Micro Ex 3: Review for Bacteria & Viruses Flashcards
What species of bacteria causes scarlet fever? What toxin is responsible? How does the gene for this toxin get passed between bacteria?
bacteria: Streptococcus pyogenes
toxin: erythogenic toxin
Transduction (bacteriophage)
What species of bacteria causes toxic shock syndrome? What toxin is responsible?
bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus
toxin: toxic shock syndrome toxin
What species of bacteria causes scalded skin syndrome? What toxin is reposible?
bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus
toxin: exfoliative toxin
What toxin is responsible for causing Staphylococcus aureus food poisoning? Is it common? Explain
toxin: enterotoxin
Yes, frequent culprit is unrefrigerated food that causes nausea, cramping, vomitting and diarrhea; lasts for 2-6 hours recovery is 24 hours
List 2 bacteria that can cause impetigo.
Staphylococcus aureus & Streptococcus pyogenes
What species of bacteria causes streptococcal pharyngitis?
Streptococcus pyogenes
What species of bacteria has been implicated as a cause of neonatal or puerperal infections & was primarily a cow pathogen? How is it grouped? How is it treated?
bacteria: Streptococcus agalactae
Group B
treatment: GBS infection antibiotics/vaccine
What is the most common cause of bacterial pneumonia? How is it prevented?
bacteria: Streptococcus pneumoniae
prevention: vaccine that makes the capsules more avirulent so WBCs can easily phagocytize the bacteria
List 2 bacteria that can cause STD’s that are frequently asymptomatic, and can lead to sterility in both males and females and increase the chances of ectopic pregnancy.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae & Chlamydia trachomatis
What used to be the most common bacterial meningitis in adults and older children (mandatory vaccine)?
Neisseria meningitidis
What used to be the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in young children (now the vaccinated against it)?
Hemophilus influenza
What disease is associated with stagnant water, fountains, water towers & institutional air-conditioning systems? What organism causes this disease?
disease: (Legionnaire’s disease)= legionellosis
organism: Legionella pneumophila
What organism is associated with blue-green pus in wound, lung & UTI?
organism: Pseudomonas aeruginosa
What organism causes tetanus or lockjaw? How do we get this organism usually? Symptoms?
organism: Clostridium tetani
get: dirty puncture wounds, burns, umbilical stumps, or needles
symptoms: severe uncontrollable spasms (large muscles); no control of breathing; death
What organism causes botulism? How do we get organism usually? Symptoms?
organism: Clostridium botulinum
get: food poisoning
symptoms: severe diarrhea & vomitting
What organism is the most common cause of gas gangrene? where spores found? What patients usually develop it? Why?
organism: Clostridium perfringens
get: anaerobic stagnant tissues & dirt
patients development of disease: diabetics
Why: sugar levels affect their circulation and therefore not much oxygen is brought to legs and feet (if wounded –> organism easily germinate)
What organism makes the antibiotic bactracin?
organism: Bacillus subtilis
What organism causes anthrax? Pulmonic vs Cutaneous
organism: Bacillus anthracis
pulmonic: inhaling spores & fatal
cutaneous: black ulcers forms on site of entrance
What food should not be given to children under a year of age? Disease linked? Why is it a problem for children under 1?
food: raw honey
disease: Botulism
why: immune system isn’t fully developed (infant paralysis)
List one organism that is associated with food poisoning from unpasteurized dairy products. is it mild or serious food poisoning? explain
organism: Listeria monocytogenes
Serious: 3rd leading case (rare but deadly germ)
What organism causes diptheria? Symptoms? How does it spread? Is it common in US today?
organism: Corynebacterium diptheria
Symptoms: 1. throat infection 2. pharyngeal symptoms-suffocation; later: classic toxemia
Spread: bloodstream
Not common
What organism causes TB? How is it spread? Is it infectious? Explain. Is it pandemic?
organism: Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Spread: droplets in close quarters
very infectious
global pandemic (worldwide)
What organism causes leprosy? What animal carries this organism?
organism: Mycobacterium leprae
animal: armadillos
List an acid-fast genus.
List a genus or spore-forming aerobes. List a disease linked with it.
genus: Bacillus
disease: anthrax
List a genus or spore-forming anaerobes. List 4 diseases linked with it.
genus: Clostridium
disease: Tetanus, Botulism, Gas Gangrene & Clostidium difficile infection
What organism causes whooping cough? How is it spread? Prevention? Is it still an issue?
organism: Bordetella pertussis
Spread: by droplets
Prevention: TdaP boosters-adults; DTaP- children
Still an issue (vaccination rate decreasing)
What genus of bacteria is used in industry to clean up organic wastes, since it live in characteristically hostile environments?
genus: Pseudomonas
What are coliforms? give an example.
rapid lactose fermenters
example: E.coli & Klebsiella
What are noncoliforms? give an example.
doesn’t ferment lactose or weakly ferment lactose
example: (Opportunist)- proteus; (Enteric Pathogens)- salmonella; (Nonenteric pathogens)- yersinisa pestis
What is the most common cause of traveler’s diarrhea?
E. coli from water and food in the countries
What is the most common cause of UTI’s in females? Where does it come from & how do they get it?
cause: E.coli
Comes from: normal flora
how: primary or opportunistic infection from the normal flora
What enteric pathogen is spread by reptiles, poultry, and raw eggs? What does it cause?
enteric pathogen: Salmonella
Cause: severe diarrhea & vomiting for several days
What causes typhoid fever? Where can the causative agent be chronically carried in the host?
cause: Salmonella typhi
Chronically location: gallbladder
What organism cause bacillary dysentery?
organism: Shigella dysenteriae
What organism causes the plague? How is it spread? Black death? Occur in US? Explain.
organism: Yersinia pestis
spread: by fleas from rodents –> people
Black death because its a virulent diease
Endemic in Western Rocky Mt States, US
What organism usually causes bacterial conjunctivitis?
organism: Hemophilus aegyptius
What organism causes syphilis? How is it spread? Contrast Primary, secondary & teritary syphilis.
organism: Treponema pallidum
spread: sexually transmitted disease
Primary: chancre(single sore); Secondary: rash(measles & chickenpox); Teritary: Gummae (lesions formed when left untreated
What organism causes Lyme disease? How is it spread? Symptoms early on?
organism: Borrelia burgdorferi
Spread: by hard ticks (deer ticks)
Early Stage Symptoms: bull’s eye rash
What organism causes stomach ulcers? If not treated, what can it lead to? How is it normally treated?
organism: Helicobacter pylori
not treated: stomach cancer
normally treated: like an infection ~ antibiotics
What organism causes cholera? How is it spread?
organism: Campylobacter jejuni
spread: food & water contaminated by animal feces
What organism is associated with saltwater, & problem in Gulf oysters summers ago? (can be picked up by shrimpers or swimmers with broken skin)
organism: Vibrio parahaemolyticus
What organism is associated with fatal respiratory infections in asthmatics & may be a factor in fatal heart attacks?
organism: Chlamydia pneumoniae
List several organisms that cause food poisoning. List some ways to not get food poisoning.
organisms: Vibrio parahaemolyticus; Campylobacter jejuni; Salmonella; Clostridium botulism
preventions: meat and food cooked properly; check expiration dates; wash hands; avoid unpasteurized products, etc