Misc Neuro Diseases in Horses Flashcards
This is usually caused from laying in lateral recumbency for too long
Radial nerve paralysis
Which nerve is susceptible to damage from pressure of laying in lateral recumbency?
Radial nerve
What are clinical signs of radial nerve paralysis?
Dropped elbow and flexed carpus, drags limb, unable to advance limb
How do you treat radial nerve paralysis?
Rapid/aggressive nursing care
What type of fracture is seen in horses that rear up and flip backward?
Basisphenoid/basioccipital fractures
What clinical signs will you see with a basilar fracture?
Unilateral head tilt, drooping ear, muzzle deviation
Which cranial nerves can be damaged with a basilar fracture?
CN 7 and 8
Common form of traumatic nerve injury in foals
Basilar bone fracture
Where do horses get Sarcocystis neurona (EPM)?
What age range is affected by EPM?
Vague asymmetric neuro signs w/muscle atrophy and ataxia
What are the three As of EPM?
Asymmetry, ataxia, atrophy
How do you dx EPM?
Serum and CSF immunoblotting (Western blot)
How do you treat EPM?
Inflammation of nerve roots
Cauda equina neuritis
What type of neuro signs does cauda equine neuritis cause?
LMN signs
What treatment options are there for cauda equine neuritis?
Chewing on tail head, hypotonic anus, fecal retention, hindlimb ataxia are clinical signs of what disease?
Cauda equina neuritis
How can you tell if a horse has urinary incontinence?
Urine scalding of thighs
What is Wobbler Syndrome?
Cervical vertebral stenotic mylopathy
What is the first form of wobbler syndrome?
Cervical vertebral instability
Ventroflexion of neck causes spinal cord compression at C3-C4
Cervical vertebral instability
What is the second form of wobbler syndrome?
Cervical static stenosis
Compression of spinal cord continuous regardless of neck position
Cervical static stenosis
What age is usually affected by wobbler syndrome?
Less than 1yo
What clinical signs will you see with wobbler syndrome?
Wide based stance and symmetrical hindlimb spasticity, ataxia, and CP deficits
Are wobbler syndrome clinical signs symmetric or asymetric?
How do you treat wobbler syndrome?
Sx to stabilize cervical vertebrae and decompress spinal cord
What can you give a wobbler syndrome case for pain relief short term?
Anti-inflammatories and stall rest
Aberrant migration of parasites through that CNS
Verminous myelitis
Presents similar to EPM w/muscle atrophy and ataxia but incoordination is present in all 4 limbs
Verminous myelitis
What parasites undergo aberrant migration that could cause verminous myelitis?
Strongylus vulgaris, Micronemia deletrix, Draschia megastoma, Setaria
How do you treat for strongyles that cause verminous myelitis?
Which breed is predisposed to cerebellar abiotrophy?
When does cerebellar abiotrophy start to develop?
Around 6mo
What is the etiology of cerebellar abiotrophy?
Which part of the brain is responsible for the coordination and regulation of range, rate, and strength of movement along with balance and posture?
How will mentation be affected by cerebellar abiotrophy?
What are clinical signs of cerebellar abiotrophy?
Ataxia and hypermetria, intention tremors, hyperreflexia
How do you treat cerebellar abiotrophy?
No treatment
What disease is usually assoc. w/Vit E deficiency?
Equine degeneratie myeloencephalopathy (EDM)
What age is typically affected by EDM?
Less than 1yo
Symmetrical ataxia (worse in hindlimbs), generalized weakness, CP deficits, and spasticity are all assoc. w/which disease?
How do you dx EDM?
Find lesion in caudal brainstem neuclei and spinal cord on histo
What virus causes vasculitis of the CNS?
Equine herpes myeloencephalopathy
Usually affects multiple horses at the same time
Equine herpes myeloencephalopathy
Dog sitting and intermittent urine dribbling are clinical signs of what disease?
Equine herpes myeloencephalopathy
What is the onset of clinical signs assoc. w/equine herpes myeloencephalopathy?
Midline defect of the cerebellum and cystic dilation of the 4th ventricle
Dandy-Walker syndrome
Which breeds are predisposed to Dandy-Walker syndrome even though it is still a rare disease in both?
Arabians and Thoroughbreds
What is one of the most common neuro diseases observed in horses of various ages and breeds?
What is the causative agent of EPM?
Sarcocystis neurona
What is the definitive host of S. neurona?
What type of hose is the horse for S. neurona?
Aberrant/dead-end host
What dx tests can you use for EPM?
Western blot, IFAT, PCR
Causes resp dz, abortion, and less commonly neuro disease
When EHV-1 does cause neuro disease, what is the pathophys?
Vasculitis in the CNS
What is treatment for EHV-1 myeloencephalopathy?
Supportive, steroids, acyclovir
What is the px for horses w/EHM?
This disease of young horses is assoc. w/lack of anti-oxidants such and Vit E and selenium in diet
Equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy
What are causes of viral encephalitis in horses?
WNV, Eastern/Western/Venezuelan encephalitis