11-202V3 AETCSUP CH 15 Flashcards
What is the definition of a precision approach?
Approach based on nav system that provides course, glidepath, deviation information.
Approach with vertical guidance definition?
Instrument approach based on nav system that is not req to meet precision standards of ICAO annex but provides course and glidepath dev info
Non-precision approach definition
Provides lateral course deviation without glidpath indications
AETC rules to follow while flying practice instrument approaches under VFR? (4)
- Maintain VFR cloud clearance
- use terminal radar service when available
- make position reports
- recieve ATC approval to fly published missed
When can you descend below MDA, DA or DH?
Sufficient visual reference with runway environment and acft is in safe position to land.
When can you descend below 100’ above TDZE?
Do not descend using approach lights unless red termination bars/ or side lights are visible.
What do you do if the ALS is inop?
Follow approach plate guidance
Why is there a letter on the title of the approach plate to a runway VOR Z RWY 21?
When 2 or more straight in approaches with the same type nav guidance exist.
- 2 or more missed approaches
- different approaches for different aircraft categories
- 2 or more arrivals used to a common approach and published to a different chart.
Name of the approach followed by a single letter means what?
Circling approach
What does the “/” mean in the title of the approach?
More than one type of equipment is required
Examples of a non-radar approach?
What is an ESA?
1000/2000’ of clearance within 100 NM of military field
What is an MSA/ Min sector altitude?
1000/2000’ of clearance within 25 NM of field
What is a VDA?
Vertical descent angle
Optimum VDA?
What is the definition of Field Elevation?
Highest point on any suitable landing surface.
What is the definition of TDZE?
highest point in the first 3,000’ of the landing surface
Up to how many degrees off is still considered a straight in approach?
What is an LPV?
A RNAV approach that works like an ILS
What are the 5 approach segments to an instrument approach procedure?
- Arrival
- Initial
- Intermediate
- Final
- Missed approach
What is considered established on VOR/NDB/LOC/RNAV
- 1/2 deflection for VOR
- +/- 5 degrees for NDB
- Full deflection LOC
- 1x the required accuracy RNAV
Max speed for a climb in holding?
310 KIAS
Speed procedure turns should be flown at to keep the aircraft in protected airspace?
200 or less
How do you fly a procedure turn with no FAF depicted?
Fly outbound leg to descent to MDA can be completed to safely land.
When can you descend from a PT fix altitude?
Do not descend until crossing over or outbound abeam the procedure turn fix
When can you descend from a procedure turn completion fix?
Do not descend until established on an inbound segment of the approach
45/180 required straight time outbound for cat A & B aircraft.
1 minute
How is a HILPT depicted on an IAP?
Heavy black line
Max time on a teardrop heading for HILPT entry if legs are longer than 1 minute?
How does leg timing work for HILPT entry?
If point is a facility, start timing when abeam or attaining the outbound heading, whichever is last.
When point is a fix, time when attaining the outbound heading
When do you not do a procedure turn?
Straight in
established on inbound
Radar vectors to final
Timed approach
When do you need to fly stepdown fixes on the final approach?
When flying a non precision approach
When can you descend from the IAF alt on HI Teardrop approach?
Begin descent when established on parallel or intercept heading to the outbound course.
Descent gradient for pen approach?
800-1000 fpm
What do you do if you arrive at the IAF on a HI Teardrop below the published altitude?
Time outbound for 15 seconds for every 1,000’ below the published altitude.
What do you do if you arrive at the IAF on a HI Teardrop above published alt?
Descend at IAF then commence approach
When do you turn inbound when penetration turn altitude is not published?
turn after descending 1/2 altitude between IAF and FAF
Clearance for the visual approach does NOT clear you for what?
Overhead or VFR traffic pattern
What do you do if you have to do a go around on a visual approach?
At a towered field, listen to what tower tells you, at non towered, complete the landing as soon as possible
Pilot requirements to be cleared for a visual approach?
Must have the airport or the preceding aircraft in sight and be cleared and controlled by ATC.
What is the WX requirement for visual approach?
1000/3 SM