerodromes(NADP inc) Flashcards
The definition of Manoeuvring Area is:
That part of an aerodrome to be used for take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft, excluding apron(s)
Landing Distance Available to Pairs of touchdown zone markings:
Less than 900m - 1 900m up to but not including 1200m - 2 1200m up to but not including 1500m - 3 1500m up to but not including 2400m - 4 2400m or more - 5/6
The width of a runway can be determined by the number of threshold stripes as follows:
A simple formula?
_ stripes - _ stripes - _ stripes - _ stripes - _ stripes -
3.75x stripe = width
4 stripes - 18m 6 stripes - 23m 8 stripes - 30m 12 stripes - 45m 16 stripes - 60m
What is a ‘barrette’?
a set of three lights which from a distance look like a single bar
Runway centre line lights are mandatory on a:
Precision approach runway Cat II or III
Runway threshold identification lights, when provided, should be:
Flashing white
Lights on and in the vicinity of aerodromes may be turned off, provided that they can be again brought into operation:
At least one hour before the expected arrival of an aircraft
Taxiway edge lights shall be:
Fixed showing blue
Runway edge lights except in the case of a displaced threshold shall be:
Fixed lights showing variable white
Runway-lead-in lighting should consist:
of group of at least three white lights flashing in sequence towards the runway;
Runway lights summary
· Edge lights:
· End lights:
· Threshold lights:
· Threshold identification:
· Centre line lights:
· Displaced threshold:
· Lead-in lighting:
· Edge lights: variable white, red for displaced section, yellow for final third
· End lights: fixed unidirectional red
· Threshold lights: fixed unidirectional lights showing green in the direction of approach to the runway
· Threshold identification: flashing white
· Centre line lights: fixed white to 900 m, alt. red-white to 300 m, fixed red
· Displaced threshold: fixed red in approach direction
· Lead-in lighting: group of at least three white lights flashing in sequence towards the runway
Taxiway lighting summary:
Taxiway edge lights:
Taxiway centreline lights (other than exit taxiway):
Taxiway edge lights: blue
Taxiway centreline lights (other than exit taxiway): fixed lights showing green
Taxiway centre line lights other than an exit taxiway shall be:
Fixed lights showing green
Within the Annex to the ICAO convention that specifies dimensions of aerodromes is a specific dimension given for the approach light system for CAT 1 ILS. What should be the length of this approach light system?
900 metres
What is the length of an approach lighting system of a precision-approach runway CAT II:
Which of the following alternatives describes the complete CAT 1 (‘Calvert’) type of approach light system?
3 crossbars, centre line with 3, 2 or 1 lamp per light unit
3 crossbars, centre line with 3 or 2 lamps per light unit
4 crossbars, centre line with 3 or 2 lamps per light unit
5 crossbars, centre line with 3, 2 and 1 lamp per light unit
5 crossbars, centre line with 3, 2 and 1 lamp per light unit
Precision approach category I lighting system:
- A row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway extending, wherever possible, over a distance of ___ m from the runway threshold with a row of lights forming a crossbar __ m in length at a distance of ___ m from the runway threshold.
- _ crossbars, centre line with 3, 2 and 1 lamp per light unit
- the single 2 & 3 light sources on the centre line have a length of ___m
Precision approach category II and III lighting system:
- A row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway, extending, wherever possible, over a distance of ___ m from the runway threshold. In addition, the system shall have two side rows of lights, extending ___ m from the threshold, and two crossbars, one at ___ m and one at ____ m from the threshold…
Precision approach category I lighting system:
- A row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway extending, wherever possible, over a distance of 900 m from the runway threshold with a row of lights forming a crossbar 30 m in length at a distance of 300 m from the runway threshold.
- 5 crossbars, centre line with 3, 2 and 1 lamp per light unit
- the single 2 & 3 light sources on the centre line have a length of 300m
Precision approach category II and III lighting system:
- A row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway, extending, wherever possible, over a distance of 900 m from the runway threshold. In addition, the system shall have two side rows of lights, extending 270 m from the threshold, and two crossbars, one at 150 m and one at 300 m from the threshold…
In a precision approach category I lighting system, the centre line and crossbar lights shall be:
Fixed lights showing variable white
Runway centre line lights shall be provided:
On CAT II and III runways and when it is necessary for operational reasons
Runway centre line lights shall be fixed lights showing variable ___ from the threshold to the point 900m from the runway end, alternate ___ and variable ___ from 900m to 300m from runway end, and ___ from 300m to the runway end
white, red and white, red
If you observe a sign containing a red colour on the movement area of an aerodrome it will always be:
mandatory instruction
Mandatory instructions signs on an aerodrome shall have the following colours:
White inscription on a red background
White on red, you do it I bet.
Select the correct option from the list to complete the sentence: A standalone location sign shall have a… border
An information sign other than a location sign consists of an inscription of:
Black on yellow background
Explain the visual of holding Pattern A and B:
Explain the meaning of each:
Pattern A will be a double line plus two lines of broken stripes.
Pattern B will be Two solid lines will perpendicular lines joining them.
Pattern A: is used for visual/CAT I and CAT II/III taxi-holding positions where only one taxi-holding position is provided.
Pattern B: marks a CAT II/III holding point where a closer taxi-holding position to the runway is provided.
Regarding pattern A and B:
Which one is relevant to Cat II/III only
Pattern B
Explain the visual of an intermediate taxi-way holding point:
One broken line
Runway side stripe marking:
· A runway side stripe marking shall be provided between the thresholds of a paved runway where there is a lack of contrast between the runway edges and the shoulders or the surrounding terrain.
· ICAO’s Recommendation:
A runway side stripe marking should be provided on a ? approach runway regardless of the contrast between the runway edges and the shoulders or the surrounding terrain.
Runway side stripe marking:
· A runway side stripe marking shall be provided between the thresholds of a paved runway where there is a lack of contrast between the runway edges and the shoulders or the surrounding terrain.
· ICAO’s Recommendation:
A runway side stripe marking should be provided on a precision approach runway regardless of the contrast between the runway edges and the shoulders or the surrounding terrain.
The white dumb-bell with black perpendicular bar indicates that:
taxiing need not be confined to the taxiways
Mnemonic: The bar joins the edges, meaning it is not confined from each other.
The lights shown by an aerodrome identification beacon at a land aerodrome shall be:
Green colour identification given by Morse Code
Mnemonic: Green is where I must be
In the VASIs how many light units are in each wing bar?
How many light units are in each wing bar of a T-VASIS or AT VASIS?
3-BAR AVASIS, PAPI and T-VASIS shall be provided for aircraft, having eye-to-wheel heights, when in the flare attitude, not exceeding:
Approximately 16m
The PAPI shall consist of:
wing bar of 4 sharp transition multi-lamp or paired units equally spaced
- Climb at V2+10 to V2+20 kt to ?.
- 800 feet - ?
- 3000 feet - Accelerate to en-route climb speed retracting flaps on schedule.
- Climb at V2+10 to V2+20 kt.
- 800 feet - ?
- Flaps up - Thrust reduce
- Climb at ? to ? feet.
- 3000 feet - Accelerate to en-route climb speed.
- Climb at V2+10 to V2+20 kt to ? ft.
- 1500 feet - ?.
- 3000 feet - Accelerate to en-route climb speed retracting flaps on schedule.
- Climb at V2+10 to V2+20 kt to ?.
- 1000 feet - ?
- Flaps up - Thrust reduce
- Climb at VZF+10 to 3000 feet
- 3000 feet - Accelerate to en-route climb speed
- Climb at V2+10 to V2+20 kt to 3000 ft.
- 800 feet - Thrust reduction.
- 3000 feet - Accelerate to en-route climb speed retracting flaps on schedule.
- Climb at V2+10 to V2+20 kt.
- 800 feet - Accelerate to VZF (zero flap speed) and retract flaps on schedule.
- Flaps up - Thrust reduce
- Climb at VZF+10 to 3000 feet.
- 3000 feet - Accelerate to en-route climb speed.
- Climb at V2+10 to V2+20 kt to 3000 ft.
- 1500 feet - Thrust reduction.
- 3000 feet - Accelerate to en-route climb speed retracting flaps on schedule.
- Climb at V2+10 to V2+20 kt to 1000ft.
- 1000 feet - Accelerate to VZF (zero flap speed) and retract flaps on schedule
- Flaps up - Thrust reduce
- Climb at VZF+10 to 3000 feet
- 3000 feet - Accelerate to en-route climb speed
When setting up a minimum noise climb, the minimum height at which a power reduction shall be allowed is:
Which one of the following factors should prevent a runway being chosen as the preferential landing runway for noise abatement purposes in visual meteorological condition (VMC)?
According to the recommended “noise abatement take-off and climb procedure A” established in ICAO, DOC 8168 Volume I part V, Chapter 3, thrust reduction to climb power, has to be done as soon as the aircraft reaches:
In accordance with ICAO PANS OPS 8168, noise preferential routes are established to ensure that departing and arriving aeroplanes avoid overflying noise-sensitive areas in the vicinity of the aerodrome as far as practicable. In establishing noise preferential routes:
According with the “noise abatement take-off and climb procedure B”, as established in ICAO PANS OPS 8168 - Ops Volume 1, part V, aircraft must climb at V2 + 10 to 20 kt, until reaching:
300 m (1000 ft)
It has no ILS or visual approach slope guidance
1 500 ft
no turns should be required coincident with a reduction of power associated with a noise abatement procedure
1 000ft
CAT I approach lights (centre lights and crossbars) shall be fixed lights showing
variable intensity white
Where no barrettes are used, each centre line light position of a category I precision approach lighting system shall consist of:
single light source in the innermost 300m, two light sources in the central 300m and three light sources in the outer 300m
For a full Calvert CAT I approach lighting system, how many bars are required and what is the configuration of the centre line?
5 bar and distance coded centre line increasing from the threshold
For a precision CAT II/III approach lighting system, what colour are the side row barrettes of the supplemental approach lighting in the inner segment?
The centre line and crossbar lights of a precision approach Category I lighting system shall be fixed lights, showing variable intensity of the following colour:
Airfield beacons (aeronautical beacons) usually show:
white flashing strobe light
What colour is an aerodrome beacon at a land aerodrome?
White or white/green
Low intensity obstacle lights on fixed objects shall be:
Fixed red
Low intensity obstacle lights on mobile objects shall be:
Flashing red or preferably yellow
High intensity obstacle lights should be:
Flashing white
When a runway is 2000 metres in length, and taxi holding positions have not been established, aircraft shall not be held closer to the runway in use more than:
50 metres
Touchdown zone markings are placed:
150m from the runway threshold
When a fixed-distance marking has to be provided this marking shall commence at:
300m from threshold
For an instrument runway, how far from the centre line of a runway is a runway vacated sign positioned?
At the end of the ILS/MLS sensitive area
Runway centre line markings shall be provided on:
paved runways
On a runway with a length of 1200m, how far is the aiming point from the threshold?
How is a paved pre-threshold area which is greater than 60m in length but not suitable for any use by aircraft, marked?
How is a paved pre-threshold area which is greater than 60m in length but not suitable for full use by aircraft, marked?
By a white X
By yellow chevrons pointing towards the threshold
If runway centre line lights are installed on a runway with a length of 1800m or more, they shall have the following colours on the last 900m:
Alternate red and white from 900m to 300m and red from 300m to the runway end
When a runway threshold is displaced, what colour shall the lights have in approach direction between the beginning of the runway and the displaced threshold?
Alternate yellow and green centre line lights of a taxiway indicate:
An ILS/MLS critical/sensitive area