Autonomous Nervous System Basics Flashcards
What is the major component of the autonomous nervous system?
Motor function
What are the two opposing systems of the autonomic motor system?
Sympathetic and parasympathetic
Where do sympathetic pre-ganglionic neurons live?
In the spinal cord
Where do sympathetic ganglion live?
Outside the CNS but close to the CNS (usually just outside spinal segment)
What receptors exist in ganglions?
Nicotinic (ACh-activated)
Is the pre- or post-ganglionic neuron usually longer in the sympathetic system?
Which system is the “fight or flight” system?
Dilated pupils, increase HR, open bronchi
Sympathetic system
Vasoconstrict blood vessels to skin and visceral organs and vasodilate blood vessels to skeletal muscles
Sympathetic system
Increase secretion rate of adrenal medulla (secretes adrenalin)
Sympathetic system
What receptors allow for the vasodilation of one type of muscle while also vasoconstricting a different type of muscle via the same substance (norepinephrine)?
Alpha and beta norepinephrine receptors (and subgroups)
Which system is often called the cranio-sacral system?
Parasympathetic system
Where do parasympathetic pre-ganglionic neurons live?
Brainstem and sacral segments of spinal cord
Which cranial nerves are the parasympathetic pre-ganglionic neurons in the brainstem assoc. with?
3, 7, 9, 10 (and sometimes 11)
Which part of the hypothalamus controls parasympathetic innervation?
Rostral region
Where are parasympathetic ganglion located?
Very close to or within the organ they intend to affect
Are parasympathetic pre- or post-ganglionic neurons longer?
Pre-ganglionic neuron
Which parasympathetic receptor works to transmit information?
Muscarinic (still ACh-activated)
Contraction of pupil to accommodate for near vision
Parasympathetic system
Decreased HR
Parasympathetic system
Increased digestion and contraction of the bladder wall
Parasympathetic system
What are actions of the parasympathetic system?
SLUDD (salivation, lacrimation, urination, digestion, defecation)
Controls cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands
Autonomic nervous system
UMN of the autonomic nervous system lives where?
Hypothalamus and brain stem
Preganglionic neurons for this half of the autonomic nervous system live in the lateral grey from T1-L4/5
Postganglionic synapse of the sympathetic system is achieved via which receptors?
Postganglionic synapse of the parasympathetic system is achieved via which receptors?