Final I Flashcards
accipiō, accipere, accēpī, acceptum
to take, receive, accept
āit, āiunt
he says, they say, assert
anima, animae
air, breathe; soul, spirit; f.
auctor, auctōris
increaser; author, originator; m.
bonus, bona, bonum
carmen, carminis
song, poem; n.
compōnō, compōnere, composuī, compositum
to put together, compose
cōnferō, cōnferre, contulī, collātum
to bring together, compare; confer, bestow; take oneself (g)
crēdō, crēdere, crēdidī, crēdītum
to believe, trust (+ dat.)
why (adv.)
dēcipio, dēcipere, dēcēpī, dēceptum
to deceive
at last, finally (adv.)
diabolus, diabolī
devil; m.
dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictum
to say, tell, speak; call, name
dictō, dictāre, dictāvī, dictātum
to dictate
diēs, diēī
day; m.
discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessum
to go away, depart, leave
dīvīnus, dīvīna, dīvīnum
divine, sacred
dō, dāre, dedī, dātum
to give, offer
ecclēsia, ecclēsiae
church, school; f.
ēripiō, ēripere, ēripuī, ēreptum
to snatch away, take away, rescue
excellentia, excellintiae
excellence, merit, superior quality; f.