Micro - Gram Negative Bacteria V Flashcards
gram negative rods
haemophilus influenza
bordetella pertussis
legionella pueumophila
all acquired through respiratory tract
capsule with invasive influenza
type B
nonencapsulated haemophilus influenza
only cause local infection
- otitis media in children
- resp disease in adults
patients with COPD with worsened wheezing, SOB, and cough
haemophilus influenza
acute epiglottitis
haemophilus influenza type B
sore throat and fever, stridor, unable to swallow, excessive saliva, epiglottis red cherry color
haemophilus influenza type B
acute eppiglotitis
most common cause of septic arthritis in infants
haemophilus influenza type B
commonly affects single joint
passive immunization
women in 8th month of pregnancy with h. influenza can be passed to breast milk
caused by haemophilus ducreyi
- painful genital ulcer
- unilateral painful swollen inguinal lymph node
ulcer and nodes coexist
chancroid vs. herpes
both painful lesions
- but chancroid - no fever
- herpes - myalgias and fever
lypmhogranuloma venereum
chlamydia trachomatis
- painless lymph nodes
- ulcer disappears before nodes enlarged
diagnosis in cases of genital ulcers
PCR multiplex
-amplifies and detects DNA all at same time
HACEK that cause endocarditis
haemophilus actinobacillus cardiobacterium eikenella kingella
bacterial vaginitis
caused by gardnerella vaginalis
labia pruritis, fishy odor vaginal discharge
bacterial vaginitis
-gardnerella vaginalis