Facial nerve CN VII Flashcards
What general somatic fibers are carried by CN VII?
Sensory innervation of skin around external acoustic meatus, parts of auricle and retroauricular/mastoid region.
WHat special visceral afferents does the CNVII carry?
Taste from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue.
What are the general visceral efferent functions of CNVII?
- parasympathetic - secretomotoric.
Innervation of the Lacrimal, submandibular and Sublingual glands as well as mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, hard and soft palates.
What are the special visceral efferents of CNVII?
Brachiomotor innervation of the muscle of the facial expression and scalp.
As well as the stapedius, stylohyoid and posterior belly of the digastric muscles.
Where does the facial nerve arise?
In two different roots in the CPA. -motor root and sensory root.
Where are the neurons associated to the motor root of CNVII located?
In the large motor nucleus of the facial nerve, located in the pons.
Where are the cell bodies of the sensory root of CN VII located?
In the geniculate ganglion.
Where does the central process of the sensory root and motor root of CNVII terminate?
At the sensory nucleus of CNV and nucleus of the solitary tract respectively.
What other name does the extracranial part of CNVII have?
The branchial motor portion
Where does the CNVII exit the brain?
At the ventral side of the pontomedullary junction under the trochlear nerve and above the vestibulocochlear nerve.
Where does the CNVII exit the skull and together with what nerve?
Through the internal acustic meatus together with the vestibulocochlear nerve.
Another name for the sensory root of CNVII?
The intermediate nerve
WHat is the intermediate nerve?
Its the sensory root of CNVII
Where is the first segment of the intratemporal part of the CNVII?
The petrous portion
From the petrousus part of the CNVII it gives away several important branches to the ear. Which?
- Geniculate ganglion
- Greater petrosal nerve
- Pterygopalatine ganglion
*Chorda tympani
*Submandibular ganglion
*Nerve to stapedius
What is the geniculate ganglion?
Its the ganglion for the cellbodies for the sensory components of the facial nerve.
The facial nerve takes a turn and enter through the facial canal in the cranium. The geniculate ganglion is situated at the tip/knee of the bend of this curve.
The geniculate ganglion gives of an important nerve that transmits parasympathetic and taste axons. Which?
The greater petrosal nerve
What information is transmitted by the greater petrosal nerve?
Taste and parasympathetics for CNVII
How does the greater petrosal nerve go from the geniculate ganglion to its destines in the face?
Through the temporal bone, in the floor of the middle fossa and through foramen Lacerum.
What structures pass through foramen lacerum?
*Greater petrosal nerve (from sensory CNVII)
What is the deep pertrosal nerve that joins the greater petrosal nerve after entering foramen lacerum?
Its a sympathetic fibers from the internal carotid plexus.
Except for the deep petrosal nerve, another nerve joins the greater petrosal nerve after foramen laserum. Which?
The Vividan nerve.
What is the Pterygopalatine ganglion?
What nerve does nervus infraorbitalis belong to?
Maxillary nerve (CNV)
What neck-muscles are innervated by the facial nerve?
*Digastric m
*Platysma m
*Stylohyoid m
What two ganglions take information about tase from chorda Tympani?
- Otic ganglion
- geniculate ganglion
Through what opening in the skull does the CNVII exit the skull?
Stylomastoid foramen.
What branches are hoing off after exiting the stylomastoid foramen?
- marginal mandibular branch of the facial nevre
- posterior auricular nevre
- Zygomatic branches of facial nerve
- Buccal branches of facial nerve
- Temporal branches of the facial nerve
what branch of the facial nerve transmitts taste sensation?
Chorda tympani.
what muscles are affected if cutting the CNVII at parotis?
- Orbicularis oris
- levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
- Buccinator
Which branch of the facial nerve synapse in the pterygopalatine ganglion?
The greater petrosal nerve
What nerves supply parasympathetic fubers to the facial nerve?
The sensory root of facial nerve and Chorda tympani
What ganglion does the greater petrosal nerve emerge from?
The geniculate ganglion
What may cause hemifacial spasm?
A blood vessel or mass compressing the facial nerve
what might existens of palmomental reflex in adulthood indicate?
Neurodegenerative processin the frontal brain
Geniculate and otic ganglia both take tasteinformation. From what nerve?
From chorda tympani (CNVII)
There are two non-nervous structures exiting through the internal acoustic meatus. Which?
The labyrinthine artery and vein.
The facial nerve enter the temporal bone via the internal acoustic meatus and then continue through the facial canal in the medial wall of the cavity, give off the geniculate ganglion and the nerve of stapedius and chorda tympani. Then exits the temporal bone via what structure?
The styleomastoid foramen.
What two innervations are carried by the chorda tympani?
- taste 2/3 front of tongue
- parasymp. fibers to submandibular/sublingual glands.
What nuclei are associated to the facial nerve?
- motor nucleus of the facial nerve (SVE)
- Superior salivatory nucleus (GVE)
- Nuleus of solitary tract (SVA)
- Principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve (GSA)