MM4290 GK Flashcards
6 reasons aircrew will not assume aircraft control
- W/O crew rest
- W/in 12 hrs of alcohol or impared by effects
- Detrimental physical or mental condition
- Self Medicating
- W/in 72 hrs donating blood, plasma, bone marrow
- W/in 24 hours of scuba
Crew rest definition
12 Hours rest period prior to FDP. Contains opportunity for 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep
Flight Duty Period definition
Begins when you report for first official duty and ends at engine shutdown
Student Flight Duty Period
Students in formal training must complete all flight duities in 12 hours
Night limitations on FDP
10 hours
IFR definition
Rules governing the conduct of instrument flight, used by pilots and controllers to indicate type of flight plan
IMC definition
Weather conditions expressed in terms of visability, distance from clouds, and ceilings less than minima required for VMC
VFR definition
Rules governing procedures for conducting flight under VFR
VMC definition
Weather conditions better or equal to the required minima for visual flight
Weather Source Priorities (5)
- Local Weather Squadron
- Regional operational Weather Squadron
- Other military DOD weather sources
- Other US Gov sources
- Foreign Military sources
When do you need to file a flightplan?
File in accordance with FLIP, GP, MAJCOM guidance. If unable to file on the ground, file when airborne
Who signs the flight plan?
When can a destination be filed?
When the WX at the destination +/- 1 hour is above the lowest compatible approach mins not including TEMPO
When is an alternate required?
When the WX at the destination +/- 1 hour is below 2000/3SM including TEMPO group.
What disqualifies an alternate?
- Wx +/- 1 hour is below 1000/2 or 500/1 above lowest compatible approach mins whichever is higher.
- All approaches use unmonitored navaids
- No WX reporting at the field
- A(NA) on all compatible approaches
When do you declare Min/Emer fuel?
Declare to the appropriate controlling agency when the acft may land at the intended destination with one of the two fuel states.
What are the fuel requirements when you have to carry an alternate?
Fuel required includes an approach and missed approach at the intended destination if vis only WX criteria is used.
If using ceiling and vis WX criteria, fuel in not required.
What is the required fuel reserve?
Have enough fuel to increase the total planned flight time by 10% up to 45 min or 20 min whichever is greater?
How is T-6 fuel reserve computed?
Max endurance at 10,000 feet MSL
What is the min weather for an IFR departure?
Do not depart IF unless the WX at destination are forecast +/- 1 hour to be at or above lowest compatible approach mins
How much should you lead level offs by?
10% of your VSI
What is the minimum IFR climb performance an aircraft needs to have? (2)
Acft must meet or exceed 200’/NM OR published climb gradient, with all engines running
When are you allowed to begin a turn after takeoff?
400’ above the DER unless required earlier by the departure procedure.
What is the standard IFR climb gradient?
3.3% aka 200’/NM
IFR DER crossing restrictions
IFR DER crossing Restrictions
IFR DER crossing restrictions
NAS (Hard >= 6000’)
IFR DER crossing restrictions
NAS (<6000’)
Definition of an ODP (Obstacle Departure Procedure)
IFR DEP procedures specifically designed to avoid obstacles.
Look for “obstacle” in title along with “Trouble T”
Definition of a Diverse Departure
An IFR DEP that is acceptable as long as no obstacles penetrate the 40:1 plane.
Will not fly if RWY has “T” or ODP
What is the purpose of non-standard IFR takeoff minimums?
Provided for pilots to “see and avoid” obstacles when the obstacles penetrate the 40:1 plane w/in 3 SM from DER
When is a min climb gradient published? (non-standard IFR T/O mins)
Published when obstacles penetrate the 40:1 beyond the 3 SM from DER
What is a VCOA?
Visual climb over airport
VMC maneuver on IFR flight plan and is a climbing turn over the airport until a specified alt is reached
Min WX for VCOA?
250’ above visual obstacles
What causes a Reduced T/O Runway Length?
Obstacle pens the 40:1 plane by 35’ or less, the instrument procedure may limit TODA to maintain standard 200’/NM
What is a DVA?
Diverse vector area
Allows radar vectors in lieu of an ODP, headings and climb gradients are assigned by ATC.
What are “Specific ATC departure instructions?”
Includes a heading and alt, not considered vectors, do not apply wind corrections.
Need to make sure instructions comply with ODP
What is a SID?
Standard instrument departure
Used at high traffic fields to simplify clearance delivery. Do not fly unless approved by ATC
What are T/O obstacle notes?
“Trouble T”
within 3 SM of DER that require >=200’/NM
Definition of a low close in obstacle?
Obstacle that requires >200’/NM for very short distance until ACFT is 200’ above DER
When is supplemental O2 requried?
Anytime cabin ALT exceeds 10,000’
Right of way Rules?
- Acft in distress
- converging acft (right has ROW)
- Diff Categories
- Head on each goes to the right
- Overtaken Acft has ROW
- Established on final
Right of way based on Acft category
- Balloons
- Gliders
- Acft towing or refueling
- Airships
- All others
Min IFR altitudes on airways?
No lower than published min for airway.
Min IFR altitude off airways?
No lower than OROCA, ORTCA, or 1000/2000 mountain above within 4NM of planned route.
Aircraft speed restrictions below 10,000ft
Aircraft speed restrictions below 2500 AGL w/in 4NM of airport in class C/D?
200 KIAS
Speed limit below class B?
200 KIAS
Hazard or Severe conditions/ Thunderstorm avoidance rules?
Don’t operate in forecast or actual severe conditions
Avoid TS by 10 NM below FL230 and 20 NM above FL230
What are the Wx mins for flying VFR?
Do not fly VFR if unable to maintain vis/cloud clearances listed desired airspace classificaion
VFR min hemispheric altitudes
Fly VFR hemispheric altitude above 3000’ AGL NEODDSWEVEN+500
Min Alt over non congested area?
500 AGL
Min alt over congested area?
1000’ above highest obstacle within 2000’
Min alt over a national recreation area?
2000’ AGL
When do you use flight following?
When available and not a detriment to the mission use VFR flight following to the max extent practical.
What do you do if you are unable to maintain VFR?
- Transition to instruments
- Get IFR clearance
- Land VFR at suitable field
Gotchas with closing VFR flight plan?
Not automatically closed when landing, pilot must ensure flight plan is closed.
Flying direct via RNAV capabilities rule
Do not file direct to nav fix unless the primary nav equipment on board the acft is certified for the appropriate RNAV capability
RNAV substitute use
Suitable RNAV system may be uses to substitute an Out of Service navaid
RNAV alternate use
NAV may be use in lieu of conventional operational navaids without monitoring those navaids
Allowed uses for RNAV systems
- Acft position and distance to conventional navaids
- Nav to and from conventional navaids
- hold over conventional navai or DME fix
- fly an arc based on DME
RNAV prohibitions (4)
- Substituting lateral course guidance during final of VOR/TACAN/NDB
- Lateral nav on LOC apprch without ref raw LOC data
- Nav DMR/DME/IRU sys unless auth by notam
- Procedure is “NA”
What is the standard holding pattern?
Right turns 2x180* turns
Max holding airspeed MHA to 6,000’
200 KIAS
Max holding airspeed 6,001-14,000’
230 KIAS
Max holding airspeed 14,001’ to 34,000+
265 KAIS
Holding leg length is determined by what?
1 min at or below 14,000’ or 1.5 min above 14,000
Holding drift corrections expectations?
after entering pattern, pilot is expected to compensate for known winds on outbound to align the inbound leg. (Triple the drift)
How are alternate IFR arrival mins depicted on approach plate?
Inverse “A”
Straight in or sidestep WX min
For straight in or sidestep WX must meet required VFR vis mins
Circling Wx mins
Circling approach the forecast wx must meet prevailing vis+ ceiling
Vectors to intercept final approach
Acft is vectored to intercept the final approach course at least 3 miles from FAF at max intercept angle 30* (NAS)
Altitude & Airspeed prior to approach
maintain last assigned alt and airspeed until established on published segment
Approach clearances cancel any previously assigned speed adjustments
Declared distances are marked with what?
Inverse “D”
TORA definition
Distance of ground run available for takeoff
TODA definition
takeoff run and length of remaining runway or clearway beyond the to/o run
ASDA definition
Rwy + stopway available for aborting a takeoff
LDA definiton
Rwy length declared suitable for landing an airplane
When can you do practice instrument approaches under VFR?
When Authorized by OG.
Must maintain cloud clearances, use terminal radar services, make all position reports and recieve ATC approval to fly the missed approach
Title of a circling only approach?
Name of the approach followed by a single letter.
What do you do if the glideslope fails for the current approach?
Fly w/o vertical guidance (LOC)
What is unestablished on a ILS or LOC?
approach must be discontinued if loc course becomes unreliable or anytime full scale CDI occurs on final
What is an ILS critical area?
Ceiling less than 800’/2 SM acft not authorized in ILS critical area when arriving aircraft is between the ILS FAF and the airfield
How do you fly a LOC back course
Set the published front course to achieve proper CDI deflection. T-6 does not have BC sensing capes`
When can you descend below DH/DA/MDA?
Do not descend until sufficient visual ref w/rwy and in position to land.
When can you descend below 100’ AGL?
Do not descend below 100’ above TDZE using approach lights as sole ref.
What is ESA?
Provides 1000’ (2000’ mountain) within 100 NM of the facility
What is MSA?
MSA provides 1000’ obstacle clearance (2000’ mountain) within 25 NM of the airport
How is a non precision FAF denoted on an approach plate?
Maltase Cross
How is a precision FAF denoted on an approach plate?
Look for the lightning bolt
When is timing required on an approach?
When the final approach does not end in a fix, begins when crossing the FAF
When is timing for an approach not authorized
If timing is not specifically depicted on the IAP then it is NA to ID the MAP
What constitutes the runway environment? (7)
- Rwy or Rwy markings
- Rwy end identifier lights
- Rwy lights
- Threshold, markings, lights
- Touchdown zone, markings, lights
- approach lighting sys
What do you need to do if going missed approach prior to the MAP?
Fly IAP as published, including alt restrictions to the MAP, no turns prior to the MAP
What runway do you execute a circling missed approach?
Fly the missed approach for the IAP just flown, not to the runway you are circling to
How do you fly a circling missed approach?
Climbing turn toward the runway in protected airspace, continue turn until established on missed approach course.
What happens if the ALS is inop?
Most instructions depicted in the remarks of the IAP. Usually drives higher approach minimums
What is a CDFA?
Constant descent final approach using published VDA to calculate the VVI to fly.
What is industry practice DDA?
Use MDS specific guidance or MDA+50’
When is the latest that you can report having your landing gear down?
When crossing the threshold
Rules regarding LAHSO?
Crews will only passively accept LASHO?
What is the definition of OROCA?
Off Route Obstruction Clearance provides 1000’ (2000’) above the highest obstruction
What is MEA Definition?
Lowest published alt that assures acceptable navigational signal coverage, and meets obstacle clearance requirements
What is MRA Definition?
Min reception alt that nav signal can be received for the route, as well as off route navaids used to determine fixes.
What is MOCA definition?
Min obstruction clearance alt published between fixes that provides 1000’ obstruction clearance and acceptable nav reception out to 22NM.
What is MCA definition?
Min crossing alt, when proceeding to higher min enroute alt.
What is MVA defintion?
Min vectoring alt used by ATC when vectoring aircraft. May be lower than MEA or MOCAs
Where is RVSM airspace?
FL290-410 inclusive
What is RVSM
Reduced Vertical Separation of Aircraft from 2000’ to 1000’
Definition of Prohibited Area?
Place where the flight of acft is prohibited due to national security blah blah
Definition of Restricted Area?
Areas where operations are hazardous to non participating aircraft, flight is not prohibited but is subject to restrictions
Definition of Warning Area?
Similar to restricted areas, US GOV doesn’t have sole jurisdiction over area. 12NM outward of US coast.
Definition of MOA?
Mil operating area, separates mil activities from IFR traffic.
Definition of Alert Area?
High volume of flight training or unusual aerial activity
MTR definition?
Used for tactical flying usually below 10,000’ in excess of 250KIAS
3 Types of MTRs?
TFR definition?
In effect when traffic in airspace would endanger or hamper air or ground activities in designate area
Localizer usable range?
Within 10* 18 NM, all other angles 10 NM
Glide slope usable range?
10 NM 1.4* thick
What does an OM id?
4-7NM from the airport indicate if Acft is at appropriate altitude if on a localizer glideslope intercept
What does a MM id?
3500’ from landing threshold 200’ above TDZE
What does IM id?
Landing threshold
When should you use landing flaps?
Full stop landings when heavy weight flaps up landing distance >= 80% of field length
How low can you go in a low approach?
Aircrew will not allow the aircraft to touchdown when cleared a low approach
How low can you go in a restricted low approach?
Aircrew will not descend below 500’ AGL or ATC specified altitude
What are the high surface wind restrictions?
Will not fly over land withing training or operating area with real/forecast steady state wind >35kts
What are the high swell restrictions?
OG approval for swells over 10 feet
When can you fly an RNAV approach in the T-6?
What is the rule regarding GPS database currency?
Aircrews will not use GPS as a form of primary nav with an expired database.
Rule for FDE and GPS?
Loss of FDE is an unacceptable degradation of system performance
dont fly them
Max aircraft in pattern at NTA?
NTA overhead vs rectangular pattern?
Do not fly overhead pattern w/ civilian traffic in pattern
Max speed at an NTA?
maintain 200 KIAS or less for pattern/approach ops within 1500’/3NM of NTA
What is the definition of windshear?
> 15 kts or VVI change >500 FPM
What is the distress signal for T-6?
Continuous wing rocking.
What is a standard formation?
1NM and within 100’ of leader
What is the squawk for radio failure?
What are your routing priorities during radio failure? (4)
- route assigned in the last ATC clearance recieved
- If radar vectors, direct to fix specified in vector clearance
- In absence of route, expected route in ATC EFC
- Filed route
What are your altitude priorities for dual radio failure? (3)
Maintain the highest of the following,
- Alt from last assigned ATC clearance
- Min alt of IFR operations
- Highest alt or FL ATC advised may be expected
Transmission frequency for
1. Vectors to final
2. ASR final
3. PAR final
- 1 minute
- 15 sec
- 5 sec
What are the 4 types of icing?
- Clear
- rime
- mixed
- frost
Formation responsibilites
Flight lead
Nav lead & admin lead, responsible for mission success
Formation responsibilities
Clear for the formation, plan ahead of the a/c, monitor #2, communication, navigation
Formation responsibilities
Do not hit 1,
keep 1 in sight
be in position and on freq
clear for the formation
back up #1
Who is responsible for formation collision avoidance?
2 unless they are unable to maintain visual, then the visual acft has the responsibility
Lost wingman procedures
wings level
Lost wingman turns away 15* bank for 15 seconds then resumes heading
Lost wingman procedures
outside the turn
Lost wingman reverse turn 15* bank for 15 Sec then rolls out straight ahead
Lost wingman procedures
inside the turn
Lost wingman reduces power to ensure nose tail sep and tells #1 to roll out, 2 maintains turn
Lost wingman procedures
Final Approach
lost wingman makes bid away from #1 and climbs to FAF altitude while proceeding to MAP for separate clearance
Lost wingman procedures
Missed Approach
Lost wingman bids away from #1 and flies MAP procedures +500’
Wx for a wing takeoff
500’/1.5 SM or circle mins whichever is higher
Xwind less than 15 Kts
Dry runway 150’ wide
Wx for an interval takeoff
75’ runway
Wx mins for a formation approach (non emergency)
500’/1 1/2 SM or published approach mins, whichever is higher
Min interval for instrument trail departure
20 Sec
Airspeed and AOB for instrument trail departure
160 KIAs 30*AOB
What altitudes do you call out on AUX during instrument trail departure?
even altitudes
What does 2 squawk until formed up with #1 during Instrument trail departure?
How much altitude separation does #2 need to maintain until visual with #1 on an Instrument trail departure?
Definition of heading crossing angle? (HCA)
angular difference between the longitudinal axis of 2 aircraft
AA defintions?
expressed in degreees off the tail of the reference A/C in multiples of 10
LOS definition
the apparent motion of the tgt aircraft in your windscreen (fwd, back, or 0)
LOS rate
the rate of change in the LOS`
When do you breakout?
Hazard the formation
Infront of the formation
Told to
SA is lost
When do you KIO?`
Emergency/dangerous situation
Unbriefed flight enters the area
Min cloud separation
SA is lost
Wx below mins
Overflown bingo or ops limits
Radio failure with wing rock
Line abreast bust or w/in 300’ bubble
Directed to
When do you terminate?
Bingo is reached
DLO met
Aircraft is out of position and not expected to return
Told to
Immediate actions to a KIO or terminate call
Clear the flightpath
Cease maneuvering
Maintain visual
Acknowledge with callsign
What do you do if 1 acft loses sight of the other?
The visual aircraft assumes responsibility for deconfliction and tries to talk the other aircraft back on to them.
If lead loses the visual, #2 can rejoin no closer than route
What do you do if both aircraft lose sight of each other?
directive to get 1000’ separation
Reform definition?
Changing from one formation position to another formation position
Rejoin definition?
Changing from non formation to a formation
How low can you plan a formation low approach?
100’ but in practice we do 300’
Fingertip maneuver limits?
120 KIAS min 90* 2-3 Gs
Route & Echelon maneuver limits?
60* AOB