Chapter 16 Flashcards
aetās, aetātis
period of life, age, an age, time; f.
audītor, audītoris
hearer, listener, member of an audience; m.
clēmentia, clēmentiae
mildness, gentleness, mercy; f.
mēns, mentis
mind, thought, intention; f.
satura, saturae
satire; f.
ācer, ācris, ācre
sharp, keen, eager; severe, fierce
brevis, breve
short, small, brief
celer, celeris, celere
swift, rapid, quick
difficilis, difficile
hard, difficult, troublesome
dulcis, dulce
sweet; pleasant, agreeable
facilis, facile
easy, agreeable
fortis, forte
strong, brave
ingēns (gen. ingentis)
iūcundus, iūcunda, iūcundum
pleasant, delightful, agreeable, pleasing
longus, longa, longum
omnis, omne
every, all
potēns (gen. potentis)
able, powerful, mighty, strong (pres. participle of possum as an adj.)
senex (gen. senis)
old, aged; old man (noun and adj.)
regō, regere, rēxī, rēctum
to rule, guide, direct
period of life, age, an age, time
aetās, aetātis; f.
hearer, listener, member of an audience
audītor, audītoris; m.
mildness, gentleness, mercy
clēmentia, clēmentiae; f.
mind, thought, intention
mēns, mentis; f.