Microbiology -chapter 8 - Neisseria Flashcards
What two species of Neisseria cause disease in humans?
1 Neisseria meningitides
2 Neisseria gonorrhoeae
The only pathogenic gram-negative cocci is?
Name five virulence factors of Neisseria meningitides?
1 Capsule - classified into different serogroups based on this capsule
2 Endotoxin(LPS) - causes hemorrhage and sepsis
3 IgA1 protease - cleaves IgA in half
4 Neisseria meningitides can extract iron from humans
5 Pili - allows for adherence to nasopharyngeal cells.
what are the three common pathogenic serogroups of Neisseria meningitides?
A, B & C
Two organisms that have an anti-body free window in infants(6months to 2 yrs) that cause disease in the pediatric group?
Neisseria meningitides and Hemophilus influenzae
What is the classic clue of an invasive meningococcal infection by meningococcus(Neisseria meningitides)?
A petichial rash
Bulging open anterior fontanelle in neonate?
Meningitis. Neisseria, E coli and Listeria
Thayer-Martin VCN media. What does the V and the C and the N stand for? And what is this media used for?
This media is used to culture Neisseria bacterium.
V - vancomyosin(kills gram positives)
C - Colistin(kills gram negs except Neisseria)
N - Nystatin(eliminates fungi)
Virulence factors of Neiseria gonorrhoeae?
1 Pili - allows for adherence and prevent phagocytosis
2 Outer membrane protein porins - promote invasion into epithelium
3 Opa proteins - results in opaque colonies, allows for adherence and invasion.
Possible complications of gonococcus infection in men?
epididymitis, prostatitis and urethral strictures.
Complications of gonococcal disease in woman?
PID, endometriosis, salpingitis, oophoritis
Complications of PID?
1 Sterility
2 Ectopic pregnancy
3 Abscesses(fallopian tubes, ovaries or peritoneum)
4 Peritonitis
5 Peri Hepatitis(infection of the capsule that surrounds the liver)
The five genera of the greater family Neisseriaceae?
1 Neisseria 2 Moraxella 3 Kingella 4 Acinetobacter 5 Oligella
Two major diseases caused by Moraxella catarrhalis?
otitis media and upper respiratory infection in patients with COPD.
Otitis media occurs in 80% of children by the age of three. WHat are the three most common organisms causing otitis media in these kids?
Streptococcus pneumoniae > H. Influenzae»_space; Moraxella catarrhalis
What are the HACEK organisms that cause endocarditis?
Haemophilus species Actinobacillus species Cardiobacterium species Eikenella species Kingella species