MEDIA - What is the Postmodernist View of the Media? Flashcards
What is the definition of ‘Decline in Metanarratives’?
The decline in expert knowledge and ‘big stories’
What is the definition of ‘Polysemic’?
A range of different meanings based on one’s own understanding!
What is the definition of ‘Convergence Technology’?
A range of media accessed from one place, such as the smartphone!
What do Postmodernists say has happened to the media? HINT: Increased…
They say that there has been an increase in both content and an expansion of ownership!
What do Postmodernists believe has happened in regards to the ownership of media? HINT: Increased…
They believe that there has been an increase in ownership; they go against the Marxist view that media ownership is concentrated (goes against Bagdikian’s research).
They believe that it is impossible to control the output of media, so people get bombarded with messaged!
Due to their belief in a wide range of ownership in regards to the media, what do they believe happens to people due to media saturation? HINT: Selective…
They believe that people become unable to process the content, which then leads them to be selective in what media content they choose to consume and when.
What is the consequence of people choosing what information that consume / being selective in their media consumption?
It removes critical thinking and opposition; people absorb and take in content that reaffirms their views –> The creation of echo-chambers!
TRUE OR FALSE: Postmodernists believe that people DO NOT have choice and power over what is produced and what they consume!
FALSE = Postmodernists believe that people DO have choice and power over what is produced and what they consume!
What does Baudrillard study and identify?
Hyper-reality and Simulacra!
(BAUDRILLARD) What does Hyper-reality mean and what Example does he identify?
Hyper-reality = people cannot work out what is real and what is not!
EG: The Iraq War in 2003 –> What people saw on TV did not seem real; they could not differentiate between reality and the ‘fake and structured’ things they saw on TV
What does Levene argue? HINT: Reject manipulation!
Levene argues that there is fluid ownership of media and this means that people can reject manipulation from owners!
Give some Examples of things that have led individuals to no longer trust the media? HINT: There are 4 examples here; name as many as you can!
- Use of green screens
- Spread of fake news and moral panics
- ‘Deep fakes’ and the increasing use of AI
- Hyper-reality and simulacra
What does Lyotard argue? HINT: Decline in Metanarratives
Rejection of Metanarratives = Lyotard believed that this led to the distrust of experts and leads to the creation of ‘fake news; that is used to discredit experts –> People can create their own narratives and their own communities using social media
What is the name of people who create their own metanarratives?
Citizen Journalists –> Also an active, participatory audience!
Due to mass media being more global (due to globalisation), what does this offer the world population? HINT: Choice
People are offered more CHOICE in their way they choose to consume and also create media!
Due to media being more global (due to globalisation), what happens in regards to global awareness? HINT: Increases
Global awareness is OPENED UP and it INCREASES, due to mass media being global; this allows people access to a range of diverse cultures and brings audiences and consumers more opportunities and features to bring into their own identities!
TRUE OR FALSE: Postmodernists believe that the audience is CONSTRAINED by the limited horizons of local cultures!
FALSE = Postmodernists believe that the audience is UNCONSTRAINED by the limited horizons of local cultures!
What Sociologist identified Global Popular Culture?
(STRINATI) Explain what Strinati identified in relation to Global Popular Culture!
STRINATI = They found that the media is powerful in shaping consumer choices. Popular culture and information about celebrities bombard us daily (sometimes even hourly)! This bombardment dominates the way we define ourselves.
This means that the media induced images, styles, brands and trends are more important than the quality of the product. In films it’s the special effects rather than the quality of the plot that is more important –> Use of logos and images and trends to get our attention = EG: Nike and Disney!
What Sociologist found out that media messages in a postmodern world are ‘Polysemic’?
(TROWLER) explain what Trowler means by ‘Polysemic messages’?
Can you provide an Example?
Media messages in the postmodern world are ‘polysemic’ This means that they are interpreted in a variety of ways, which makes it more difficult for any one message to be more powerful than the other!
An Example of this can be Emojis = EG: The ‘thumbs up’ emoji –> people may use this in a sarcastic tone, to show they agree with something, to show their support for something or just use it to follow the trends!
What Sociologist discovered Hyper-reality and Simulacra?
(BAUDRILLARD) Describe what Baudrillard identified in regards to Hyper-reality and Simulacra?
We live in a media saturated society - Images distort and dominate the way we see the world.
This means that media images replace reality. TV news presents a sanitised view of war - they became media-constructed spectacles to gaze at –> They are seen as being ‘unreal’ (more like Hollywood movies or computer games) = Hyper-reality = EG: The Iraq War in 2003!
The media creates a Simulacra = Artificial, ‘make-believe’ images or reproductions of real events which are nothing like the real world by are views simultaneously across the globe –> Creates a distorted view of society!
(BAUDRILLARD) Explain what happened in regards to Coronation Street in 1998 and how this links to Hyper-Reality!
The British public started a grassroots campaign to ‘free the Weatherfield one’; even politicians got involved! –> Tony Blair (the PM) said that he would get the Home Secretary involved –> This is a FAKE TV show; but look at influence it has –> Can people distinguish between what is real and what is fake?
What Sociologist identified the fact that Reality TV shows were blurring the lines between reality and HYper-reality?
Garrod - Links to Baudrillard!
(GARROD) Explain what Garrod found, in regards to Reality TV shows?
Can you provide an Example? HINT: Think about Pewdiepie and other gamers!
Reality TV shows, parody and social networking and video-sharing sites are blurring the distinction between reality and ‘Hyper-reality’. This means that the audience are confused about what is real and what is not (blurred lines between reality).
EG: Watching people playing Minecraft and also parody programmes and satirical TV shows!
What Two features underpin Postmodern societies? HINT: G and C!
TRUE OR FALSE: Postmodernists believe that the norm in a postmodern world is COMPLEX (there is not one deep or absolute true meaning anymore)!
TRUE OR FALSE: Postmodernists believe that owners, editors and journalists CANNOT influence the audience and consumer anymore because of ‘Hyper-reality) and the polysemic messages of the media!
EXTRA QUESTION: What Sociologist identified polyemic messages?
The Sociologist is TROWLER!
Is there MORE or LESS distinction between producers and consumers in Postmodern societies?
LESS DISTINCTION –> Due to Citizen Journalism = Individuals are reinventing the media in imaginative ways –> EG: Vloggers, bloggers and social network uploading!
What are the 4 Evaluation Points for Postmodernism? HINT: VESPa
V = VAGUE arguments –> Lack of Evidence
E = EXAGGERATE the impact of the ‘Information Explosion’ to create change
S = STRUCTURAL INEQUALITIES in levels of power are IGNORED –> Not everyone has the same access to the media to change everyday lives (ignores exploitation in regards to class, gender and ethnicity)
Pa = PASSIVITY has been created NOT Active Participation!