measuring muscles Flashcards
why do we test muscle strength
because important in every aspect of life
sport/ hobbies
require knowledge for muscle testing
insertion point
muscle action and function
surface anat
factors that affect strength
what to test
muscle condition
(strength, endurance, power, length)
muscle control
(recrutiment, coordination, ballance, proprioception)
maximal strength
max amount of force that muscle can voluntary produce
maximal endurance
ability of muscle/ group to produce repeatitive contraction against resistance
or isometric contraction over time being held
muscle power
muscular velocity and force
selection of appropriate tool to test muscle condition
muscle capability
what test can we use
manual muscle testing
function test
intergrate muscle condition and control
useful for screening tool
walking- 10 meter walk test, timed up and go test, 6 minute walk test, STS, squat, bridge, hop, jump, running
instrumental test
isokenetic test- test a specific muscle group
isotonic test-
isometric test
instrument test
hand hel dynamotery
isometric test
adv- potable, high reliability, high sensitivitity
disad- expensive, unreliable with large force, poor validity
manual muscle testing
used to determine,
extent of muscle injury
exten of muscle weakness
adv- convinent, versatile, quick to apply,
dis adv- poor sensitivity, unreliable, physical limitations of therapist
Full ROM
When muscle changes from a fully lengthned position to a fully shorten position
outer range
refers to the portion of the full range between muscle fully lengthened and half-way through range.
last half of lengthning
inner range
The inner range is the portion of the full range between muscle fully shortened and half-way through range.