Meteorology | Climatology and Global circulation Flashcards
The three global circulation cells and latitude
Hadley cell between 0 and 30 degrees
Ferrel cell between 30 and 60 degrees
Polar cell between 60 and 90 degrees
Explain the type of flow at 0 degrees -
Rising air
Explain the type of flow at 30 degrees -
Sinking air
The subtropical high is found -
At 30 degrees
Trade winds:
They are found between -
Caused by -
Direction for NH and SH
0 - 30 degrees
The outflow of air from the subtropical highs to the equator low, deflected by Coriolis forces.
NE in NH, SE in the SH
Coriolis force in NH deflects to the -
Coriolis force in SH deflects to the -
Equatorial Low(trough):
Where is it found and how is it cause -
Significance -
At the equator, caused by hot air rising. The risen air cools at height and then move North to the subtropical high, where it sinks and finally flow back to the equator.
The return flow from the subtropical high is what causes the NE and SE trade winds
Temperate low:
Where is it found -
Significance -
Temperate low is where the subtropical high and the polar air masses meet.
An area of convergence, the temperate low is defined by travelling depressions.
Westerly winds:
Where is it found -
How is it caused -
Between the ferrel cell and the polar cell.
Caused by airflow from the subtropical high to the polar high in both hemispheres.
The polar front is caused -
By the subtropical high meeting the polar high
Where is it found -
How is it caused -
Found in the polar cell.
Caused by the surface flow of polar high towards the subtropical high, but is variable and less strong.
Equatorial Climate:
Location -
Type of weather -
between 0 and 10 degrees.
Convective activity with high rainfall and thunderstorms. Two rainy season March and September.
There are two rainy seasons in the equatorial climate, these occur -
March and September
Tropical transition climate(also knows as savannah):
Location -
Weather -
10 to 20 degrees.
Hot humid summers with thunderstorms, mild dry winters.
Arid subtropical (also knows as steppe):
Location -
Weather -
20 - 35 degrees.
The subsiding air is cloudless and hot. Most of the earths deserts are here. NH: Sahara, Arabia, Arizona. SH: Kalahari, Australia
Mediterranean Climate:
Location -
Weather winter and summer -
35 - 40 degrees
Traveling frontal depressions, prevailing westerly winds, cloud and precipitation, cool and unsettled.
Dry subtropical climate, anti-cyclonic, hot sunny weather, westerly upper winds.
Disturbed Temperate:
Location -
Weather -
40 - 65 degrees
The weather is controlled by travelling frontal depressions. Winds are normally westerly. No dry season.
Polar Climate(tundra):
Location -
65 - 90 degrees
When are the rainy seasons in equatorial Africa?
March to May and October to November
Along the West coast of India the prevailing winds are the:
SW monsoon in July and a NE monsoon in January
What is the name of the northerly, cold and strong wind, that sometimes blows over a certain part of Europe?
The Chinook is a:
warm and dry wind that forms as air descends on the leeward side of the Rocky Mountains
The Bora is a:
cold katabatic wind with the possibility of violent gusts
What is the strong relatively cold katabatic wind, blowing down the northern Adriatic coast, mainly during the winter and spring called?
What is the name of the wind or air mass which gives to the main part of India its greatest proportion of precipitation?
South west monsoon