Misc. Flashcards
how (adv.); than, as… as possible (conj. after compar.)
quīdam, quaedam, quiddam
a certain one or thing, someone, something (indef. pronoun); a certain (adv.)
lux, lucis
light; f.
turpis, turpe
ugly; shameful, base, disgraceful
summa, summae
highest part, sum, whole
humilis, humile
lowly, humble
sperō, sperāre, sperāvī, sperātum
to hope, hope for
pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positum
to put, place, set
arma, armōrum
arms, weapons; n. and pl.
avertō, avertere, avertī, aversus
turn away, avert
somnus, somnī
sleep; m.
taceō, tacēre, tacuī, tacitum
be silent, leave unmentioned
praestō, praestāre, praestitī, praestitum
excel (+ dat.); exhibit, show, offer, supply
how (adv.); than, as… as possible (conj. after compar.)
a certain one or thing, someone, something (indef. pronoun); a certain (adv.)
quīdam, quaedam, quiddam
lux, lucis; f.
ugly; shameful, base, disgraceful
turpis, turpe
highest part, sum, whole
summa, summae
lowly, humble
humilis, humile
to hope, hope for
sperō, sperāre, sperāvī, sperātum
to put, place, set
pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positum
arms, weapons
arma, armōrum; n. and pl.
turn away, avert
avertō, avertere, avertī, aversus
somnus, somnī; m.