Microbio Flashcards
Pus Empyema Abscess
S aureus
Pediatric infection
H influenza including epiglotitis
Pneumonia in CF and burn
P aeruginosa
Branching rods in oral infection with sulfur granules
Actinomyces israelii
traumatic open wound
“Crackling” “crepitus” on palpation
clostridium perfinges
surgical wound
s aureus
dog or cat bite
pasteurella multicoda
positice PAS stain
tropheryma whipplei
fungal infection in DM or immunocompromised
mucor or rhizopus
asplenic patient
encapsulated microbes SHiN S pneumonia H influenza B N meningitidis
chronic granulomatous ds
cat positive microbes esp S aureus
White on MacConkey agar
Nonlactose fermenting bacteria SALMONELLA SHIGELLA
Light green colonies with black center on Hektoen
Lactose fermenters
E colia Klebsiella
Cuase of neonatal herpes
Gram positive anaerobe produces toxin A (diarrhea) and toxin B (cytotoxic)
C. difficile
Toxin A attaches to brush border of the gut then
Toxin B destroys cytoskeleton of enterocytes causing pseudo membranous colitis
Absence or near absence of tonsils and adenoids in child with recurrent bacterial infection suggests
Bruttons aggamaglobinemia
- x linked humoral (antibody mediated) immunity
- arrest of devt at pre B cell stage hence can’t make IGs
Child predisposed to viral infections and intracellular pathogens
di georgi syndrome catch 22
MOA metronidazole
In anaerobes
Inhibit nucleic acid synthesis
Eukaryote or prokaryote: membrane bound organelle
Grows on charcoal agar with iron and cysteine
Seen on silver stain
Grows on chocolate agar with factor V and X
H. Influenza
Beta hemolytic bacteria 4
Staph aureus
PbA pyogenes bacitracin ayaw agalactiae
Listeria monocytogenes - tumbling motility, newborn meningitis,
unpasteurized milk in adults
Bacterial Meningitis empiric tx
Ceftriaxone + vancomycin
Add ampicillin if listeria suspected
Stain positive for CD15 and CD30
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Note reed steernberg
- assoc w EBV
Opposes action of cytokines or dampens immune response to restore balance
Transforming factor beta
Hot T Bone stEAk
Mnemonic for interleukins
IL1 Hot - fever IL2 T cells stimulation IL3 Bone marrow stimulation IL4 IgE production IL5 IgA production
Major chemotactic factor for neutrophils
Clean up on aisle 8
Rash begins from HAIRLINE down to trunk and limbs VS rash begins from face then down to body
Hairline onset rash - rubeola or measles
Face to body - rubella or German measles
Interstitial pneumonia common in adults 18 to 40 yo. Etiology?
atypiCaL pneuMonia
Causes of lobar pneumonia
S pneumonia > klebsiella
Mega colon and mega esophagus etiology
Chagas ds. T cruz. Reduvid bug or kissing bug coz painless. Dilated cardiomyopathy "t corazoni" Dx blood smear. Tx nifurtimox
Visceral leishmaniasis or kala agar
Leishmania donovani
Dx macrophages containing amastigotes
Tx sodium stibogluuconate
Trematodes or flukes treated with PRAZIQUANTEL 3
S haematobium - snails. Cercariae penetrate skin. SCC bladder
Clonorchis sinensis - undercooked fish. CholangioCA gallbladder
Paragonius westermani - undercooked crab. Lung inflam,
Prevents release of acetylcholine from NMJ
Botulinum toxin
Blocks glycine and GABA release from Renshaw cells in the spinal cord
Tetanus toxin or tetanospasmin
Toxin produced by c perfinges
Alpha toxin or lecithinase causing Gas gangrene
Toxins that Inhibit protein synthesis:
inactivates EF 2
Diptheria toxin - Corneybacterium diptheria
Exotoxin A - Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Cause host cell death.
Toxins that inhibit protein synthesis:
inactivates 60s ribosome by removing adenine from rRNA
Shiga toxin - Shigella spp - invades mucosa - HUS
Shiga lilke toxin - EHEC O157 H7 - not invade mucosa - HUS
Toxins that increase fluid secretion
Watery diarrhea. Labile in Air, stable in Ground.
1 heat LABILE toxin. Inc cAMP, inc Cl secretion into gut, followed
by water
2 heat STABLE toxin. Inc cGMP, dec NaCl resorption so more
NaCl and H2O in gut
Toxins that increase fluid secretion
Bacillus anthracis, V cholera, ETEC
Bacillus anthracis : Edema Factor. Inc cAMP
V cholera : Cholera toxin. Inc Gs, inc cAMP, inc Cl secretion into
gut. H2O follows Cl.
Cleaves SNARE protein inhibiting NT release
Tetanospasmin GABA and glycine
Botulinum toxin ACh
Gram POSITIVE RODS spore forming
2 aerobic
4 anaerobic
Aerobes: B cereus and B anthracis
Anaerobe motile : C tetani, C. difficile , C botulinum
Anaerobe nonmotile : C perfringes
Gram POSITIVE RODS non spore forming
L monocytogenes - tumbling motility , jets fr cell to cell
C diptheria - Chinese characters, loefflers or tellurite medium
A Israeli
Spirochetes gram neg
Borrelia sp
Leptospirosis sp
Gram neg, oxidase +, comma shaped
Grows in 42C
Grows in alkaline media
Grows in 42C : campylobacter jejuni
Grows in alkaline media : vibrio cholera
Gram NEG rods LACTOSE fermenter
Fast lactose fermenters: Klebsiella , E. coli
Sow lactose fermenters: Citrobacter, Serratia
Gram NEG rods NON lactose fermenter
Oxidase -
Oxidase +
Oxidase NEGative: shigella, salmonella, proteus
Oxidase POSitive: Pseudomonas, H pylori
Diagnosis of mycoplasma pneumonia
Cold agglutinin titer
Cold agglutinin are antibodies that cause RBCs to clump together at low temperature
Genotype that is offers some protection against certain strains of HIV
Homozygous for mutations of CCR5 gene.
CCR5 is a chemokine receptor in macrophages that facilitate viral entry into cells.
Responsible for opsonization and clearance of gram NEGAtive bacteria.
Complement pathway
Complement system: the 2 antibodies that can bind antigen
IgG and IgM
- Fab region: binds Ag, specific to Ag
- Fc region : constant, carboxyl, complement binding
Antibody diversity s generated by
1 random recombination of vj light chain or vdj heavy chain genes
2 random combination of heavy with light chains
3 somatic hypermutation
4 addition of nucleotide to DNA
Heavy chain vs light chain of Ab
Heavy chain: Fc and Fab
Light chain: Fab
Antibody function
Complement activation
Holds light chains and heavy chains together
Disulfide bonds
Mature B lymphocytes express which immunoglobulins?
IgM and IgD
They differentiate by isotype switching aka gene rearrangement mediated by cytokines and CD40 into plasma cells that secrete IgA, IgE or IgG
Most important cytokines mediator of septic shock
Tumor necrosis factor
- secreted by macrophages
Activates macrophages and TH1 cells
Interferon gamma
Mediators of anaphylactic shock
C3a and C5a
C3a and C5 bind to IgE releasing histamine
Osteomyelitis in sickle cell vs general population etiology
sickle cell : Salmonella
general population : staphylococcus aureus
Inhibitors of complement system
DAF and C1 esterase
Opsonins in bacterial defense
C3b and IgG
Complements active in anaphylaxis
C3a and C5a
Complement function: neutrophil chemotaxis
Activation of complement system 3
1 classic pathway: IgG or IgM
2 alternative pathway: microbe surface molecules
3 lectin pathway : mannose or other sugars on microbe surface
Low IgM, x linked disorder. Presenting as recurrent pyogenes infections, eczema, and thrombocytopenia.
Wiskott Aldrich syndrome
Acid fast staining cysts
Cryptosporidium sp - watery diarrhea in immunocompromised
Toxoplasma gondii - brain abscess in HIV, ToRCHeS. Tx: sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine. T: cysts, sexual stage in cats
Amoeba with ingested RBC
Entamoeba histolytica
Presentation: bloody diarrhea/dysentery, abdominal cramps with tenesmus, pus in stool. Liver abscess.
Tx metronidazole or iodoquinol
Tear shaped trophozoites with two nuclei
GiarDIA lamblia
P: bloating, flatulence, foul smelling non bloody diarrhea
T: cysts in water
Leishmania donovani t, tx, microscope
T: sandfly female
Microscope: macrophages containing amastigotes
Tx: sodium stibogluconate
Maltese cross
Babesia sp.
P: malaria like
T: ixodes tick
Tx: quinine
T cruz tx
Microscope: flagellated trypomastigote in blood
Non motile Amastigotes in tissue
Reduviid bug
RNA picornavirus
DNA hepadnavirus
RNA flavivirus
RNA delta virus
RNA hepevirus
How is P aeruginosa cleared from the body
P aeruginosa is a gram neg bacteria.
Gram neg bacteria is cleared by MAC -C5b to C9. MAC forms a pore in the membrane of gram negative bacteria and ultimately causes lysis of the cell.
Spherules filled with endospores
Budding yeast with captain’s wheel
Endemic in Latin America
Mold with septate hyphae that branch at a V shaped 45 degree angle
Apergillus fumigatus
- Acute angle!!! is 45 degrees : fungus ball
- in immunocompromised or those with CGD
- allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in asthma or CF
- aspergilloma in lung cavities, especially after TB infection
Soap bubble lesions in brain
Cryptococcus neoformans
CD4 + cell is < 100/mm3
Pigeon droppings
- encapsulated yeast with narrow based budding
- inhaled-> hematogenous spread to meninges
- culture Sabouraud’s agar. Stains India ink. Latex agglutination is more specific: polysaccharide capsular Ag.
Dimorphic fungi
Grown in 25C : septate hyphae and conidia
Grown in 37C : CIGAR shaped yeast
Sporothrix schenkii
Tx Itraconazole or potassium iodide
Gram positive rod in chain with a PROTEIN capsule
Bacillus anthracis
-capsule contains D glutamate
Bugs with exotoxins: Inhibit protein synthesis
Inactivates elongation factor (EF-2)
Diptheria toxin : C. Diptheria
Exotoxin A : P. aeruginosa
Bugs with exotoxins: Inhibit protein synthesis
Inactivates 60S ribosome by removing adenine from rRNA
Shiga toxin (ST) : Shigella sp. ( invades host cells)
Shiga-like toxin (SLT) : EHEC O157:H7 ( does not invade cells)
Bugs with exotoxins: Increase fluid secretion
Overactivates adenylate cyclase ( inc Cl into gut, H2O follows) ?
Overactivates guanylate cyclase (dec resorption of NaCl) ?
Inc cAMP : heat labile toxin of ETEC
Inc cGMP : heat stable toxin of ETEC
” labile in Air, stable on the Ground”
Bugs with exotoxins: Increase fluid secretion
Mimics the adenylate cyclase enzyme (inc cAMP)?
Over activates cAMP by permanently activating Gs?
Mimics the adenylate cyclase enzyme (inc cAMP)?
- Edema Factor of Bacillus Anthracis
Over activates cAMP by permanently activating Gs?
- Cholera Toxin of Vibrio Cholea
Bugs with exotoxins: Inhibit phagocytes ability
Overactivates cAMP by disabling Gi, impairing phagocytosis to permit bacterial survival
Pertussis toxin: Bordetella pertussis
Very low infective dose
Pseudo appendicitis
Yersinia enterocolitica
- bloody diarrhea
Comma shaped or S shaped grows at 42C
Comma shaped organism, rice water diarrhea
Comma shaped or S shaped grows at 42C: Campybacter
Comma shaped organism, rice water diarrhea: V. Cholera
Bloody diarrhea
Campylobacter Salmonella Shigella EHEC E. coli Enteroinvasive E. coli Yersinia enterocolitica Entamoeba histolytica
Watery diarrhea
Enterotoxigenic E. coli Vibrio cholera C. difficile C perfringes GiarDIA Cryptosporidium Rotavirus Novo virus
Gram positive rod in chain with a PROTEIN capsule
Bacillus anthracis
-capsule contains D glutamate
Bugs with exotoxins: Inhibit protein synthesis
Inactivates elongation factor (EF-2)
Diptheria toxin : C. Diptheria
Exotoxin A : P. aeruginosa
Bugs with exotoxins: Inhibit protein synthesis
Inactivates 60S ribosome by removing adenine from rRNA
Shiga toxin (ST) : Shigella sp. ( invades host cells)
Shiga-like toxin (SLT) : EHEC O157:H7 ( does not invade cells)
Bugs with exotoxins: Increase fluid secretion
Overactivates adenylate cyclase ( inc Cl into gut, H2O follows) ?
Overactivates guanylate cyclase (dec resorption of NaCl) ?
Inc cAMP : heat labile toxin of ETEC
Inc cGMP : heat stable toxin of ETEC
” labile in Air, stable on the Ground”
Bugs with exotoxins: Increase fluid secretion
Mimics the adenylate cyclase enzyme (inc cAMP)?
Over activates cAMP by permanently activating Gs?
Mimics the adenylate cyclase enzyme (inc cAMP)?
- Edema Factor of Bacillus Anthracis
Over activates cAMP by permanently activating Gs?
- Cholera Toxin of Vibrio Cholea
Bugs with exotoxins: Inhibit phagocytes ability
Overactivates cAMP by disabling Gi, impairing phagocytosis to permit bacterial survival
Pertussis toxin: Bordetella pertussis
Very low infective dose
Pseudo appendicitis
Yersinia enterocolitica
- bloody diarrhea
Comma shaped or S shaped grows at 42C
Comma shaped organism, rice water diarrhea
Comma shaped or S shaped grows at 42C: Campybacter
Comma shaped organism, rice water diarrhea: V. Cholera
Bloody diarrhea
Campylobacter Salmonella Shigella EHEC E. coli Enteroinvasive E. coli Yersinia enterocolitica Entamoeba histolytica
Watery diarrhea
Enterotoxigenic E. coli Vibrio cholera C. difficile C perfringes GiarDIA Cryptosporidium Rotavirus Novo virus
Organisms capable of antigenic variation
Borrelia recurrentis : epidemic relapsing fever : human louse Salmonella sp Trypanosomes Neisseria gonorrhea Influenza virus
Virus that inactive tumor suppressor genes p53 and Rb
Human papilloma virus
E6 : p53
E7 : Rb
Gram positive rod in chain with a PROTEIN capsule
Bacillus anthracis
-capsule contains D glutamate
Bugs with exotoxins: Inhibit protein synthesis
Inactivates elongation factor (EF-2)
Diptheria toxin : C. Diptheria
Exotoxin A : P. aeruginosa
Bugs with exotoxins: Inhibit protein synthesis
Inactivates 60S ribosome by removing adenine from rRNA
Shiga toxin (ST) : Shigella sp. ( invades host cells)
Shiga-like toxin (SLT) : EHEC O157:H7 ( does not invade cells)
Bugs with exotoxins: Increase fluid secretion
Overactivates adenylate cyclase ( inc Cl into gut, H2O follows) ?
Overactivates guanylate cyclase (dec resorption of NaCl) ?
Inc cAMP : heat labile toxin of ETEC
Inc cGMP : heat stable toxin of ETEC
” labile in Air, stable on the Ground”
Bugs with exotoxins: Increase fluid secretion
Mimics the adenylate cyclase enzyme (inc cAMP)?
Over activates cAMP by permanently activating Gs?
Mimics the adenylate cyclase enzyme (inc cAMP)?
- Edema Factor of Bacillus Anthracis
Over activates cAMP by permanently activating Gs?
- Cholera Toxin of Vibrio Cholea
Bugs with exotoxins: Inhibit phagocytes ability
Overactivates cAMP by disabling Gi, impairing phagocytosis to permit bacterial survival
Pertussis toxin: Bordetella pertussis
Very low infective dose
Pseudo appendicitis
Yersinia enterocolitica
- bloody diarrhea
Comma shaped or S shaped grows at 42C
Comma shaped organism, rice water diarrhea
Comma shaped or S shaped grows at 42C: Campybacter
Comma shaped organism, rice water diarrhea: V. Cholera
Bloody diarrhea
Campylobacter Salmonella Shigella EHEC E. coli Enteroinvasive E. coli Yersinia enterocolitica Entamoeba histolytica
Watery diarrhea
Enterotoxigenic E. coli Vibrio cholera C. difficile C perfringes GiarDIA Cryptosporidium Rotavirus Novo virus
Organisms capable of antigenic variation
Borrelia recurrentis : epidemic relapsing fever : human louse Salmonella sp Trypanosomes Neisseria gonorrhea Influenza virus
Virus that inactive tumor suppressor genes p53 and Rb
Human papilloma virus
E6 : p53
E7 : Rb
Organisms capable of antigenic variation
Borrelia recurrentis : epidemic relapsing fever : human louse Salmonella sp Trypanosomes Neisseria gonorrhea Influenza virus
Virus that inactive tumor suppressor genes p53 and Rb
Human papilloma virus
E6 : p53
E7 : Rb