Miscellaneous (Multisystem) Flashcards

Posterior shoulder dyslocation
Commonly caused by violent muscle contractions during electrocution or seizure
Anterior shoulder dyslocation
Most common form of shoulder dyslocation
Caused by a direct blow or fall on an outstretched arm.
Patient holds the arm slightly abducted and externally rotated.
Praeder-Willi Syndrome
- Clinical features
- Diagnosis
- Complications

Medical complications of Turner’s syndrome
Coarctation of the aorta
Bicuspid aortic valve
Horshoe kidney

Testing for muscular dystrophies
Screening: Creatinine phosphokinase and aldolase levels
Confirmation: Genetic studies.
Hemolytic uremic syndrome
- Etiology
- Presentation
- Laboratory findings
- Treatment
Hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, acute renal failure
Most commonly seen in toddlers
Approximately 50% of children with HUS require dialysis