Midbrain Flashcards
What markes the division between dorsal and ventral midbrain?
The aqueduct.
What is the dorsal part behind the the aqueduct called?
What is Tectum composed of?
1-2 superior colliculli
2 inferior colliculi
What is the function of the superior and the inferior colliculli?
Superior= centre of vision
Inferior = centre of hearing
What is the posterior part of the ventral midbrain called ( som sitter ihop med tectum)?
Its called midbrain tegmentum and is the prolongation of the pontine tegmentum.
What are the three compartments of the ventral midbrain from anterior to posterior?
- Crus cerebri
- Substantia nigra (ser ut som en linje mellan främre o bakre delen)
- Tegmentum.
What is crus cerebri made of?
Entirely pyramidal and cortico-pontiine fibres.
What is Substantia Nigra made off?
Deeply pigmented grey matter.
What centre is substantia nigra?
Its an extrapyramidal motorcentre
What does midbrain tegmentum contain?
- ascending tracts
- certain nuclei
- decussation and reticular formation of the midbrain.
What structures lie at the plane of caudal midbrain?
- Inferior colliculus
— Efferents from inferior colliculus to geniculate nucleus of thalamus (and from there to auditory cortex in temporal lobe) - The cerebral aqueduct SURROUNDED BY GREY MATTER - periaqueductal grey matter
- Trochlear nucleus Ventral to the peri-aqueductal grey matter (send efferents cross over and forward to sup oblique.)
- Decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles - in the central part of tegmentum.
- Medial lemniscus - just posterior of substantia nigra
- Spinal lemniscus just posterior to the medial lemniscus
- trigeminal lemniscus just posterior to the spinal lemniscus
- Lateral lemniscus - just posterior to the trigeminal lemniscus
Main structures of rostral midbrain at the level of the superior colliculus
- Superior colliculus
- Pretectal nucleus
- Peri-aqueductal grey matter
- Oculomotor nucleus and Edinger Westphal
- Red nucleus
What reflex centre is localized in the inferior colliculus of midbrain?
The reflex centre of hearing.
What three cranial nerves’ nuclei lie close to the MEDIAL LONGITUDINAL FASCICULUS?
- Occulomotor, Trochlear and Abducent nuclei.
From what CN nuclei does the medial longitudinal fasciculus recieve fibres and to what CN nuclei does it send efferents?
FROM the Vestibular nuclei.
TO the Occulomotor nuclei, the trochlear nuclei and abducent nuclei.
Where are efferents send from the 4 nuclei composing the vestibular nuclei near to vestibular area of floor of 4th ventricle in tegmental, caudal pons ?
- Via the medial longitudinal fasciculus to:
* abducent nuclei
* trochlear nuclei
* occulomotor nuclei - Via the inferior cerebellar peduncle to cerebellar cortex.
- Via medial and lateral vestibulospinal fasciculus to ?
- Direct to the reticular formation of pons.
What two structures decussate and then form aschending Fs of the medial lemniscus?
Gracile and Cuneate tracts. (contralateral)
Connections of hearing sensory input from cochlear nerve to primary ausitory cortex
cochlear nerver to ventral and dorsal cochlear nucleus (ventrally and dorsally of inferior cerebellar peduncle). From both to the trapezoid body (? or superior olivary nucleus) crossing in the trapezoid decussation and up through lateral lemniscus via the nucleus of the lateral lemniscus to the inferior colliculus of the midbrain tectum.
From there via inferior brachium to medial geniculate body.
Then via the auditory radiation to auditory area of cerebral cortex.
There are also fibres that go straight from ipsilateral dorsal and ventral cochlear nucleus to inferior colliculus and even straight to auditory radiation. There are also fibres crossing after the inferior colliculus.
Between what structures does the medial longitudinal fasciculus span?
From level of inferior colliculus in midbrain and down into the spinal cord.
What is the function of the medial longitudinal fasciculus?
To control gaze by coordination of eye, head and neck movement.
What information is carried in the medial lemniscus?
Proprioception and fine touch sensation of contralateral side.
What part of substantia nigra consists of pigmented melanin-containing neurones?
Pars Compacta
To where does pars compacta project?
- Caudate nucleus and Putamen (Basal Ganglia in the forebrain)
What two sets of fibres does the pyramidal tract of crus cerebri contain?
1- Cortico-bulbar fibres
2 - Cortico-spinal fibres
What more than the pyramidal tract does crus Cerebri contain?
- Cortico-pontine (-cerebellar)
- Temporo-pontine (-cerebellar)
- Fronto-pontine (-cerebellar) fibres.
- Involve in coordination of movement.
What type of function does pars compacta involve?
Extra-Pyramidal motor functions.
What centre is the superior colliculus?
A centre of visual reflexes: Control movements of eyes and accomodation reflex.
What are the main afferent Fs to Superior colliculus?
Cortico-tectal Fs.
- From visual cortex occipitally
- Frontal eye field frontally
Where is the pretectal nucleus situated?
close to superio-lateral superior colliculus.
What are the important connections of pretectal nucleus?
- Visual Fs from the optic tract just rostral to sup.colliculus end in the pretectal nucleus.
- Connections w the Edinger Westphal nucleus.
What is the function of Edinger Westphal nucleus?
It is the parasympathic nucleus of the oculomotornerve, controlling sphincter pupillae (smooth muscle) and mediate pupillary light reflex (together w pretectal nucleus).
what is the function of the red nucleus?
It is involved in motor control.
From where does the red nucleus recive afferents?
From motorcortex of the frontal lobe.
To where does nucleus ruber send efferents?
- To the spinal cord - as rubro-spinal tract. It cross in ventral tegmental decussation.
- To the inferior olivary nucleus as rubro-olivary Fs via central tegmental tract.
What does internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO)mean?
Det påverkade ögat (contralateralt till hjärnstamslesionen) kan inte conjugera med det andra ögat i medial blickriktning för det skadade ögat utan tittar istället rakt fram.
Dock KAN det påverkade ögat adducera (ställa sig medialt) tillsammans med det andra ögat vid convergence.
Signs of unilateral brain stem lesion:
- ipsilateral CN dysfunction (ipsil facial paresis)
- Contralateral spatic hemiparesis
- Hyperreflexia (especially in the contralateral limbs)
- Positive babinski reflex in contralateral side.
- contralateral hemisensory loss (ipsilateral facial)
- Ipsilateral incoordination
- Internuclear opthalmoplegia
What structure in the brain stem is damaged to produce INO? (internuclear opthalmoplegia)
The medial longitudinal fasciculus.