Abl. Types Flashcards
Ablative of Accompaniment
-with who?
Rec: “cum”
Trans: “with [a person]”
Ablative of Means
-by means of what?
Rec: no preposition
Trans: “by means of …” or “with…”
Ablative of Manner
-how/in what manner?
Rec: “cum” or no preposition; noun usually abstract
Trans: “with…”
Ablative of Time when/within which
Rec: involves noun of time
Trans: “at”, “on”, “in”, “within”
Ablative of Agent
-by whom?
Rec: ā/ab; often with a passive verb
Trans: “by”
Ablative of Place from Which
-from where?
Rec: “ab”, “dē”, “ex”; involves noun of active motion
Trans: “from”, “away form”, “down from”, “out of”
Ablative of Place Where
-where is the location?
Rec: “in” or “sub”
Trans: “in”, “on”, “under”
Ablative of Seperation
-something is separated
Rec: “ab”, “dē”, “ex” or no preposition
Trans: “away”, “from”
Ablative of Cardinal Numbers
-how many?
Rec: “ex” or “dē”; has cardinal numbers, quīdem, paucī
Trans: “of [them]”
Ablative of Comparison
-compared to what?
Rec: no preposition; first element being compared was nom. or acc.
Trans: “…than…”
Rec: “cum”
Trans: “with [a person]”
Ablative of Accompaniment
-with who?
Rec: no preposition
Trans: “by means of …” or “with…”
Ablative of Means
-by means of what?
Rec: “cum” or no preposition; noun usually abstract
Trans: “with…”
Ablative of Manner
-how/in what manner?
Rec: involves noun of time
Trans: “at”, “on”, “in”, “within”
Ablative of Time when/within which
Rec: ā/ab; often with a passive verb
Trans: “by”
Ablative of Agent
-by whom?
Rec: “ab”, “dē”, “ex”; involves noun of active motion
Trans: “from”, “away form”, “down from”, “out of”
Ablative of Place from Which
-from where?
Rec: “in” or “sub”
Trans: “in”, “on”, “under”
Ablative of Place Where
-where is the location?
Rec: “ab”, “dē”, “ex” or no preposition
Trans: “away”, “from”
Ablative of Seperation
-something is separated
Rec: “ex” or “dē”; has cardinal numbers, quīdem, paucī
Trans: “of [them]”
Ablative of Cardinal Numbers
-how many?
Rec: no preposition; first element being compared was nom. or acc.
Trans: “…than…”
Ablative of Comparison
-compared to what?