Chapter 18 and 21 Flashcards
flūmen, flūminis
river; n.
genus, generis
origin; kind, type, sort, class; n.
hostis, hostis
an enemy; m.
hostēs, hostium
the enemy; m.
lūdus, lūdī
game, sport; school; m.
probitās, probitātis
uprightness, honesty; f.
scientia, scientiae
knowledge; f.
clārus, clāra, clārum
clear, bright; renowned, famous, illustrious
mortālis, mortāle
why (adv.)
thereupon, next, then (adv.)
fluō, fluere, flūxī, flūxum
to flow
legō, legere, lēgī, lēctum
to pick out, choose; read
misceō, miscēre, miscuī, mixtum
to mix, stir up, disturb
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtum
to move; arouse, affect
videor, vidērī, vīsus sum
(passive of videō) to be seen, seem, appear
contineō, continēre, continuī, contentum
to hold together, contain, keep, enclose, restrain
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussum
to bid, order, command
labōrō, labōrāre, labōrāvī, labōrātum
to labor; be in distress
rapiō, rapere, rapuī, raptum
to seize, snatch, carry away
relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictum
to leave behind, leave, abandon, desert
sciō, scīre, scīvī, scītum
to know
tangō, tangere, tetigī, tāctum
to touch
flūmen, flūminis; n.