Midterm 2 Chapter 11 Flashcards
What is the current definition of stereotype
The belief that certain attributes are characteristic of members of the particular group
What are the three general perspectives that shed light on issues of stereotyping and prejudice or discrimination
Economic perspective, motivational perspective, cognitive perspective
What is the economic perspective
Identifies the roots of much intergroup hostility in competing interest that can set groups part one another
What is motivational perspective
Emphasizes the psychological needs that lead to intergroup conflicts
What is cognitive perspective
Traces the origin of stereotyping to the same cognitive processes that I needed people to categorize say items of furniture in to distinct classes of chairs, couches and tables
Define prejudice
A negative attitude or effective response to word a group and its individual members
Define discrimination
Unfair treatment of individuals based on their membership in a particular group
In group favoritism can arise in the absence of what
What is intended to keep peoples discriminatory impulse is check
The threat of punishment
What is the modern racism
Prejudice directed at racial groups that exists alongside the rejection of explicitly racist beliefs
A moderate racist would never join the KKK, but might consistently gives black passerby’s a wider berth
How is it true that many of our “isms” contain both positive and negative’s
Somebody might believe that Asians are colder and more rigid than whites, the same time Believe that they are more intellectually gifted
By rewarding women and minorities for conforming to the status quo what happens
Benevolent sexism and racism inhibit progress toward equality– those who hold and different attitudes tend to act positively towards members of groups only if they fulfill their idealized images of what people should be like
What is the implicit Association test
A technique for revealing non- conscious attitudes toward different stimuli, particularly groups of people
This is used because participants may Harper unconscious feelings or may just save racial comments but this shows if any lay below the surface
What is priming
The presentation of information designed to activate a concept, such as a stereotype, and hence, make it accessible. A prime is a stimulus presented to activate the concept in question
Numerous studies show that private methods have shown that people who are sure are not prejudice against blacks nonetheless respond more quickly to negative keywords preceded by pictures of black faces and more slowly to positive words preceded by pictures of black faces
What is realistic group conflict theory
A Group conflict, prejudice, and discrimination are likely to arise over competition between groups for limites resources