MEDIA - Representations of Disability in the Media Flashcards
What Sociologist speaks about the Mass Media Representations of Disability being Oppressive and Negative?
(BARNES) What does Barnes say about Media Representations of Disabled People? HINT: Oppressive and Negative!
He argues that mass media representations of disability have generally been OPPRESSIVE and NEGATIVE.
People with disabilities are rarely presented as people with their own identities. Barnes notes several common media representations of people with disabilities!
(BARNES) What are the several common Media Representations of People with Disabilities? HINT: There are 8 here, but remember as many as you can; aim to remember 2-3!
- In need of pity and charity – He claims that this stereotype has grown in popularity in recent years because of television appeals. EG: Children in Need.
- As victims – Barnes found that when people with disabilities are featured in television drama, they are three times more likely than able-bodied characters to be killed off.
- As villains – People with disabilities are often portrayed as criminals or monsters. EG: Villians in James Bond films often have a physical impairment; Captain Hook in Disney.
- As super-cripples – Barnes notes that people with disabilities are often portrayed as having special powers or as overcoming their impairment and poverty. In Hollywood films, the impaired male body is often visually represented as a perfect physical specimen in a wheelchair. Ross notes that disability issues have to be sensational, unexpected or heroic in order to be interpreted by journalists as newsworthy and reported on.
- As a burden – TV documentaries and news features often focus on carers rather than the people with disabilities.
- As sexually abnormal – It is assumed by media representations that people with disabilities do not have sexual feelings or that they are sexually degenerate.
- As incapable of participating fully in community life – Barnes calls this the stereotype of omission and notes that people with disabilities are rarely shown as integral and productive members of the community such as students, teachers or parents.
- As ordinary or normal – Barnes argues that the media rarely portray people with disabilities as normal people who just happen to have a disability. They consequently fail to reflect the real, everyday experience of disability.
(BARNES) Give an Example of Disabled People being portrayed and represented as ‘A Burden’!
As a burden = Negative and inaccurate portrayals of mental health conditions in TV shows, such as with OCD. Also, diseases such as Dementia and MS, are portrayed through the painful experiences of carers - People with disabilities are portrayed as vulnerable!
Other Examples include shows like ‘The Undateables’!
What does Shakespeare suggest about Media Representations of Disability? HINT: Lack depth; the impairment is focused on more than the person!
Can you Provide any Examples?
He suggests that media portrayals of disability lack depth, as they focus on the impairment rather than the individual!
Impairments of superheroes, such as Daredevil and Professor X, are presented as a large part of their identity, whilst instead of viewing the individuals as a whole and their personality.
What Sociologist suggests that Mass Media Representations of Disabled people focus on pity and that telethons can create problems for Disabled People?
What does Williams-Findlay suggest about Disability in the Media? HINT: ‘Tragic’!
He says that disability is often ignored in the news media. When it is spoken about, the media normally focuses on the ‘tragic’ elements and features of having or living with a disability!
What does Watson et al suggest about what disability is portrayed alongside with? HINT: Links to Murray and the ‘underclass’!
They suggest that Disability is often portrayed alongside Welfare Dependency!
(ROPER) Explain how the portray as Disabled People in telethons can create pity and Problems for Disabled People!
The limited representation of ordinary life of those who may have impairments has created an oversensationalisation as either ‘tragic’ or ‘heroic’ - This is problematic, and means that Disabled People are limited, defined and confined by their Disability as their only feature!
Links to Children in Need telethons and Operation Smile UK - They focus on the fact that Disabled People need help and support, which generates pity from the audience!
What does Karpf suggest about Media Representations of Disabled People, in regards to Telethons? HINT: Grateful and Dependent Receivers!
Karpf suggests that there is a need for charities, but that Telethons act to keep the audience in the position of the ‘heroic’ givers and to keep recipients in their place as ‘grateful and dependent’!
(KARPF) Explain the Impact of Charities and Telethons, such as Children in Need, in helping to maintain receivers place as ‘grateful and dependent’!
They aim to raise money for disabled people, by rely too heavily on ‘cute’ children who are not representative of disabled people in the UK; ignoring ‘hidden disabilities’ and relying on happy, smiling children (not showing perhaps the true reflective, debilitative nature of some Disabilities)!
(KARPF) Explain the Impact of Charities and Telethons, such as Operation Smile UK, in helping to maintain receivers place as ‘grateful and dependent’!
A charity that look into supporting and helping children with those with a cleft lip or palate and helping them to ‘gain a beautiful smile’!
(KARPF) What is the Impact on the Audience when the donate and give money to Telethons for Disabled People and Charities? HINT: Feel ‘heroic’!
Creates a feeling of ‘heroism’ and superiority for the audience - However, this perhaps reinforces the idea that less abled people are always dependent on others, which brings about the problematic media portrayl that they are a ‘burden’ on their families!
What is the Pluralist Perspective of the Representation of Disability in the Media?
They believe that the representations of disability in the media acts as a Democratic Mirror.
As the ‘dominant medical view’ in society is that having a disability is both dysfunctional for the individual and for society, this is the view that the media selects and chooses to present - Media representations of disabilities just mirror the anxiety regarding these issues in society! They also argue that media representations of disabled people often portray the reality of the everyday conditions of them and their carers!
What is the Hegemonic Marxist Perspective of the Representation of Disability in the Media?
White, middle-class, able-bodied journalists are continuing to accidentally preach the hegemonic view in society; this creates fear regarding people with disabilities and also may lead to moral panic regarding certain issues, due to a lack of education of these issues and misrepresentations in the media!
What is the Traditional Marxist Perspective of the Representation of Disability in the Media?
The owners are manipulating the media in order to demonise people with disabilities and make them feel weak and vulnerable, in order to act as a distraction in society, and maintain, reproduce and legitimise the existence of capitalism and the exploitation system that exists in society! → People with disabilities may become ‘Folk Devils’ due to how the media demonises them!
What is the Feminist Perspective of the Representation of Disability in the Media?
Believe that the media negatively represents those with disabilities - It maintains the patriarchy; these representations act as a distraction from the patriarchy and the exploitative system that women endure in society!
Suggest that black women who have disabilities are the most underrepresented group in society, in regards to media representation - Influence of the patriarchy in oppressing women!
What is the Postmodernist Perspective of the Representation of Disability in the Media?
The development of New Media has allowed diversity online for individuals with disabilities to share their own experiences on apps such as TikTok and Twitter. This has allowed for more knowledge and greater representation to be shared within communities regarding disabilities, especially mental health issues - There is more choice and flexibility with the media, as seen with the emergence of citizen journalists who can share their own stories and the fact that people can create their own echo-chambers (but this may negatively reinforce certain stereotypes about disabled people).
What is the Topic Link to Ownership, in regards to the Representation of Disability in the Media?
Bagdikian = 6 companies own 90% of the media - Lack of disabled people who own and control media companies (and also work in media companies) suggests a reason for the lack of representation and also the lack of knowledge regarding disabilities in the media!
Due to the narrow ownership of the media, the media’s representation of disabled people becomes homogenised and revolves more on the ‘negative’ and physical attributes of having a disability and not any of the other qualities or on ‘hidden disabilities’.
What is the Topic Link to New Media, in regards to the Representation of Disability in the Media?
New Media technology, such as the smartphone, has allowed information to be shared across the world (via globalisation) and has allowed for positive representations of disabilities to be shared and so allows people to challenge incorrect or a lack of representation in the media = This can be seen with the Roald Dahl film ‘The Witches’, which was criticised by the charity ‘Reach’ for its poor representation of limb differences and the accusations that this would create fear regarding this disabilities, especially in the younger generation (2020).
What is the Topic Link to News Selection and Presentation, in regards to the Representation of Disability in the Media?
Galtung and Ruge → News Values: Negativity - People with disabilities are often portrayed negatively in the media - Demonised!
News Values - Focus on the jaw-dropping and eye-catching stories that focus on the negatives of having a disability and presents less abled people as a ‘burden on their family’ - Alienated individuals and removes the representation on ‘hidden disabilities’ too, such as mental illnesses!
What is the Topic Link to Globalisation and Culture, in regards to the Representation of Disability in the Media?
The increase in globalisation has led to the spread of knowledge regarding different disabilities and the ways in which people live with their disabilities in their everyday lives!
The presence of online communities, such as with TikTok, as groups of individuals who bond and share their experiences regarding different mental health disabilities.