Chapter 4 Flashcards
bāsium, bāsiī
kiss [n.]
bellum, bellī
war [n.]
cōnsilium, cōnsiliī
plan, purpose, counsel, advice, judgement, wisdom [n.]
cūra, cūrae
care, attention, caution, anxiety [f.]
dōnum, dōnī
gift, present [n.]
exitium, exitiī
destruction, ruin [n.]
magister, magistrī; magistra, magistrae
schoolmaster, teacher, master [m.]; schoolmistress teacher, mistress [f.]
mora, morae
delay [f.]
nothing [n.] (indeclinable)
oculus, oculi
eye [m.]
officium, officiī
duty, service [n.]
ōtium, ōtiī
leisure, peace [n.]
perīculum, perīculī
danger, risk [n.]
remedium, remediī
cure, remedy [n.]
bellus, bella, bellum
pretty, handsome, charming (adj.)
bonus, bona, bonum
good, kind (adj.)
hūmānus, hūmāna, hūmānum
pertaining to man, human; humane, kind; refined, cultivated (adj.)
malus, mala, malum
bad, wicked, evil (adj.)
parvus, parva, parvum
small, little (adj.)
stultus, stulta, stultum
foolish (adj.)
stultus, stultī
a fool [m.]
vērus, vēra, vērum
true, real, proper (adj.)
iuvō (or adiuvō), iuvāre, iūvī, iūtum
to help, aid, assist; please (verb)
sum, esse, fuī, futūrum
to be, exist (verb)