Chapter 14 Flashcards
animal, animālis
a living creature, animal; n.
aqua, aquae
water; f.
ars, artis
art, skill; f.
auris, auris
ear; f.
cīvis, cīvis
citizen; m. and f.
iūs, iūris
right, justice, law; n.
mare, maris
sea; n.
mors, mortis
death; f.
nūbēs, nūbis
cloud; f.
ōs, ōris
mouth, face; n.
pars, partis
part, share; direction; f.
Rōma, Rōmae
Rome; f.
turba, turbae
uproar, disturbance; mob, crowd, multitude; f.
urbs, urbis
city; f.
vīs, vīs
force, power, violence; f.
vīrēs, vīrium
strength; f. and pl.
ā, ab
ā (before consonants), ab (before vowels or consonants); as prep. + abl, away from, from; as personal agent, by
across; (prep. + acc.)
apellō, appellāre, appellāvī, appellātum
to speak to, address (as), name
currō, currere, cucurrī, cursum
to run, rush, move quickly
mūtō, mūtāre, mūtāvī, mūtātum
to change, alter; exchange
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum
to hold, keep, possess
vītō, vītāre, vītāvī, vītātum
to avoid, shun
a living creature, animal
animal, animālis; n.