Microbial Growth at a Cellular Level Flashcards
What is generation time
doubling time
What are the 5 steps of septation
selection of site where septum will be formed
assembly of the FtsZ ring
linkage of the FtsZ ring to plasma membrane
assembly of the cell wall synthesizing machinery
constriction of the cell and septum formation
Where will the septum form in rod shaped organisms
the exact midpoint of the cell
The smallest concentration of MinC and minD is at the ___________
exact mid point
FtsZ is inhibited by large concentrations of ___________
minC and minD
What is the function of minE
forms an intracellular track
What does minD do?
rotates along the track made my minE
What are the four steps of cell wall synthesis?
autolysin activity
glycolase actvity
What is the function of autolysin activity
cleaves beta 1,4 glycosidic linkages between NAM and NAG
what is the function of glycosylase activity?
helps bind new sugars to existing sugars
What happens during transpeptidation?
forms new crosslink
where does transpeptidation get the energy from to form new crosslinks?
uses the removal of extra D-alanine to get the energy to form the crosslinks
What system do caulobacter use for chromosome replication
partioning system, par system
what are caulobacter?
stalked bacteria, commonly soil organisms, not pathogenic
In the par system, at replication initiation, we see the anchoring of psrent chromosomes to _______ pole of the cell
popz proteins are localized to the ________ pole in caulobacter
in the par system, parB binds to a _________ sequence within the original chromosome
what happens when parB binds to a specific parS sequence in a chromosome
once bound causes a conformational change that allows parB to bind to popZ
ParB = ______________
seeking sequence to bind
after binding popZ, replication goes on, and parB will find another _____ sequence, popZ will already be taken up, ______ (ATPase, motor protein) will bind to parB then energy will be used to move parB to other pole
parS, parA
In E.Coli (pathogenic), sepration occurs at the ______ of replication
____________ cuts/unlinks the chromosomes in E.coli
topioisomerase IV
__________ proteins grab the chromosomes as they gravitate to poles in E. Coli
___________ oscillate on an intracellular track, and have their highest concentration at the poles, with the lowest at the exact midpoint, why is this important?
MinC+D, allows the cell to know where the middle is
where are ftsZ molecules inserted? what is formed
at the exact midpoint, ftS ring
What is the function of FtsA and ZipA
cell membrane anchors
what is the function of FtsK
chromosome segregation (binds to chromosomes holding them in place)
what is the function of Ftsi
peptidoglycan synthesis (septum is forming while elongation is happening)
T/F there are multiple sites of elongation
What are the proteins involved in the divisome
FtsA, zipA, FtsK, Ftsi
the midpoint and other sites go through _____________ for cell wall elongation
cell wall synthesis
MreB sites = _____________
What are the functions of elongasomes
associated with plasma membrane
holds cell in the right shape, additional sites of peptidoglycan synthesis
MreB is homolgous to ________