Chapter 7 Flashcards
amor, amōris
love; m.
carmen, carminis
song, poem; n.
cīvitās, cīvitātis
state, citizenship; f.
corpus, corporis
body; n.
homō, hominis
human being, man; m.
labor, labōris
labor, work, toil; a work, production; m.
littera, litterae
a letter of the alphabet; f.
litterae, litterārum
a letter (epistle), literature; pl. and f.
mōs, mōris
habit, custom, manner; m.
mōrēs, mōrum
habits, morals, character; pl. and m.
nōmen, nōminis
name; n.
pāx, pācis
peace; f.
rēgīna, rēgīnae
queen; f.
rēx, rēgis
king; m.
tempus, temporis
time; occasion, opportunity; n.
terra, terrae
earth, ground, land, country; f.
uxor, uxōis
wife; f.
virgō, virginis
maiden, virgin; f.
virtūs, virtūtis
manliness, courage; excellence, character, worth, virtue; f.
novus, nova, novum
new; strange (adj.)
after, behind (prep. + acc.)
under, up under, close to; down to/into, to/at the foot of (prep. + abl. for verbs of rest; prep. + acc. with verbs of motion)
audeō, audēre, ausus sum
to dare (verb; third part is semi-deponent)
necō, necāre, necāvī, necātum
to murder, kill (verb)