Micro EX 1: Microbiology Flashcards
Study of bacteria
The study of microorganisms, includes bacteria, fungi, viruses and pathogenic Protozoa, and the diseases they cause
Examples of bacteriology
E. Coli, staph, strep, salmonella
Study of fungi
Examples of mycology
Yeast, ring worms and mushrooms
Study of viruses
Examples of virology
HIV, Colds, Rhinovirus and influenza
Study of parasites
Examples of parasitology
Worms and protozoans
Study of protozoans
Examples of protozology
Paramecium, amoeba, plasmodium
Study of parasitic worms
Examples of helminthology
Flukes, tapeworms, and hookworms
Scientific naming system is called
Binomial nomenclature
What kingdom?
- eukaryotes
- multicellular
- photosynthetic usually
- cell wall made of cellulose
What kingdom?
- eukaryotes (true nucleus)
- multicellular
- ingest food usually
- no cell wall
What kingdom?
- eukaryotes
- unicellular of multicellular
- saprophytic usually
- cell wall usually chitin
What kingdom?
- eukaryotes
- unicellular or multicellular
- ingest food (protozoans) or photosynthetic (algae other than blue green)
- cell wall in algae usually cellulose & protozoans have no cell wall
Protista “junk drawer”
What kingdom?
- prokaryotes
- unicellular
- saprophytes or photosynthetic usually
- cell wall normally peptidoglycan
Monera (eubacteria & archae)
Examples of monera (eubacteria & archae)
Bacteria, blue-green algae=Cyanobacteria
Examples of kingdom Protista
Paramecium, amoeba, kelp, sargassum, euglena, diatoms
Examples of kingdom fungi
Mushrooms, yeast, ringworm, penicillium
Examples of kingdom animalia
Parasitic worms, flies, mosquitoes, ticks people
Example of kingdom plantae
All flowering plants, mosses, ferns
What kingdoms are eukaryotes?
Protista, fungi, animalia, plantae
What kingdoms are prokaryotes?
Monera (Archaebacteria & Eubacteria)
Kingdom Monera is now split into the:
Eubacteria & archaebacteria
In binomial nomenclature the genus is ________ & the whole name is ___________ or _____________
Capitalized; italicized or underlined