Misc. Flashcards
What is the acronym for Scene Size-Up?
"COAL WAS WEALTH" C - Construction O - Occupancy A - Area L - Life Hazard W - Water Supply A - Apparatus and Equipment S - Street Conditions W - Weather E - Exposures A - Auxiliary Appliances L - Location and Extent of fire T - Time of Day H - Height
1¾” Handline Nozzle
1½” Solid Stream Nozzle aka Shut Off (S.O.)
15/16” Main Stream Tip (M.S.T.)
½” Outer Stream Tip (O.S.T.)
Do Not use the 1¾” hose if: “DALLAS”
D - The line is expected to be used from a purely DEFENSIVE position
A - ADVANCED fire on arrival
L - LARGE volume of water needed to cool superheated fire area
L - LARGE area of fire in a large UNCOMPARTMENTED area
A - AREA or size of fire is unknown
S - STANDPIPE Operations
2½” Handline Nozzle
2½” Solid Stream Nozzle aka Shut Off (S.O.)
1⅛” Main Stream Tip (M.S.T.)
½” Outer Stream Tip (O.S.T.)
Emergency Alert Tone Assisted Rescue
Emergency Alert Tone Assisted Rescue
Feedback Assisted Rescue
Feedback Assisted Rescue
Red Siamese or Outlet Cap
Green Siamese or Outlet Cap
Automatic Sprinkler
Aluminum Siamese or Outlet Cap
Non-Automatic Sprinkler
Yellow Siamese or Outlet Cap
Combination Standpipe/Sprinkler
Proby Notebook Review
- Proby = Review weekly. Initial and date in Blue of Black ink
- Officer on Duty = Review each tour member works. Initial in Red ink
- Commanding Officer = Review monthly. Initial in Red ink
- Chief Officers = Review during company drill visits. Initial in Red ink
- Notebooks shall be maintained for 1 YEAR FROM ASSIGNMENT TO A FIELD UNIT
- Reading schedule shall continue for 3 years
Minimum safe operating distances for applying water on Energized or De-Energized Electrical Components
138 kV 345 kV
30º or greater Fog 15’ 25’
Straight Or Solid
Streams and 75’ 125’
Streams <30º Fog
- NOTE: Multiply by 5 for straight or solid streams and streams less than 30º Fog
- The primary means of applying water to energized equipment is through the Tower Ladder
Types of Outside Streams
- Hand Lines
- Deckpipes
- Ladder pipes
- Tower Ladder Streams
- Fireboat Streams
- Satellite Water Monitors
Situations which may call for the use of Outside Streams
- To protect life by putting a stream between the fire and the occupants
- To protect exposures
- To confine the fire
- To diminish heavy fire so that an interior attack can be made
- NOTE: Only the IC may order the use of Outside Streams
- NOTE: As a general rule, outside streams should not be directed into occupied structures. Two exceptions exist:
1. To protect people on a fire escape
2. Heavy fire in a store
Rear Tenements
- Rear tenements are small in area
- Frame or non-fireproof construction
- Range in height from 2 to 5 stories
- Distance between front and rear building is usually 10’ to 25’
- Often not visible from the street
- often occupied by elderly people
Command Post Location for High Rise Multiple Dwelling
Establish a location best suited for the ICP. If other than the Lobby, notify dispatcher and all incoming units
-Carried by Satellite Units
-Portable - can be wheeled by 1 member OR carried by 2 members
-Operated remotely from 2,000 GPM pumper and Satellite apparatus
-Supplied by 5” hose
-Four 2½” outlets
-Two 3” outlets
-Placed in front of building or courtyard for
-Equipped w/ Ross Relief Valve
How high do firewalls go?
1916-1929 - Ceiling of top floor
1930-1940 - Underside of Roof boards
After 1940 - Top of Roof boards
Trench Cuts
- A Trench cut is a defensive operation
- Trench cut at least 3 feet wide
- Trench cut about 20 feet from initial vent hole
- Trench may be cut but should not be opened until adequate opening over the fire
- Two or more inspection holes are cut on fire side of trench
- All personnel off the roof on fire side of trench
- A charged line should be in place on the roof
Apparatus Speed Restrictions
- 3” speed hump = 20 MPH
- 4” speed hump = 15 MPH
- Turning corners: not in excess of 15 MPH
- with Snow chains on: no more than 30 MPH
Expansion of heated Steel
- An average 50’(foot) length steel beam, heated to 970ºF will extend in length approximately 4”(inches)
- Longer “I” beams expand a proportionately greater distance
- As the temperature increases, the rate of expansion increases
- At 1000ºF, a 100’(feet) long beam will extend in length 9½”(inches)
- Cooling a heated Steel beam will cause it to regain its strength and load carrying ability